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Kratom Kratom and Travel


Apr 23, 2024
Hello ☺️ I will be traveling soon and would like some information with how anyone has successfully traveled with Kratom. I need to keep my use hidden, so I can’t openly put it in my luggage. I can get by with about 6 tablespoons of powder per day. I will be traveling by plane and car in the US and Canada for six days.

Can it be traveled with? How should I conceal it? I am open to changing my method of ingestion (currently swallowing powder and chasing with water). I am unsure how the gummies or shots compare to the powder so if you have experience with that please tell me. I am happy to provide more information, just not sure what needs to be included. Thank you so much for help and I hope your day is a good one.
That’s a good point. I’m unsure about carrying powder on a plane, which is a question for the airline. After that, I could change its container to help conceal it from my travel companion.
That’s a good point. I’m unsure about carrying powder on a plane, which is a question for the airline. After that, I could change its container to help conceal it from my travel companion.
Throw it in a green tea or "matcha" bag. Looks, smells, tastes about the same.
The shots and gummies are ok, but they don't offer the same effects of the powder. if you can go with a handicapped high for 6 days, I'd suggest ordering gummies. No one will question them (especially if you conceal them in a Haribo bag) and you can eat them in public, IE in the airport, if you need. If you brought powder you'd either only be able to consume it at wherever you're staying (assuming you are staying by yourself, or at least someone that is cool with kratom.), or you'd have to duck into the first single person bathroom you can find and break out the shaker bottle and sandwich bag of powder.

As @daturetard said changing out the kratom powder and putting it in a matcha tea tin or something of the like is a great plan. If they do check the contents, it will look, smell, taste, and feel just like matcha powder. That way you can have your cake (having the powder) and eat it too (get it through customs).

I'm not sure if they have different procedures when searching your stuff when you cross the border, but when you come back to your mother country they might search you to make sure that you aren't smuggling anything back in.

In any case, I'd say bring just enough kratom to get you through your trip, but the last dose you take before you come back should be the last dose of kratom period so that you don't have to worry about traveling back with kratom.