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Opioids Methadone Mega Thread and FAQ v 2.0

Interesting graph showing the dose equivalence of morphine to methadone the graph compares 4 studies which all had similiar results.
Low doses of methadone, like 30mg are equal to about 60 mg morphine, but double that to 60mg methadone, and that's somewhere between 300 and 600 mg morphine depending on the study, even the lower end of 300 is a lot more than the 120 you might expect, and it only goes up from there, 70mg equal to 700mg according to 3 of the 4 studies.

Conversion table from morphine to methadone (most commonly used in the USA)

24 hour total dose of morphine | Conversion ratio (oral morphine: oral methadone)
Less than 30mg | 2:1 (2mg morphine to 1mg methadone)
31-99mg | 4:1
100-299mg | 8:1
300-499mg | 12:1
500-999mg | 15:1
1000-1200mg | 20:1
>1200mg | Consult with palliative care or pain specialist prior to prescribing

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exxplorer - Wow I don't know where you went to jail, Belgium? That sounds like the best jail experience in the world. I have been to jail in America multiple times in different states withdrawing off opiates and they do not give you shit here.. the fact that you were actually allowed to smoke hash and given methadone and benzos, sounds like a nice vacation. The co's (correction officers) here just laugh at you when you are sweating and shaking on your pad. I am blown away by that story. Going back to jail is something that I am super afraid of because I know how horrible it will be, but if it was like that here I wouldn't even worry that much. So in a way maybe that's the only good part of it being so bad.

Yes in Belgium, here they have obligation to give you Methadone, because many went crazy when cold turkey and there where many "accidents", and suicide rate was high, that's why in isolation you don't have anything to make a knot, nor metal object or plastic that can be broken (to make sharp tools, to attack or to make suicide).
Just to add, here hygienics conditions are horrible (don't know in the US?) ! If you are not sick because of withdrawal, you will be sick from the food, water (no-one drinks it, nor the chiefs, you need to buy water bottles), and all around condition, very old jails, lot of humidity, fungus on the walls, and walls fall in small or big particles...you wake up full of dust, your sheets are almost always wet... showers are horrible...so hum, everyone get sick at some point, when they come in; time to adjust to the "shit you live in now".
Earlier; some years before, they would go down 10-15 mg per week, no-one could say something, it was like that, but they had people going mad, and aggressive, and the "medical order" signed for a gradual taper, slower than 10 per week, it went to +/- 15mg per month, and if you don't want to have less, they have to obey to you (curious no?! haha, in jail they obey to you! ho haha), you should get the dosage your feel comfortable with ;at least for some time, after 2 or 3 months you will be sent to an toxicologist and you will have to withdraw from it, much quicker, like the previous 20mg per week, so no-one really play the game of "I need more, I can't go down now..", you pay it.
(Maybe contract with pharmaceutical industries?, for example, I pay 0.99$ to get my prescription, 30 pills of whatever dosage (same price for 120mg pills than 20 mg pills...but it's not really expensive..no?); You know here in prisons have been tested some chemicals in food, like oestrogens, to calm people down, to be less aggressive, but it was later forbidden, and there is anecdotal infos about that; but many chiefs (you call them the " co's ", here they are chiefs) knew they did that, and scientifics would come to have a scale of "aggressivity", and adjust dosage.
Don't take it wrong, yes you can smoke hash, you are 24/24h in a 8m² chamber with bed, table... and a mate, so you have maybe 2m to walk like a chicken (it was a joke in there :) ) and if you can smoke hash (easier to bring..you know), it's not with all chiefs, you know who is OK, more like that during night, because they know they are alone...like 2 men for 25-30 persons, and that it can go really bad for them, until the police or special forces come in..if some prisoners"take the power" of the section, at least they put the chiefs in real danger (they have no guns, forbidden..), and help always take some time to come, and people know that here, so there are many chiefs taken as ostage to get out, nobody talks about it, but they are afraid of that...it happens, and it's not gentle, so there are many who are OK with you if you smoke and don't do shit, stoned you are friendly, they said, (that's why they give tranquillizers to inmates, there are not enough people to handle them all) ; and if you play the "respect me man! Don't talk shit bla bla" it won't go well, you can get 5 to 10 (if I'm correct) years more for having pot in prison, and consume it, and more so if you sell (or even let some-one smoke, they say its "free selling" haha...)), so it's double edge, most are OK with that, but you have to show them real respect, so they can be a bit confident with you, other people don't have that chance, and go sent in another prison, "Lantin", the worst prison here in Belgium, there.. you will not smoke that many, if at all (but you know, in Belgian prisons there are a lot of drugs, many corrupted chiefs, you really find whatever you want, but you it's expensive)), in "Lantin" there are rats everywhere, it's known to be the "end game", one of the oldest prison, the dirty one, the place the Belgian don't talk about... there are just people with many many years of jail, mad people, and so one, and it's somehow a mix between a high dicipline prison completely in ruin; and a psychiatrist hospital, it's the worst of the two. There are people in straight jacket and legs tied, for one week, eating like dogs, peeing and yeah...then put in isolation chamber for more weeks, and finally released in their jail, I've heard so many thinks from people who went there, it's the "Belgian 'Guantanamo' ", there is no respect at all, and I don't remember anyone escaping from there.
If you have troubles here, never never get put there, only thing to remember in case of troubles, but everyone will let you know, don't worry.
Ask for Flemish prisons (in the Nord) (you won't understand something, they are highly racists, but have new prisons, less dirty :) and better food! really).
Or go down in Wallonia for more "friendly" prisons (except "Lantin" you will be able to smoke etc, and they are not racists).
I highly suggest black people not to get locked in the Nord, by the Flemish, you won't get a good time there, really).
Where I was (I was 2 months there, not 6 weeks, don't know why I thought about 6 weeks? !Maybe because it was when I got a really bad news from my lawyer, but it went good, as I got out 2 weeks after, he thought I would be catched for longer, it's almost always like that...you are in prison without judgment, just waiting for it, I was waiting medical examinations of my neightboor to dismiss me in that story, but it went horribly wront when they said there was Methadone and I had one pill missing it was not true!!
EDIT: now toxicologic data says there was no drug who would be implied in his death, so it's "natural" and linked to his lifestyle, alcoholic, using multiples drugs....)), it happened 2 times that someone was put in straight jacket, legs tied, and put in an complete isolation room, when you see that, it has a immediate calming effect...hum (there is nothing, just all metal, with a toilet you can't use (tied), so it smells like hell in there, but the longer one was put in there was 4 days (the other was 2 days, and then send in another " normal isolation room" (he is just alone), but have a bed and everything, like a normal jail, but you'r alone...why not, it's not that hard...you stay there for 6-7 days usually (seeing no-one, locked 24/24...like every-one else, 24//24 or 22h if you are lucky and you don't are in shower while you can get out for 2hours...(in the early morning); the other guy got 4 days, for rebellion , tied like said (he injured another inmate and a chief, put fire on bed).
But he was later sent to "Lantin"...so I don't know what happened next, there is no much infos getting out of there.
So yeah, you know when it's Ok, there are chiefs (I remember one, he was called "Rambo", and it was the right name for him), you won't play with him, and you won't smoke. So you see who is there for night shift.
It's a bit like a game, and after sometimes you don't give a fuck about that all, that's why many chiefs don't have balls there, it's not there play, they should be in garden-school.
So yeah, once you know the few "bad chiefs", and all the other who won't say something if you smoke, sometimes they send a "poisonous joke"..like "this one smells a lot more, no? It should be good quality, so, when I come back you may sleep, or at least you won't smoke more...no?" So you know you can smoke one last, before they (2) come back to check you; if you still smoke, it can go bad, they said it in a "joke"..but first step, they take your joint, and put it into the toilet, to tell "now it's over", if you persist, and still roll one, good bye for some days, and good luck, because it's a loss of respect.

I remember one day, before being with the nice mate who smoked with me, I was with a psychopath who could not smell pot.
But I got a lot of hash, before the dealer went send to Montegnegro to get in jail for 6 years more...we where all sad for him, he was a good guy; so has he knew he will go, I got a good piece of hash for the price! (about 1.5-2g instead of 0.3g).
When I just entered into there, I could smoke, awaiting my room with this other guy.
So I told him "Man, instead of smoking all nights as I would do to sleep, I will just smoke one big joint today so I'm not annoying you, ok? I don't smoke later; just this night and you'r good, I do that for you, elsewere I would smoke all nights...".
But I roll a mega big joint haha, the room was so full of smoke (instead of the windows open), that one the chief came in, claming we had fire in the room, it thought it was a cigarette let in on the bed, I just finished the joint when he came in into panic, that night everyone in the section was smelling it (there was no hash for some days at that moment, I was the last to have a good amount of it, he brought really strong hash, so he could sell a bit less, and bring it into prison more safely) haha it was so funny, everyone was talking about the "false fire, room full of ganja smoke...."; but my mate was not really in a good mood..it was a good thing that I went with this guy who went my friend after.
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I'm on day four of meth maintenance going up to fifty mg a day and then sixty on Monday. The forty seems to wear off around 18hours. Should fifty have me holding better I know sixty deffo should
And I'm still getting oxy prescribed but being cut down from seventy to forty in next week will they get rid of these altogether or could I get them kept at low dose for pain as meth analgesia only last up to tweve hours
Interesting graph showing the dose equivalence of morphine to methadone the graph compares 4 studies which all had similiar results.
Low doses of methadone, like 30mg are equal to about 60 mg morphine, but double that to 60mg methadone, and that's somewhere between 300 and 600 mg morphine depending on the study, even the lower end of 300 is a lot more than the 120 you might expect, and it only goes up from there, 70mg equal to 700mg according to 3 of the 4 studies.

Conversion table from morphine to methadone (most commonly used in the USA)

24 hour total dose of morphine | Conversion ratio (oral morphine: oral methadone)
Less than 30mg | 2:1 (2mg morphine to 1mg methadone)
31-99mg | 4:1
100-299mg | 8:1
300-499mg | 12:1
500-999mg | 15:1
1000-1200mg | 20:1
>1200mg | Consult with palliative care or pain specialist prior to prescribing

So when I go on sixty Monday I being equivalent to over 300mg morphine wow
@Hezman94 do you still fell the oxys like normal? I mean not tolerance to the opioids, but when I took a larger dose of Methadone, the effects of opioids (oxys, opium and heroin in my case) where diminished, I looked for studies about that, and yes the higher the dosage, the lower other opioids feel "pleasant and/or effective", but only for high Methadone dosage, around 100 mg, (it as a curve limit, like say it can make it somewhere max 30% less "potent" (don't remember how much).

I was not at such a high dosage, but I could def feel the heroin rush being somehow a bit less potent, but lasting a bit more (smoked, about 1h more at least), when on 75 mg, but still now on 25 mg I have the feeling that the effect of heroin is "different", so years ago when I was still taking heroin sometimes and was on Methadone (at beginning of treatment), I just didin't took the Methadone or just half of it, when I knew I would be taking some good brown.
But while on 75 mg or 50 mg Methadone, the analgesia of heroin and oxys was lowered, now on 25 mg Methadone, I feel it again, but first had to stop painkillers (and heroin was a painkiller for me, has I had occasional leg pain after surgery, still have pain sometimes, but get better and better, hope to forget it).

And in fact, if I suddenly have cravings for heroin, or some pain, I just take one more pill, apparently it's safe now that I'm used to 25 mg for a long time, and it mostly goes away (cravings,and it lowers the pain), and my doctor (toxicologist) is Ok with that, if it's just "in case" (or maybe he think "Better let him get a bit high on M and he won't seek something else"...haha, could be).

You should have stopped oxys before switching to Methadone, if you have the correct dosage of Methadone you are fine.
So yes if you really want to keep the analgesia, first get off the oxys, tolerance built fast, go with Methadone.
I'm pretty sure you don't feel much of the oxys for now, if you are on 60+ mg Methadone, you got a bad tolerance from the them..
I was put on 15 mg first day, 30 mg second day, same for day 3 -> 40 mg at day 4 -> 50 mg at day 5 -> 65 mg at day 6 -> 75 mg, final dosage at day 7; so one week to get on the correct dosage.

Yeah if you take 60 mg Methadone the analgesia is "strong" the first times (like one week), or at least it's decent (you feel a relieve) if you have a "strong-medium" tolerance to opiates; but as always you will get a tolerance to it and after one or two weeks you won't feel much of your daily Methadone dose, it is good to get rid of the oxys, and then just take them when really needed.
And Morphine is more analgesic than Methadone, even if you look at the "equidosage"; for me at least it wasn't as strong as expected for pain after surgery..not the same feeling at all, morphine (or, of course, heroin) have a stronger analgesia than equidosage of Methadone.

The withdrawal from Methadone takes a good time...so take the lower dosage possible you need, if you don't want to get stuck with it for a long time :).

You are a pretty fast metabolizer, if you feel it only for 18h, in my case it last +/- 24h.
Also, as said, the analgesia you get from morphine or the oxys, while one Methadone, will be somewhat a bit ''less strong'', it may depend from people to people, as always.

All good!

EDIT: I edited my text, as it was confusing, when I've read me again, today.. I can say that I might have been in a "confused state of mind".....
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Hey guys. I would like to know if mixing Risperidone (1mg every night) and methadone is fine. I read they can interact together for risks of serotonin syndrome.
Methadone is a shitty option, IMHO.

Takes forever to get off, and is ridiculously powerful. The withdrawals are shockingly long and shockingly terrible, too.

Suboxone is newer, better, and all around healthier to live on, in my view.

I've seen so many people become screwed from methadone that I am beyond ever supporting it, but it certainly is better than an addiction to heroin and other opiates.

In terms of healthiness, this is what I think:

Abstinence > Kratom > Suboxone > Methadone > Opiate addiction.
I need some help.ive been on methadone for 10 years.130 mls.i split my dose but I've been over drinking and shorting myself.i have 13 home doses normally.so now I have 3 days to go with 30 mls each day.im going to be horribly sick and my anxiety makes it 10 times worse.i feel like such a failure.i take gabbapentin as well.what are my options to get through the next 3 days???
I need some help.ive been on methadone for 10 years.130 mls.i split my dose but I've been over drinking and shorting myself.i have 13 home doses normally.so now I have 3 days to go with 30 mls each day.im going to be horribly sick and my anxiety makes it 10 times worse.i feel like such a failure.i take gabbapentin as well.what are my options to get through the next 3 days???
Pretend it got stolen ring the police get a time reference number in the UK give it to your doctor your gonna be very ill and methadone at that dose pretty much blocks opiates from raising tolerance stay strong can't u go one day without it
Methadone is nice when you get to alright dose 70mf stimulates me and I usually go sleep for a hour about three hours in and can go into a nod around five to seven hours. Does methadone have a second peak as I swear after twelve hours you feel it again.
Its pretty much blocking most of the oxy but I still get withdrawal symptoms from oxy bi be able to cut down if I had the methadone take homes as I'd have some meth for pain relief at night
Hi, yeah you should really not mess up with Methadone, taking some extra by pill stocking, or putting some of the powder out of the pill, if you do take much as prescribe.. as you did, yes you will be in troubles, but you can explain your doctor you have lost 2-3 pills (it's that you win) you took with you because you went by a friend and it was raining and the pills melted down (something that really happened to me..) but yes, don't search for such explanations why you don't have enough pills, one time ok, 2 times, if not too near the first time, ok it will be fine, but they are used to people abusing it, so pay attention.
As said, Methadone is really potent, and dosage above 100 mg are obviously too high, and it will "completely" block heroin or such to help you. It depends on the technique used, if you where above 100 mg, your doctor might think that you are still using opioids and want to block the effect of it, so in hope you leave it (but I know so many people who still take their heroine even if they won't feel much of it..).
Speak to your doctor to tapper slowly down, you will just get better.
All good.
How many mg sub are you at now?
Zero, they transfered me to the pain clinic after being a good boy with only thc in his blood occasionally after 8 years, and now I have generic oxycontin, Oxycodone-CR 60's every 12 hour for my actual chronic pain issues that led me to where I was when my old regular doctor retired without warning...then I was just taking generic Percodan up to 3 times a day....but cutting me off suddenly like that with no doctor taking new patients anywhere and the ER helping me with scripts of Oxy IR 5mg for one month...which led to more cutting me off and the circle of being cut off over and over led me to find some serious pharma junkies who were breaking into pharmacies at night back in 09, I still remember the insane amount of EVERYTHING the guy had, and I left with so much for just a couple browns...(canadian benjies).

Getting off from under 2mg suboxone was harsh as fuck, I had to make a solution with my pills with bacteriostatic water so that I could get 0.5mg doses and then 0.125mg. Now they just use the moderate chronic pain patches BuTrans when people are at that level to get off them, since the strongest ones release 20ug an hour, so up to 0,480mg a day, my mother actually wears one of those weekly, the 10's, physically demanding job when you're in between 60-65 and can't pre-retire because she would get much less pension money if she did, she needs something to keep going up to 65. Those patches are kinda genius for people like her who hates taking pills, and she already has to take a bunch at that age, but nobody becomes addicted from BuTrans patches, they just lower the dose to the weakest patch at 5ug an hour and then people can walk away from it easily then, especially those with no inclination towards getting high.
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I've been on both MMT and SMT for relatively long periods and the full agonist methadone is much easier to abuse... especially if you're on a low dose of about 50-80 MG. IME... I also get an initial energy boost for a few hrs and then slowly wears off. I don't recommend this because it's a dangerous way to OD but I could add 40-50mg to my 80 and take a xanax and get quite a buzz and then a nod.

I sometimes take an extra 20mg on top of my 80mg ....then pop a 20mg Rita and down some Jin and makes for a fabulous euphoric experience in an hour....followed by half a football several hours later.

and I would wait min 2 days in between any extras for serum levels to go back down to my normal 80mg daily concentrations. 3 days to be safe. It’s usually a weekend treat though :)
You are absolutely right on this as I can tell you from experience. I was first prescribed methadone in 1972 at VA hosp in Miami. The dr said it was a "miracle drug" for vets coming home with wounds and "adjustment disorder"... which of course they now call PTSD. I'v ebeen on and off ever since and each time trying to quit was worse. I finally switched to subs to save a long drive and money. It would likely either kill me or I would end up back on a locked ward which is what happened last time I tried. I believe dr's get people on ORT far more often than they should. I some times wonder if that first dr would have started tapering me off after a couple of mos if my life would have been much different. I'm not blaming the dr because he likely believed what he said and I always had the choice to taper and stop... but after you've been on it for a significant period... it's tough to not only get off but even harder to stay off. If the VA released stats on how many vets are on ORT, or pain mgt with opiates... IMO the public would be shocked. Once you get off, it doesn't take much of a trigger to get you back on again. That methadone shit ruined my fucking life while saving it Was on methadone for almost 21 years. make a long story short I kicked it back in sept 2022. Be honest being on it for that long of a time its a mother fucker to stay clean. I've had 5 relapses on opiates since then and starting to lose fucking hope constant cravings are killing me and its like I have no joy in life doing anything its like a black rain cloud is following me the fuck around. Even though I'm on prozac for depression. Plus still get bouts of physical aches and pains feel as if i'm 75 yrs old but i'm 45. I don't fucking know just venting.FML