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Harm Reduction Benzo and Kratom Mix


Dec 26, 2020
Hey all.

I’ve seen some general posts about kratom and Xanax mixes, all generally discouraging it.

I typically try to avoid on same day. But today I took a kratom dose and then was fighting off a panic attack so needed Xanax. I’m in very low dose amounts for both, but wanted to be explicit and get input so I don’t worry myself and bring on another panic attack worrying about it.

My dose of kratom was 0.5 tsp (~1.2g) of green Maenga Da. My typical dose is around 1.0-1.5 tsp (~2.4-3.6g) around twice per week total.

My Xanax dose was also lower than normal. I took 0.35mg (it was a cut pill but probably more than half of the 0.5mg). My normal dose is 0.5m mg maybe 1-2x per week on high anxiety days.

So first question - can I relax with the mix at these levels?

Second question - should I definitely avoid taking any more of each today?
What is your concern?

Those doses are very low, and even at very high doses of both, there is little risk. The only risk might be high doses of extracts plus high doses of benzos.
Ok wasn’t sure how strong the interaction is. Was worried about things like breathing suppression. So it sounds like little interaction unless using very potent doses of either/both.

Sounds like even in my normal dosage range of 3-4g kratom and 0.5mg benzo, it’s pretty safe?

Thank you. Just like to be super sure before ever mixing even at low dosage.