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Blackouts that don't seem to make sense


Moderator: EADD
Staff member
Aug 9, 2022
in the middle of the tuesday-wednesday night, I suddenly realized I had no idea when or how did I get into the shower. I wasn't technically so drunk I should have been experiencing blackout, but it seems like, according to many of my friends too, that you can get so drunk that memory decides to just not record shit until becomes trigger that wakes it up functioning again. And from there on, my memory functioned perfectly again. I did not even remember waking and getting up from the bed but I felt rested so I must have been sleeping. Alcohol blackouts are weird.

Another time, there had been a fight, and I ran from the parties, covered in defensive menthol spray coloring and black eye, controlled only by feral instincts. Neighbour in the area I did know nothing, had apparently called the cops. When the cops turned on to the innocent, probably frightful persons yard staring at my incoherent, confusing habitus from window, I snapped out of it "WHHAATTT THEE FUCKK IS THIS PLACE WHATT THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED" and I could not help the cops anymore than telling there was a fight*, but could make memory about everything from there on.

*but it was actually the first fight, I did not even know there was a second fight later, until my friends told me.

My friend also had walked/cycled home from parties with no memory of it whatsoever, and when he was on outdoor finding keys, they realized they could not remember shit from two minutes back, but they had to conclude they had just recently made all the way home.

(off-topic) anyway, I could score ksalol yesterday, took two, they were so strong, they turned me into almost opiate-like nod and slowness, but none of the euphoria or other effects associated to it. I ate large feta pizza, came home, cleaned up all the vomit, smoked bowl of hash in tobacco and went to sleep for fucking 12 hours.
Much better, now only my shoulders are achy for all the sleeping. Took some paracetamol and one ksalol. Drinking green tea. (off-topic)
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Blackouts = Time Travel

I'm not drunk sir, I'm just from the future.

Music Video Police GIF by Andrew W. K.

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I am familiar with reactionary dissociative episodes, sometimes very strong.

One guy I knew, who has now died, loathed drinking (yes, it is disgusting). He got fucking crazy of it and eventually their alter ego took over drunk. Alter ego loved drinking. I recall it was mainly in control for 3 weeks in row once.
What you're describing is what's generally referred to as a 'brownout' or Fragmentary blackouts. This is a form of anterograde amnesia triggered by an escalation of BAC into the range of 0.20%. In very intolerant drinkers, it may occur as low as 0.14% BAC. The thing about alcohol tolerance is that it minimizes initial effects of alcohol intoxication, leaving people seeming relatively normal despite having a rising blood alcohol level. Typically, as your BAC surpasses .06-.08 - the effects of alcohol change from stimulation and euphoria and begin to become more intoxicating/sedating and unpredictable (this is known as the Biphasic Effect of alcohol intoxication). BAC above .10 is when the majority of negative effects of alcohol intoxication begin to appear (dizziness, sedation, nausea, unpredictable emotions, hypervigilance, etc.) - many of these initial symptoms are physiological warning signs that dissuade the drinker from consuming more alcohol, however, as a person becomes more tolerant to the effects of alcohol, you simply stop noticing most of the effects of low BAC up until some difficult to define point in which you cross the threshold into BACs which are beyond your tolerance. Someone can go from seeming perfectly normal one moment, to incredibly fucked up moments later. This is especially likely to occur when someone is drinking very rapidly, as there is less time to adjust to the increase in alcohol content.

Fragmentary blackouts can indicate that you are beginning to reach the point of total loss of self-awareness but haven't quite made it there yet, OR can be triggered by a sudden awareness of some type of threat and resulting spike in metabolic processes such as adrenaline release, momentarily bringing someone back into focus.

From wikipedia:
Fragmentary blackouts are characterized by a person having the ability to recall certain events from an intoxicated period, and yet being unaware that other memories are missing until reminded of the existence of those 'gaps' in memory. Research indicates that such fragmentary blackouts, also known as "brownouts", are far more common than en bloc blackouts.[10] Memory impairment during acute intoxication involves dysfunction of episodic memory, a type of memory encoded with spatial and social context. Recent studies have shown that there are multiple memory systems supported by discrete brain regions, and the acute effects of alcohol and learning and memory may result from alteration of the hippocampus and related structures on a cellular level. A rapid increase in blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is most consistently associated with the likelihood of a blackout. However, not all subjects experience blackouts which implies that genetic factors play a role in determining central nervous system (CNS) vulnerability to the effects of alcohol. The former may predispose an individual to alcoholism, as altered memory function during intoxication may affect an individual's alcohol expectancy, one may perceive positive aspects of intoxication while unintentionally ignoring the negative aspects.
Fuck ya ive had some epic blackouts on alcohol more when i was younger though and would do shit like chug straight liquor. One time i chugged a 750ml bottle of jim beam then went clubbing and i have a good 10 or 12 hours in there i cant remember at all as i was blacked out until i woke up the next day.

These days i only tend to blackout when i stupidly mix zopiclone or benzos with booze. The dangerous thing about being blacked out is delusions of sobriety goddamn they can kick your ass bad. Oh im not fucked up at all i am perfectly fine lol
The only blackout I had that didn't make sense, or scared me was shortly after a psychiatrist in my teens put me on Wellbutrin and I started having random, short blackouts, like walking to the store, I'd turn out of the driveway, blink and be a half mile down the road in the parking lot, having crossed a very busy 4 lane highway. I'd be sober as well. Fucked that, right quick like.

All the other blackouts made sense, I earned em. 😁
Probably the booze, mate.

Could be a mini stroke though. Do you live on your own?

I'd cut back on the booze, bud. Could be a lot worse next time. Hope you're fine though.
Ksalol (alprazolam) = Anterograde Amnesia [the inability to form new memories = blackout]
That shit stays in the body for a long time too.
Be careful bud ...