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Oct 29, 2018
Anyone had any experience with the police finding your drugs and what was your opinion of them?
Fortunately not.

Nearly all my encounters with the police relating to drugs have been while I was driving.

Obviously, they heavily target young drivers late at night for stop and searches. I got pulled over many times in my youth. The mixture of young age, old cars, late hours, and 'eccentric/wacky' hairstyles and appearance seems to be completely irresistible to the police. Fortunately I was never DUI of drugs, or alcohol, nor in possession of anything illegal during any of those stops and searches.

They once even took me to the police station for 'observation' or something and called a Dr out to ask me a few questions. So convinced were they that I was DUI of drugs when I was not. What a waste of everyone's time :\.

On another occasion when I I was pulled over in my youth I was subjected to loads of attitude, abuse, and rudeness, calling me a "dosser" and stuff like that :LOL:. I think they may have been trying to see if they could provoke me into some sort of behaviour they could charge me for. Fail!

Since those days, the police seem to have had a massive attitude make over, as most future times I've been stopped or had any dealings with them, they were a lot more respectful.

A couple of them have had issues with my driving a couple of times, but that's another story. Some have followed me for a mile or so, I guess just testing to see if they could crack me. But I had nothing to hide or fear.

With regard to drugs the police don't seem the least bit interested in middle aged white guys mostly driving around sensibly in anonymously inexpensive and non flashy cars. Kind of similar to Walter White driving around in his middle aged teacher's style car. Seems to make you invisible to the police.

Don't give them any reason to pull you over, and they won't. Unless your young. And it's late, and you have a flash car. Full of mates. And if you're black (probably.)

I was very lucky at a festival one time I was sharing some of my speed stash with a couple of friends. And I had the sense that I was being watched. ONly to look up and see that 2 coppers were watching me. From some distance away. Nothing happened. Around that time, coppers have said things like "i bet he's got some dope on him" but his colleague ignored him.
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Anyone had any experience with the police finding your drugs and what was your opinion of them?

Are you saying that the local cops have taken to regularly rimming your poop hole in order to find your anal drug stash? :pooprocket:
I've never been searched or stopped in a car or anything like that. Being patted down and having pockets emptied by a bouncer is as bad as it ever got.

I expect it would be a different story if I lived in London. Or was black.
In college my roommate was busted with 4lbs of weed. In Canada before legalization. He went to court and when they read out his charges it was listed as 2lbs.
He stood up and said he was guilty of 4lbs and wondered what happened to the other 2lbs.
Judge called the crown and his lawyer to the bench and his charges were dropped.
I was caught driving smoking weed and the cop just laughed at me and told me to have a good day.
Now it's legalized smoking and driving gets you a DUI.
Canadian cops never really went after pothead, you'd here of big bust but it was never a serious crime
Back in the 90's a mate got busted with 1/2k of coke 1000 E's and some weed. He went down the legal aid route but kept giving reasons why the brief was not suitable, bearing in mind he was facing jail time. He eventually got a QC who knew every trick in the book and and got a suspended sentence and a small fine. Cost to the tax payer? extortionate lol