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Social Anyone ever had a threesome -?

If theres a positive to being bi, its that we get to have the best (filthiest) sex :reggae:
Frankly, I’ve thought anout that, I’m completely straight, it seems like it would be nice to be nice to be bi, you’d have way more options, and you could still get satisfied in prison.

Ive had a three some with two girls before when I was 16, it was a current gf Andy her friend, apparently I didn’t satisfy the friend enough, because she went in the next room and banged my brother Andy his girlfriend right after

They wouldn’t do any if the work, Andy I didn’t have a whole lot of aerobic endurance at the time.

I’m trying to have another soon
my last 3 some was with a married couple.funny,i ended up with the wife, kids house, bills and a man who wanted to kill me,,,,,,,ooops,,,,,,,,be careful but have fun
Jennifer Lawrence Oops GIF
Lol you scandalous hore

I say that in a friendly way btw haha, good for you
well you are what you eat,,,,,,,but it was a broken home, and i fixed it all (we) up,everyone ended up happier, im no home wrecker, she just needed to get divorced(on my b day)yeah good for me,,,got these kids grown up right, a nurse and a Sargent, damn them gays for making good kids
well you are what you eat,,,,,,,but it was a broken home, and i fixed it all (we) up,everyone ended up happier, im no home wrecker, she just needed to get divorced(on my b day)yeah good for me,,,got these kids grown up right, a nurse and a Sargent, damn them gays for making good kids
Are u a chick or a dude¿

Your name makes me think dude,but your posts make me think your a girl
I am on low shroom tripping right now.relaxed.there is so much tension around me.around us.and a dayly meds valium and bupre.Gonna wait....and relax this day.Have a good day all of you fellows!
Yes have found that if participants are not in a relationship it works better. Had an experience suggested and organised by Siginificant Other with a girlfriend of hers. Lets just say SO had her feelings hurt (even though she denied this) leaving a bitter taste in both of our mouths so to speak.
My first threesome was actually a foursome with another male-female couple. The other girl was pregnant. We just fucked our girlfriends next to each other and didn't touch each other but it still counts you know.
If yes, what was it like? Did you experience what you were hoping for, or did it all turn out rather awkward?

PS been trying to arrange such an occasion for literally years. It's never bloody worked XD
I’ve had several lol. I’m only into 3sums with another girl and another guy, the idea of a 3sum with 2 dudes turns me off lol
I tried to be involved in one once. I was tripping so hard on 4-ACO-DMT that I was having trouble seeing.

Needless to say there was nothing sexual at all about how I felt right then and I had to excuse myself because I was tripping so hard and couldn't get it up. They had fun without me from what I heard. Lol