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Misc Why do Europeans tend to get shitty opioids?


Jun 29, 2017
Having lived in the US/Ireland as well as talking to other friends of mine from mainland Europe, it seems that opioids are seldom prescribed. I can get that on some level. They have a high addiction risk. That being said, when someone is in serious pain, opioids are sometimes the only thing that works.

What is funny though is how all the opioids are abuse resistant. Here in Ireland, doctors prescribe tramadol and codeine, seldom oxycodone. Those two are prodrugs and completely ineffective for some. One of them stops being metabolized over 400mg while the other has a very high seizure risk when taken in large doses. pure hydrocodone is a moderately strong opioid which would be much better than both of these and active in itself but not strong enough to cause addiction like oxy. Yet, I don't believe it's available in Ireland or any other country in the EU.
Hydro is crap I hear, bit much better than codeine and actually worse for some. In UK we get heroin in certain circumstances like childbirth.
Admittedly oxy/hydromorphone would be great, but I think they're only available as pharma companies give docs large incentives to push them.
Most EU countries have ample opiates to treat mild to severe pain. From codeine/tramadol to heroin/fent.
America just refuses to give you any opiods nowadays unless you're a celebrity they want to die for media exposure lol
I'm sorry yall are also dealing with some similar bullshit it seems like.
Why the opiophobia lately?
I think the simple answer is that the UK (don't know about Ireland or the rest of Europe) recognises diamorphine as a legitimate medication, unlike the US where it is schedule 1. Therefore, we don't have the same need for synthetic opioids such as oxy and hydro because we can get the real shit in certain circumstances, although much less frequently - which ain't a bad thing.

I don't get the OPs comment about our opioids being 'abuse resistant'. Codeine and tramadol are widely abused fuckin everywhere...
I think the simple answer is that the UK (don't know about Ireland or the rest of Europe) recognises diamorphine as a legitimate medication, unlike the US where it is schedule 1. Therefore, we don't have the same need for synthetic opioids such as oxy and hydro because we can get the real shit in certain circumstances, although much less frequently - which ain't a bad thing.

I don't get the OPs comment about our opioids being 'abuse resistant'. Codeine and tramadol are widely abused fuckin everywhere...
it's wild to me as an american y'all use diamorphine across the pond, yo
honestly you guys are probably ahead of the curve, it's a great compound if used with respect and the purity is on point, but it's pharma from doctors so of course it is.
damn, and y'all have centralized healthcare.
good on you.
Having lived in the US/Ireland as well as talking to other friends of mine from mainland Europe, it seems that opioids are seldom prescribed. I can get that on some level. They have a high addiction risk. That being said, when someone is in serious pain, opioids are sometimes the only thing that works.

What is funny though is how all the opioids are abuse resistant. Here in Ireland, doctors prescribe tramadol and codeine, seldom oxycodone. Those two are prodrugs and completely ineffective for some. One of them stops being metabolized over 400mg while the other has a very high seizure risk when taken in large doses. pure hydrocodone is a moderately strong opioid which would be much better than both of these and active in itself but not strong enough to cause addiction like oxy. Yet, I don't believe it's available in Ireland or any other country in the EU.
I literally couldn't agree more!!!!!
Tramadol and codeine are more than enough for moderate and even forms of strong pain and are effective in prescribed doses for most people and cover most cases just fine. Depending on condition adding muscle-relaxing drug to them easily makes them more effective than stronger opiods in many cases (and diazepam is often added for that same reason). Than there are cases where pregabalin or something similar is far more effective than stronger opiods. Than there’s a lot of cases where strong, Rx only NSAID are way to go.

And there is fent, oxy, morphine or whatever needed in Europe for those who have real need for such drugs they just aren’t prescribed for every boo-boo like it was in USA and good it’s so.

There’s a also plenty of great heroin for those who have, different real need for such drugs.

It’s also easy to get bupe or methadone if you need them.
Hydrocodone is definitely much better than tramadol or codeine..but saying hydrocodone isn't as addictive is a lil off..any opioid/opiate given enough time or regular use, you will become dependent on them. But yeah I would agree that hydro is easier to kick than oxy
I actually prefer 400mg of tramadol over 10-20mg of hydrocodone any day.
I use to get very heroin-esque nods on tramadol (about 1.5hrs in when it's converted to O-desmethyltramadol) but never on hydrocodone.
Although they're both nice.

At least in Europe, they offer other maintenance opioid options, like tramadol, extended release morphine, hydromorphine, etc..
In the US all we're offered is buprenorphine or methadone. And if you want methadone, you better be prepared to be their bitch for awhile until they let you take home your doses. So most people go the buprenorphine route if they don't wanna go to a clinic every single day.
Hydrocodone is good stuff. I like it just as much as oxy in compare doses.

Edit: or did you mean dihydrocodeine?
I used to loooive me some DHC, which I heard isn't sommonly prescribed in the US right? Like oxy lite, but longer lasting. 300mg for breakfast every morning and that was me a fucking thilqnthropist with the energy of a wasp until about tea time... At least at first.
I actually prefer 400mg of tramadol over 10-20mg of hydrocodone any day.
I use to get very heroin-esque nods on tramadol (about 1.5hrs in when it's converted to O-desmethyltramadol) but never on hydrocodone.
Although they're both nice.

At least in Europe, they offer other maintenance opioid options, like tramadol, extended release morphine, hydromorphine, etc..
In the US all we're offered is buprenorphine or methadone. And if you want methadone, you better be prepared to be their bitch for awhile until they let you take home your doses. So most people go the buprenorphine route if they don't wanna go to a clinic every single day.
I used to be the same way..I needed the trams and at the time plentiful and cheap. Gave me incredible energy, strength, communication skills, and yeah taking 10-12 50mg a day(4-6 as first dose) hella beautiful nod and itchy, loved it..BUT I legit hated the way it made my body feel compared to any other opioid, this one I desperately needed and when tolerance gets too high, I would seek out hydrocodone, codeine, and benzos a must because after a week of feeding on tramadol meds til tummy full, led me to be very edgy, teeth clenching, headache, stomach cramping even being "high" yet felt like I was on the verge of WD. Which is why after a week or so hydrocodone was a godsend.

Definitely the snri or whatever in it that causes these crazy side effects. It was a very unhealthy time in my life and KNEW that in order to quit, I had to have a good grip of other opioids to transfer to because in my opinion Tramadol WD can be just as bad if not WAY worse than 120mg+ roxi WD, mentally and physically...I had to systematically remove it from my life.(BUPE IS NEXT).
I've known people who'd take 50mg tramadol over 90mg over 120mg (dihydro)codeine. Takes all sorts...if fucking radgies!
It's not just Europe. Australia has shit heroin. I enjoyed the H i did in Italy than the utter crap the Australians had. The problem with that isthat the actual Austalians thought it was decemt.

The United States and Canada, have the best drugs (like cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, benzos, and all the prescription opioids are vey common) in the world.