Writing-up UK MXE/Methoxetamine legal high study

wish i was in the UK to of been able to help out here...i only experienced mxe for the first time this past weekend and i loved it. i've only experienced actual K about 3 times and all of those times were about 10 years ago. i liked it ok but im pretty sure i actually liked this mxe stuff better. sucks for me because im in the US and i dont think its that easy to find some of these research chemicals here...and from what i've read there is a good chance of getting ripped off a few times before finding a good retailer if trying to order online...oh well, maybe i'll get the nerve to try and order some one day
Hi I'm in the UK and am in my mid' 20's and have done more than 10 grams of MXE over the last 2 years. I live in the North East near Middlesbrough if you want me to be part of the research. I don't have transport though.