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Lysergamides LSD bruising?


Moderator: PD
Staff member
Jul 22, 2018
Ok, so 7 days ago, I took a massive dose of LSD, I don't remember the first 2 days, I didn't sleep until day 5, but day 6 and 7 i woke up tripping. On day 7 i started feeling very sore particularly my arms. I lay down and a female spirit (almost anime like?) started showing me how to self massage. I would touch a tiny tendon and I could feel my whole body fill with pleasure.

Now the weird part is today, I woke up finally not tripping thank god, but I notice not only my arms, but also my legs and butt are considerably bruised. My arms are the worst and I suppose I could explain that by me just being too rough as I touched myself, the legs and butt is really surprising.

My question is, could this bruising be a sign of prolonged vasoconstriction?

Has anyone else ever experienced this from LSD or psychedelics in general?

I'm feeling a lot better and when I'm fully recovered I will write a trip report.
Hmm. On high doses of LSD I tend to grab things too strongly. I have accidentally cut myself with blades from doing that while high (several times). It does sound plausible that you massaged yourself too aggressively. Higher doses do make me kinda drunk clumsy.

But if this had occurred to me, my intuition would blame it on something that happened during the amnesiac period. I become quite clumsy when I'm on extreme psychedelic experiences, and a few times I've been flopping around like a fish on the floor. Random bruises galore.

I'm no medical doctor, but shouldn't vasoconstriction limit bruising not promote it?
But if this had occurred to me, my intuition would blame it on something that happened during the amnesiac period.
What's weird is this occurred on the seventh day. You would think I would have developed bruises by day 3 if I had hurt myself during amnesiac stage. My roommate said I was writhing around on ground a lot though. There were many negative moments of intense anxiety and a few nights I was using a lot of alcohol to bring myself down. Anyway there could have been some clenching going on as well.

Hopefully it resolves soon, apparently people have reported similar issues from using lots of stimulants. I wonder if also i just had very high blood pressure too. I noticed my veins were popping like crazy. Hmm
@Snafu in the Void

here is the TR.

So I've been thinking about this all day, I think not eating not sleeping and at times I was probably quite dehydrated due to excessive sweating the combination of all those factors prolly cant be good for anyone's body.
My question is, could this bruising be a sign of prolonged vasoconstriction?

Unlikely. Sounds to me like you didn't sleep enough. The human body is made to take a beating.

I'm prescribing you to hydrate and continue with the massage if it feels good. Sometimes avocado can help with healing if you can stomach it.
^ Not that I know of either.....and I have known some people that were always dehydrated and shooting vasoconstrictors too. They did seem to bruise easy but I attribute that to general junkie health.
That's what I would reckon caused bruising.
You know that is everyone's 1st reaction as well. But i think it would be weird fpr bruises to appear 5 days after the physical trauma.

Another thing i never mentioned, is the bruises seem systemic. Like if i look at my left arm and my left leg, and then i look at my right arm and my right leg, i have bruises in all the same points. I could have been brutally self massaging myself and didnt realize itz but i dont think i was doing to my legs or but.

Regardless, i am feeling quite a bit better mentally, and the soreness is lessening. I think this is a one off amd bruises will be gone in a few days. If you google "bruising for no reason" or something similiar the first answers don't look very fun.
My guess is that the extreme LSD action prolonged over many days without rest, food, hydration, etc. induced quite a bit of damage to blood vessels, muscles, etc., but at the same time, the LSD effectively blocked your body's proper response to this damage. So only as the LSD was really wearing off did your body begin to respond and all the bruises showed up as your body began to repair itself.
Wow, I am just glad you are ok Digital. Take care of yourself man!! I think that is the message. I honestly have never known anyone to have vasoconstriction from LSD at all but it probably is not unheard of.

My wife broke her shoulder back in Feb and she has von willebrand disease and bruises easy. But it took 5 days before a nasty bruise showed up and we were both surprised as usually the bruises come quicker. Who knows. But stuff like this I would just look forward. :)
Wow, I am just glad you are ok Digital. Take care of yourself man!! I think that is the message. I honestly have never known anyone to have vasoconstriction from LSD at all but it probably is not unheard of.

My wife broke her shoulder back in Feb and she has von willebrand disease and bruises easy. But it took 5 days before a nasty bruise showed up and we were both surprised as usually the bruises come quicker. Who knows. But stuff like this I would just look forward. :)

This just occurred to me, and so I looked it up to confirm it's true: The deeper the damage, the longer it takes for the bruise to appear. If the damage is deep, It can take several days for the blood from the area of damage to rise to the surface. And yes, a bruise is basically blood that was lost from damaged flesh anywhere under the skin.

It therefore it seems entirely possible that the damage which caused the bruises to appear for @Didgital was induced earlier in the trip. A good guess (from the information I see) is that the extreme dose of LSD induced severe and/or prolonged muscle contractions that caused enough damage to his muscles for blood vessels to burst, and it took several days for this blood to rise to the surface, which is why it appeared later. Also, LSD and psychedelics are powerful analgesics, and the LSD may have masked the pain (and also substantially reduced the inflammation from the injury) until late in the trip.
Yeah the lack of food and water plays a fucking huge roll in warping your experience it goes from trip to survival mode. To back up snafu though I also found my self over tensing or gripping in general almost like the MD jaw but full body although this only happened to me when I was focusing really fucking hard in the trip, that being said Iv ventured into the 1500ug zone a couple times but I could imagine a slightly higher dose putting you into a prolonged tensed up state.

Glad your alright, and a good massage can never hurt imo.
have never known anyone to have vasoconstriction from LSD
Me neither but I've had some serious vasoconstriction from LSA/morning glorly, where i pretty much could not leave fetal position, despite the many naked women dancing around me.

Was at a rainbow gathering in that instance, but it was almost to LSD feelings.

They different compounds but share so many qualities that i ask this..

Why does ergine cause vasoconstriction and LSD doesnt?
isn't thumbprint kinda wasteful, oh man.
sorry you were physically affected @Didgital , but what did you set out to prove or attain during the massive lsd dose event?

edit: read the report, I understand it was an accident now.
please take better precautions