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legal ecstasy alternatives

I'm with DanceTillDawn
PhreeX: You fuckin cocksmoke of a mod, I hope you get AIDS too.
Niques Wisdom
- Don't ever try your best, it's the first step to failure.
-It is far better to be pissed off than pissed on.
-If someones life is in danger, do not help them, this will almost always bring you to the same fate.
if you like X, you will also like GHB/GBL.
that should be some sort of scientific law of something.
Contact high? Placebo effect? It's all BS. If you don't take the pill, you're not going to roll. Very simple. I've seen people smoke oregano (unknowingly) and get "stoned off my ass" and I've heard people claim they are rolling just because they are around people rolling.
I couldn't even imagine being dumb enough to think that you are rolling just from sitting next to people who are.