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Kratom Hydrocodone How Long After Kratom


Jun 30, 2022
Well, I threw my back out moderately and need to self care today... and get some work done
So, I'll do some Kratom here in a minute and carefully git 'er done. Then I want to take a Hydrocodone or two and rest.
Hydro's are hard to get anymore, but my lady and myself have 4 or 5 stashed for emergencies.
So, I want to get every last bit of effect I can from the Hydro.

How long after a dose of Kratom until any opiate antagonist effects are gone?
I'm aware that the antagonist effects are not too strong and I've taken Kratom and Hydro's together before to good effect.
I get that, but today I want to squeeze every last bit of relief from the Hydro. I medically need it.

My tolerance to Kratom is very low, not much more of a tolerance to Hdro.
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I had done research on this too, experience also helps. I do not think it is antagonism, I think it is agonism and kratom has a higher binding affinity than some of the weaker opiates. Sounds logical. So it is simple tolerance. And it lasts a few days. I took 20 mgs of oxycodone 2 days after I stopped kratom once and it was still muted. Took at least 4-6 days if I were to guess.

I have a little stash of pain pills that I never took over the years for this very reason. Some are over 10 years old. Saving them for when I am months off kratom. Also for or this reason, kratom helped me STOP going into medicine cabinets of my inlaws (who had a lot of pills they just threw in a drawer) and other family's cabinets.. I am happy about that. We all know how it is looking through family's cabinets knowing they have stuff they will never take. Kratom stopped that habit and now I can never do that again. Just being honest. (c'mon some of you would still go into cabinets lol)
I had done research on this too, experience also helps. I do not think it is antagonism, I think it is agonism and kratom has a higher binding affinity than some of the weaker opiates. Sounds logical. So it is simple tolerance. And it lasts a few days. I took 20 mgs of oxycodone 2 days after I stopped kratom once and it was still muted. Took at least 4-6 days if I were to guess.

I have a little stash of pain pills that I never took over the years for this very reason. Some are over 10 years old. Saving them for when I am months off kratom. Also for or this reason, kratom helped me STOP going into medicine cabinets of my inlaws (who had a lot of pills they just threw in a drawer) and other family's cabinets.. I am happy about that. We all know how it is looking through family's cabinets knowing they have stuff they will never take. Kratom stopped that habit and now I can never do that again. Just being honest. (c'mon some of you would still go into cabinets lol)
Ouch. Days, not hours.

No proper experimentation for experience today here.
Kept the Kratom low so's it was stimulation and after I was done working I took a long walk in the park. Beautiful day here and a local park has a nice trail. The work loosened me up and the walk worked out a lot of the residual soreness.
Ibuprofen for a few days and I can maybe save those (also many years old) Hydros for taking with pot and a couple Lyrica, as should be. ;)

Thanks for the input! I would still like to hear other's experiences, opinions, if y'all feel like weighing in.

Edited to add: Because you know your shit. What causes the ceiling with Kratom?
I am sure a lot of us are book/internet/opinion smart. We can only read what we research and pick and choose what makes the most sense. I think the ceiling effect is because of kratom's partial agonism. But I too would like to hear others chime in. I notice morphine will completely overide kratom at anythime. Lighter opiates like hydro, codeine and even oxycodone are affected until kratom is out of the system a bit unless a large dose is used.

Now I say that I read posts here where people use kratom one day, their oxy the next and back and forth and notice no real diminishment of the oxy or the kratom. So I always found that interesting. I remember taking 50 mgs of hydro and did not feel much about 15-20 hours after kratom.

BTW for my hydrocodone itself neve did much for me anyway, l always asked for codeine after I had been offered hydrocodone by a doctor and said hydro does not do much. Not sure why codeine is way better for me. Yet hydro is more sought out by others.
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I am sure a lot of us are book/internet/opinion smart. We can only read what we research and pick and choose what makes the most sense. I think the ceiling effect is because of kratom's partial agonism. But I too would like to hear others chime in. I notice morphine will completely overide kratom at anythime. Lighter opiates like hydro, codeine and even oxycodone are affected until kratom is out of the system a bit unless a large dose is used.
This was my one and only experience--

I had been on a moderate daily dose of kratom for about a year (used it to kick my oxy/hydro habit). I took no other opioids nor opiates during that time. One of my former connections came by my house with his newly-filled script of 20mg oxycodone. He needed some quick cash so I bought three pills. I waited 2 days, chewed 'em up and washed 'em down with hot coffee on an empty stomach (my favored method of consumption). That 60mg of oxy felt like about 10mg of hydro.

It was a valuable lesson. I am still on the kratom and I'm never tempted to backslide into my former addiction. It would take too much planning and too much patience-- neither of which are my strong suits.
I am sure a lot of us are book/internet/opinion smart. We can only read what we research and pick and choose what makes the most sense. I think the ceiling effect is because of kratom's partial agonism. But I too would like to hear others chime in. I notice morphine will completely overide kratom at anythime. Lighter opiates like hydro, codeine and even oxycodone are affected until kratom is out of the system a bit unless a large dose is used.

Now I say that I read posts here where people use kratom one day, their oxy the next and back and forth and notice no real diminishment of the oxy or the kratom. So I always found that interesting. I remember taking 50 mgs of hydro and did not feel much about 15-20 hours after kratom.

BTW for my hydrocodone itself neve did much for me anyway, l always asked for codeine after I had been offered hydrocodone by a doctor and said hydro does not do much. Not sure why codeine is way better for me. Yet hydro is more sought out by others.
There hasn't been much study of Kratom AFAIK, so these personal experiences (by people who also read books and the internet) are quite pertinent data points.
I feel a lot of people's tolerance growth with kratom is also down to how often and how long people take kratom.

Sure 20mgs of vicodrn won't raise your tolerance much but if somebody takes 20mgs of vicodrn 5x's a day for 2yrs then yeah.... It's gonna raise ones tolerance a hell of a lot.
We don't get Hydrocodone in the UK but I believe it's somewhat comparable to an opioid we do get - Dihydrocodeine - in as much as they are both used to treat moderate to severe pain. I don't know how the 'strength' of each opiod compares.

I have previously taken kratom and Dihydrocodeine together and found that any effects from the DHC were totally killed.

At that time I was quite new to resuming kratom, maybe only a week or 2 into occasional dosing.

Now I am about 6 months in to more regular kratom use, although with some breaks, maybe 2-3 days off per week, and one 4 day stretch off a few weeks ago. To prove to myself I'm not getting addicted.

My tolerance has risen slightly. Increasing my average doses from 4.5 g to 5.2g twice a day. It is meant to be quite strong kratom, and taking 10g doses, as I was with previous kratom supplies, is very unpleasant.

I have seen a lot of posts on that other message board which does seem to have some good info (as does bluelight of course), and some of them are saying that you should wait at least 6-10 hours, but most saying saying 24 hours, several saying to wait several days after taking kratom to dose any opiate.

One has said that 'this is because the active compound in kratom has such a high binding affinity to the mu opiate receptors and will not be dislodged by most opiates (even heroin users complain that kratom ruins their buzz/euphoria if taken too close together). So there is a waiting time between your kratom wearing off and leaving the receptors and you being able to get high off your opiate of choice.'

I don't know to what extent this is true. I recall one person I knew on this forum saying that he'd taken 10g of great quality red borneo kratom on top of injecting heroin, and the combo was fantastic for him. There's probably a lot more examples to be found of people successfully combining kratom and opiates. But there's probably also a lot of examples of such combos failing to work for others, as in my own personal case. So who actually knows for sure about this?

Another is saying 'Kratom is a strong inhibitor of the liver enzyme CYP2D6 and will stop any conversion of DHC to DHM. It take a good 4 or 5 days for it to replenish in my experience, and if you do take it, you won't feel the full effect. 450mg (DHC) is a decent amount so you might feel something but nowhere near the potential if you gave it a few days.'

Again, myth or true I don't know.

Another is saying:

There's three major possibilities to consider:
  1. Antagonist in kratom is sufficient to blunt agonist effects, unlikely because the antagonist is just 1% of the alkaloid content and does not have a higher affinity than mitragynine.
  2. Tolerance. Nearly every known opioid agonist produces tolerance by desensitizing mechanisms activated by cellular messengers. Technically, it is true opioids can differ in their recruitment of cellular messengers, but it is still not negligible in kratom. As a result, an obvious difficulty for users exists in figuring an equipotent dose, unless you happen to know the precise alkaloid content of your kratom and your individual pharmacokinetics for kratom (though you could assume a ~4 hour half-life with 3% bioavailability as has been shown in rats.) And to state the obvious, unless you dose your desired opioid agonist in excess of the equipotent dosage, you're going to fall victim to the tolerance trap. That's drug tolerance 101 (same amount = less effects after repeat administration).
  3. Research emerging in the last decade suggests mitragynine may actually be a partial agonist. This has been demonstrated again in a study published this month, May 2016, with HEK 293 cells that are more or less 'human' in nature. Partial agonists (e.g., buprenorphine) attenuate the effects of full agonists, because there is a finite number of receptor sites and inevitably some will be occupied by partial rather than full agonists. This is perhaps the strongest argument, and I'm not surprised that some of the pharmacologically naive users in this sub failed to mention it. Partial agonism together with tolerance reconciles virtually every phenomena people have described subjectively, including the ceiling effect, diminished effects upon co-administration of kratom and other opioids, and diminished effects of other opioids following extensive kratom use. In addition, although not likely due to its affinity and abundance, the antagonist corynantheidine in combination with partial agonist mitragynine could in theory further decrease the effects of a full agonist à la Suboxone. I'm sure you've heard of desperate junkies fearing they will waste precious drugs by not waiting out the half-life of subs; this is somewhat a consequence of that principle, though in that case the naltrexone is certainly contributing whereas corynantheidine's impact is not as clear.
W/e is true, it seems to be complicated, an no one seems to know for sure?

Most people seem to be saying they are fine after 24 hours, but some longer. I've decided to have a day off kratom today and I'll probably try some DHC tomorrow, at a time which will probably be about 40 hours after my last kratom dose.

I will report back as to what happens.
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I think it definitely varies a lot between people and you won't really know for sure until you try.

For me personally, if I were to take kratom (which is always a very strong extract) in the morning I could still feel hydrocodone at night although the high would be significantly diminished, maybe 50-60% of what it should be, although it is still just as effective for pain control.

Were I to wait until the next morning, it's barely noticeable, although admitedly at this point my opiate receptors and GABA receptors have taken a heavy beating for a long time.
We don't get Hydrocodone in the UK but I believe it's somewhat comparable to an opioid we do get - Dihydrocodeine - in as much as they are both used to treat moderate to severe pain. I don't know how the 'strength' of each opiod compares.

I have previously taken kratom and Dihydrocodeine together and found that any effects from the DHC were totally killed.

At that time I was quite new to resuming kratom, maybe only a week or 2 into occasional dosing.

Now I am about 6 months in to more regular kratom use, although with some breaks, maybe 2-3 days off per week, and one 4 day stretch off a few weeks ago. To prove to myself I'm not getting addicted.

My tolerance has risen slightly. Increasing my average doses from 4.5 g to 5.2g twice a day. It is meant to be quite strong kratom, and taking 10g doses, as I was with previous kratom supplies, is very unpleasant.

I have seen a lot of posts on that other message board which does seem to have some good info (as does bluelight of course), and some of them are saying that you should wait at least 6-10 hours, but most saying saying 24 hours, several saying to wait several days after taking kratom to dose any opiate.

One has said that 'this is because the active compound in kratom has such a high binding affinity to the mu opiate receptors and will not be dislodged by most opiates (even heroin users complain that kratom ruins their buzz/euphoria if taken too close together). So there is a waiting time between your kratom wearing off and leaving the receptors and you being able to get high off your opiate of choice.'

I don't know to what extent this is true. I recall one person I knew on this forum saying that he'd taken 10g of great quality red borneo kratom on top of injecting heroin, and the combo was fantastic for him. There's probably a lot more examples to be found of people successfully combining kratom and opiates. But there's probably also a lot of examples of such combos failing to work for others, as in my own personal case. So who actually knows for sure about this?

Another is saying 'Kratom is a strong inhibitor of the liver enzyme CYP2D6 and will stop any conversion of DHC to DHM. It take a good 4 or 5 days for it to replenish in my experience, and if you do take it, you won't feel the full effect. 450mg (DHC) is a decent amount so you might feel something but nowhere near the potential if you gave it a few days.'

Again, myth or true I don't know.

Another is saying:

There's three major possibilities to consider:
  1. Antagonist in kratom is sufficient to blunt agonist effects, unlikely because the antagonist is just 1% of the alkaloid content and does not have a higher affinity than mitragynine.
  2. Tolerance. Nearly every known opioid agonist produces tolerance by desensitizing mechanisms activated by cellular messengers. Technically, it is true opioids can differ in their recruitment of cellular messengers, but it is still not negligible in kratom. As a result, an obvious difficulty for users exists in figuring an equipotent dose, unless you happen to know the precise alkaloid content of your kratom and your individual pharmacokinetics for kratom (though you could assume a ~4 hour half-life with 3% bioavailability as has been shown in rats.) And to state the obvious, unless you dose your desired opioid agonist in excess of the equipotent dosage, you're going to fall victim to the tolerance trap. That's drug tolerance 101 (same amount = less effects after repeat administration).
  3. Research emerging in the last decade suggests mitragynine may actually be a partial agonist. This has been demonstrated again in a study published this month, May 2016, with HEK 293 cells that are more or less 'human' in nature. Partial agonists (e.g., buprenorphine) attenuate the effects of full agonists, because there is a finite number of receptor sites and inevitably some will be occupied by partial rather than full agonists. This is perhaps the strongest argument, and I'm not surprised that some of the pharmacologically naive users in this sub failed to mention it. Partial agonism together with tolerance reconciles virtually every phenomena people have described subjectively, including the ceiling effect, diminished effects upon co-administration of kratom and other opioids, and diminished effects of other opioids following extensive kratom use. In addition, although not likely due to its affinity and abundance, the antagonist corynantheidine in combination with partial agonist mitragynine could in theory further decrease the effects of a full agonist à la Suboxone. I'm sure you've heard of desperate junkies fearing they will waste precious drugs by not waiting out the half-life of subs; this is somewhat a consequence of that principle, though in that case the naltrexone is certainly contributing whereas corynantheidine's impact is not as clear.
W/e is true, it seems to be complicated, an no one seems to know for sure?

Most people seem to be saying they are fine after 24 hours, but some longer. I've decided to have a day off kratom today and I'll probably try some DHC tomorrow, at a time which will probably be about 40 hours after my last kratom dose.

I will report back as to what happens.
So what happened?
Ive been using Kratom daily for 2 and a half years and alot of it. The first time I tried oxy I used three and was six months into daily use, my effects were definitely diminished. The second time I used oxy it was 24 hours my last kratom dose and I didnt feel a thing. I used two pills and had been using kratom daily for about a year in a half. I havent used any opiates for about 5 days now and tommorow I will try oxy again so hopefully they work. Last time I literally had no euphoria and it had been 24 hours after kratom.

I think that if your a daily kratom user you have to wait but if you use kratom every once in a awhile or your tolerance is really low you can get away with using other opiates.
@Melian23 2 days off kratom was no good for me, the DHC had no effect.

I tried again some time later, leaving 2 weeks since my last kratom dose. This time I could more or less fully feel the effects of the Poppy pod tea I had made.

I believe that this is more due to the blocking effect that kratom has on the opiate receptors, rather than due to cross tolerance, although it could be both, but at this stage I have found no way of knowing for sure.

Only that I don't beleieve the kratom I have been using is very 'powerful' so I don't see why it should have a huge effect on opiate tolerance. I think that kratom is competitively blocking the opiate receptors for a long time, even longer than things like bupe, which is strange. But it suggests that kratom could be used for opiate treatement, in the same way as things like bupe and methadone, although big pharma woulndn't be interested as there'd probably less profit to be had from natural products.
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I believe that this is more due to the blocking effect that kratom has on the opiate receptors, rather than due to cross tolerance, although it could be both, but at this stage I have found no way of knowing for sure.
My wife had a million surgeries in the past and a few times while she was a daily kratom user needed oxycodone. Well she would take the oxy first, then a little kratom and said they synergized. Was it placebo? Not sure, she did it that way her whole recovery and it worked.

I think we have a lot to learn about kratom And I think I consider it more in line with methadone than a complete blocking substance like buprenorphine. But I too think this aspect is a leg up for anyone trying to cut back and leave stronger opiates behind.

Oddly enough poppy tea always totally overpowered any kratom type withdrawal for like 2 days and had me nodding. Kratom for me is not strong enough to block poppy tea at all. I imagine the stronger the opiate the truer that is. But I always considered codeine, hydrocodone and oxycodone somewhat light opiates.

But I do remember in like 2006 everyone saying kratom was like buprenorphine and blocks. Then some medical articles came out and made it more like good old fashion tolerance due to binding. The studies should continue and kratom can be used in a big way to help ease off heavy opiates. We have already seen though heavy opiates addicts not getting too much relief from kratom when they are in withdrawal. That further confuses to tolerance/binding thing.

What I don't understand is people that can get relief from kratom but go back and forth with pills. Put your pills away for the day the doctors get stingy prescribing and you don't have kratom. :) Take a month or two off of kratom and those pills are strong again.

Lastly, for me kratom and ibuprofen is as strong as 10-15 mgs of oxycodone for me.

If I were going to go back to taking pills instead of kratom I would give my body a month or two to heal. My wife had stopped kratom years ago and can now feel 5 mgs of oxycodone or even a 50 mgs tramadol. I noticed that too in my younger days. It has to leave the body and some receptor changes need to happen to stop muting the lighter opiates.