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Recovery Recovery fellowships that allow cannabis the marijuana maintenance program


May 23, 2013
So NA and AA have plenty of "clean" people still acting out addictions. I’ve seen them smoke themselves to death while on oxygen tanks…I’ve seen them gain new food addictions and balloon to levels of obesity were they became disabled. These are still addictions.

basically I’m wondering if there are recovery fellowships that "allow" weed for recovery from hard drugs. I know a subset of people in the standard AA NA fellowships that continue to use weed. For me though…when I’m using only weed and clean from everything else…I’d really like to try and keep building my recovery but I feel like it’s all a sham if I’m stoned to go to these meetings. It’s not even that it’s what others think it’s that the meetings and lifestyles seems stupid to me if I’m still using only weed.

Is some sort of recovery even possible while using weed? I’ve never achieved it because I end up back on pills eventually every time. If complete abstinence and no weed is the requirement i worry it either all or nothing when it comes to drug and the marijuan maintenance program as they call it isn’t practical successful and it’s something if you attempt it you’re totally isolated unlike with total sobriety
I doubt there are going to be any groups that specifically endorse using lesser substances like weed.

But it's not like they drug test you in AA, and as long as you don't come in smelling like a Snoop Dogg concert I highly doubt anybody would even care.

Everyone has their own path, their own goals, and their own definition of sobriety. Whether or not weed can fit into that is really up to you, although you obviously have to be honest with yourself.

Does weed trigger you to use other drugs? I would be so happy if I could just go back to only weed and be happy, but weed does trigger me to drink alcohol somewhat.
A lot of AA groups don't give a shit if you smoke pot as it's alcoholics anonymous. I was told by many people over the years that they were on marijuana maintenance. Most say if you are under a doctor's care for a prescription medication then it is alright to take that substance as well.

Some do though. I've found those cultivated around the recovery house communities in Florida to care the most.
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Does weed trigger you to use other drugs? I would be so happy if I could just go back to only weed and be happy, but weed does trigger me to drink alcohol somewhat.
Well I haven’t drank in like 6 years but I remember when drinking I would instantly start craving hard drugs.

Weed doesn’t work like that for me. It can actually fill the place of a hard drug if I’m using to escape negative emotions. But if I’m being honest…I’m the long run weed seems to always build up to heavy daily use for me…this leads to an overall depression and neuroticism that makes me more weak and succeotible to a relapse on hard drugs. But the high in and of itself of weed doesn’t make me want to add more drugs on top of it like alcohol used to do when I drank.

I wish I could give up weed too to be honest. To phrase it precisely "I wish I could have the desire to continue using weed removed from my mind" but it’s still there and I can’t get rid of it…maybe if I just keep going to meetings I’ll change..maybe I should go for that reason.

weed is the only drug I have this problem with. The others are pretty easy not to use recreationally due to the experience of the severe consequences of withdrawal…weed doesn’t have such a big consequence attached to it so I can’t find that desire to give it up but I wish I could find it somehow.