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Miscellaneous psychedelics and hallucinating smells


Jan 2, 2014
so this isn't something i usually hear about in people's trip reports.. i'm not talking about having a heightened sense of smell for what's already there, i'm talking about just being out of your mind and smelling stuff that definitely isn't there.

i've had this happen on some pretty low doses of tryptamines. my most memorable experience was on only about 3/4th of a tab or maybe one whole tab of ald-52. so anyways, i got OVERWHELMED with this smell, it smelt like perfume flowers and some type of gas, not like gasoline, i just assumed it was gas. it was like a really strong perfume. i had no idea how the smell got in my room. the doors and the windows were closed. so for whatever reason in my head there was a voice explaining to me that it was a "military gas" and that they sprayed neighborhoods with it when some one was demonstrating terrorist activity, which i thought was ordering my drugs in the mail. lol. so i remembered the smell from my childhood for some reason and definitely thought that it was real. for whatever reason i started to feel a downer effect occurring in my body and i just felt really weird, so i assumed it was something with the gas. i was going to wake my mother up and get her to drive to another neighborhood and then i was like "wait, no way. maybe i'm hallucinating being on a downer gas. my mother probably just sprayed some strong perfume in the hall at my door and around the house and she's trying to trick me". so i went downstairs and stuck my head out of the bathroom window and there was this hot chick that i had a crush on when i was a kid at the end of my street. it was really weird. i never figured out if she was really there. i thought she might've been gang stalking me or praying at my house or something. the smell went away though when my head was in the winter cold outside the window....... anyways, my friend always said ald-52 was like the downer of acid and eth-lad was like an upper. i don't know how true that was. but i thought it was funny in retrospect that i was getting downer effects from what i thought was a gas. really weird stuff. maybe my friends descriptions of the drugs got in my head.

one time i was on some 1p-lsd and i hallucinated that i was at some carnival that i was at as a little kid. i could remember being at the carnival in my head. it was pretty cool.

then i've gotten this smell that smells a lot like bug spray. another smell that i thought was a "military gas" being sprayed in my neighborhood. not sure what i was on. probably different acid tryptamines. i also thought people were spraying this smell at me as a baby.

then i've gotten some bad smells, like after i would take a shower, i'd go to my room and smell shit. like overhelming shit. it definitely wasn't me and at the time i thought my mother was letting people in the house with the military to wave diapers around my room while i was in the shower. i thought they were filming me in my house on an xray camera and then when i was in the shower with the people waving daipers around the room. i thought it was some kind of anti-drug propagandha that they were filming for children. like "don't take drugs or if you do, you won't know that people are waving poopy diapers around your room when you aren't there." i realize now that it was just my imagination, but wtf. weird stuff.

also i thought when i had the window open in my room in the summer that the military was filling the house next door with immigrants and pointing a large fan at them in the direction of my window, so i would smell their BO.. when i went to school i lived in a mostly south american immigrant neighborhood, so the bus always smelt kind of weird like immigrants. this defintely came back to me when i was tripping.

THAT'S ALL MY EXPERIENCES HALLUCINATING SMELLS! it didn't happen until like fifteen years into my having tripped. the paranoia of ordering drugs in the mail made my brain do some weird shit is what i'm assuming now..

Anyways, does any body have any experiences with smelling stuff that isn't there while tripping??? I never hear about it. I'd like to. there must be some scientific explaination for it. i'm wondering if it's actually because of smells that i've actually really smelt in the past, like the same way i was posting about wondering if my hallucination voices were voices from my childhood.
Olfactory hallucinations are an interesting and common effect, though I personally have never experienced them.
at the time i thought my mother was letting people in the house with the military to wave diapers around my room while i was in the shower. i thought they were filming me in my house on an xray camera and then when i was in the shower with the people waving daipers around the room. i thought it was some kind of anti-drug propagandha that they were filming for children. like "don't take drugs or if you do, you won't know that people are waving poopy diapers around your room when you aren't there." i realize now that it was just my imagination, but wtf. weird stuff.
Do you think that it’s the best idea for you to be doing LSD given that you seem to consistently get this sort of extreme paranoia?
Seems like the LSD could be exacerbating an underlying issue based on similar things that I’ve heard from others.
Smell is the only sense that enters the cerebral cortex without passing through the thalamus.
This uniquely means that the sense of smell is not affected by the Cortical-thalamic looping which enables memory formation and perception, and which is extended by psychedelics.
The sensation of smell represents more of a slowly changing continuum, and as a continuum the signals do become encorporated into memory engrams where all cortical neurons that fire together (synchronously) wire together forming memory engrams.

Therefore, while we can experience smell, and remember previous instances with similar smells, and even seem to re-experience smells, this sense is not subject to the kinds of layered psychedelic effects that we usually obtain with vision, sound, and tactile sensations.

Smell is generally a fresh (not modified) signal even if the contents are putrid.

There must have been a survival aspect for smell to be differently wired into the brain than the other senses, and I would imagine it is related to our ancestors using smell as a primary danger and opportunity sensor, day or night. When we notice a change in smell it usually makes us more present and aware of our environs.

The remembered content of smell memory, however, can be layered, or frame stacked, but the incoming smell sense is not layered nor particularly subject to hallucinogenic states of mind.

Associated smells, however, which have been psychedelically extended by Cortical-thalamic looping (facilitated by 5-HT and other receptor activation) may seem intensified exaggerated or distorted.
I think many of them are smells that we are conditioned to ignore but suddenly notice due to a disrupted default mode network. Maybe it's even smells of things inside our own nose/body. Smells of what we've become. For example if one is a smoker, the sensations of that may amplify during a trip and one becomes vulnerable to the violence and danger of it. Speaking of which, some psychedelics (acid) make me want to smoke while others (shrooms) turn me off from that.

Smells are very central to integral emotional experience imo.

I'm not sure i've hallucinated a smell but have had strong and synaesthetic experiences with regard to smell.
Olfactory hallucinations are an interesting and common effect, though I personally have never experienced them.

Do you think that it’s the best idea for you to be doing LSD given that you seem to consistently get this sort of extreme paranoia?
Seems like the LSD could be exacerbating an underlying issue based on similar things that I’ve heard from others.

i've always kind of enjoy the paranoia... i haven't dosed in four years though because of noticing blood in my feces which i think was related to dosing too much.

i think it would be hard for me to get dellusional thinking again because i've had so many experiences with psychosis just being my imagination. like i remember two main times in my life thinking auditory hallucinations were real and people were conspiring against me... i'm hoping that i was dellusional has been engrained in my head so strong that it won't happen again. maybe like a three strikes and i'm out type deal... i probably will never dose very high doses of psychedelic drugs again, because i don't want to go too far out, but i don't think lower doses will really get to me at this point. i think the fear of the psychward and medication has made my mind less apt to go insane. like i know i don't want the psych drugs so i can keep myself sane fearing prosecution.. i wish they would just legalize psychedelics though. i'd like to be able to loose my mind on higher doses with out being drugged for it. i'm not sure that i couldn't handle a higher dose at this point either. i have before. it's tough to say. i'm very cautious with my use now though.
i'm thinking i could've posted this in the atypical psychedelic reactions thread, cause nobody on here has had it happen to them.

it's a pretty cool experience. i'm glad i got to realize the crazy shit the mind/body can do.
There must have been a survival aspect for smell to be differently wired into the brain than the other senses, and I would imagine it is related to our ancestors using smell as a primary danger and opportunity sensor, day or night. When we notice a change in smell it usually makes us more present and aware of our environs.

I think this can be seen from the deep evolutionary perspective as well. Smell is chemical touch. Life began by molecules touching. It's the very very primary basis for the thermodynamics-eschewing mechanism called life.

The other senses are chemical touch scaled to other levels of magnification. But smell retained its relative independence from ganglion support.

(Wild speculation of course.)
thought i'd top this thread just to mention i got one of the covid varients a couple weeks ago and after wards i was hallucinating some similar smells to being on acid... i guess google says it's common to loose sense of smell and also some hallucinate stuff that's not even there... been smelling some weird rotten fruity yogurt smells, which isn't that bad. they definitely aren't there. it's pretty bizarre. haven't smelt any of the what i call military gas that i've talked about in this thread. would be interested in that. anyways, sounds like this is pretty uncommon side effects from psychs or getting sick, but it's happened to me. figured i'd update, maybe some one finds it interesting.
thought i'd top this thread just to mention i got one of the covid varients a couple weeks ago and after wards i was hallucinating some similar smells to being on acid... i guess google says it's common to loose sense of smell and also some hallucinate stuff that's not even there... been smelling some weird rotten fruity yogurt smells, which isn't that bad. they definitely aren't there. it's pretty bizarre. haven't smelt any of the what i call military gas that i've talked about in this thread. would be interested in that. anyways, sounds like this is pretty uncommon side effects from psychs or getting sick, but it's happened to me. figured i'd update, maybe some one finds it interesting.
My sense of smell was all kinds of fucked up after COVID. It would disappear then I would have hyperosmia, which was horrible because I have a sensitive nose as it is. And then I would just smell faint smells completely out of the blue.

This continued for like a year or so.
Its been a while since i experienced true synthasezia (however you spell it) but yeah i have had olfactory hallucinations for sure. Tasted color etc
Its been a while since i experienced true synthasezia (however you spell it) but yeah i have had olfactory hallucinations for sure. Tasted color etc
I'll never forget that during a really cool trip on LSD about 33 years ago, I experienced a closed eye visual masterpiece of shapes and colors caused by listening to Rush and Pink Floyd.

Each note had its own shape and color and it was absolutely amazing.

Unfortunately, I have not yet re-experienced something like that.
I'll never forget that during a really cool trip on LSD about 33 years ago, I experienced a closed eye visual masterpiece of shapes and colors caused by listening to Rush and Pink Floyd.

Each note had its own shape and color and it was absolutely amazing.

Unfortunately, I have not yet re-experienced something like that.
I hear that. LSD is the one that really did it to me too. Seeing color shoot out as solid blocks of speakers. Foxy got me pretty close to synthesia but was tense. I do miss those types of experiences but at same time, they can be pretty alarming