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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Class A + Exercise

That's a pretty broad question. Class A in the UK contains many unrelated compounds and you haven't asked anything about dose. Mechanism and dose are extremely important when considering the effects of drugs
That's a pretty broad question. Class A in the UK contains many unrelated compounds and you haven't asked anything about dose. Mechanism and dose are extremely important when considering the effects of drugs
Say Adderall and Meth for Combat sports or running lol.
Yeah, I mean (m)amphetamines can be bad for you when combined with strenuous exercise for sure.
That's odd.

I run and last better on it. Ran 5ks easily without sore muscles.
Well yeah, they're certainly useful for that purpose and have been used quite a lot, and work to overcome mental and physical fatigue. It's just not healthy long term, I believe it fucks with your heart. I'm not sure exactly what it is personally, but I know we've had this conversation before.
I can see low doses being fine, particularly with methamphetamine compared to amphetamine due to the difference in tissue distribution. LOW dose should be emphasized