talking to people

I think over time it's an advantage primarily as should be.

I can so very easily flexibly gently speak to anybody.

I would say it is them who struggle to understand who have the difficulty lol.

Well allow me to be honest and genuine: I made this thread for people like you. I'm glad you chimed in. I don't have many social problems (when I'm sober), and I don't consciencely go around thinking I'm smart, but I'm in my feelings today, and wanted to talk.

So, thanks for talking.
Conscientiously. Still doesn't make sense tho.

I agree with arrall here. Assuming one's own high intelligence is the first step of becoming a fool.

Fool oneself into thought processes such as this thread suggests. Too intelligent to engage? By which, assuming all else are not intelligent, it does reek of narcissism.

Now as a sociology enthusiast i absolutely think that narcissistic thought processes should be properly analyzed. But there is no such thing as too intelligent to interact socially.
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People who are hard of learning?
I just mean, for myself personally, the actual task, challenge of conversing so freely comfortably easily without thought or fear, regardless of however they are disposition and personality wise, level of awareness etc, I feel zero difficulty.

However, being more let's say a bit smarter than many maybe anyway, and being an all out truth seeker, is a very isolating business.

The majority of humanity do not posess great intellect, are insanely dumbed down by chemical and toxicological assault and mind control brainwashing.

We hang around bleeting the same bleet as this majority of our flock, we cannot aspire.

So there is that isolating challenge.

But talk with anybody about anything, no trouble.

I just talk naturally with reason. And always listen, show interest too.

I kind of meant people who are not intelligent enough to ever appreciate deeper, very obscure but not discountable thoughts sorry to answer that above lol.

Wasn't trying to be dissing people sayin they thick. But humanity is dumb, at large right? I'm not excluding myself, I'm just trying my best to grasp more faster in life.
I used to have enormous social problems, and back then i would often get some feeling that my intelligence was a hindrance in relating to people. Now when i feel better and have it easier talking to people, i instead get the feeling that my intelligence enables me to find commonalities or come up with funny things to say.

I guess what i've learned from this is that intelligence is a raw force that can function in service of any cause - be it estrangement or connection, stagnation or change. I do believe that high intelligence and the resulting mindset can contribute to isolation, but the association is not as strong or natural as a depressed intelligent mind would so aptly make it seem.
I just mean, for myself personally, the actual task, challenge of conversing so freely comfortably easily without thought or fear, regardless of however they are disposition and personality wise, level of awareness etc, I feel zero difficulty.

However, being more let's say a bit smarter than many maybe anyway, and being an all out truth seeker, is a very isolating business.

The majority of humanity do not posess great intellect, are insanely dumbed down by chemical and toxicological assault and mind control brainwashing.

We hang around bleeting the same bleet as this majority of our flock, we cannot aspire.

So there is that isolating challenge.

But talk with anybody about anything, no trouble.

I just talk naturally with reason. And always listen, show interest too.

I kind of meant people who are not intelligent enough to ever appreciate deeper, very obscure but not discountable thoughts sorry to answer that above lol.

Wasn't trying to be dissing people sayin they thick. But humanity is dumb, at large right? I'm not excluding myself, I'm just trying my best to grasp more faster in life.


Some seem to be contradicting their own opinions and overdramatizing the threads intent, I appreciate your honesty sir

@Mjäll it's without question that it posses problems so thank you for recognizing that. Like DF and arra and jasper said, it's about not going around thinking what we're talking about is on the forefront of your mind and y'all should be a-ok
they didn't do any of that, what you asked i think this is your thread idont care to look above, is called "semantics", semantics and people as we humans are like to feed it to make it more complex or more less nutritious therefore we think even language needs our perspective before is a thing, language was before any of us thanks to mathematic which I dunno to calculate probably because I excel at everything else life gave me choice of a 10 scarf, i didn't chose any and made my own therefore nowadays having some integrity status to hop the "essentials" when talking to someone, and that someone say being locked in a water dim because you don't need other type of world interferences, even if you stare too much somewhere else you might get dizzy hence look somewhere else 20sec rule, read randomly yrs ago. Semantics is what created a fake world that'll eventually collapse ( water dim ), we ain't 2 people we're more and we cannot change society, is the same train of thought you get when you think why you wake up just to fall asleep again.

This is pure fire.

The mindset that this thread teeter tots on is fragile, and talking about togetherness is absolutely fireee

Appreciate that from you bro!
Do you @arrall and @jasperkent feel like, hmm, people feel gravity toward you?
I can say that I'm a good listener, I try to empathize with others, and I have a decent sense of humor. People tend to like that.

I'd rather get along with people than not. It's just more pleasant. Also, it makes teamwork go more smoothly when you work with others as I do at my job.

I've been in restaurants most of my life and in that setting teamwork is essential.
I'd rather get along with people than not. It's just more pleasant.


I find that over explaining things to coworkers can be not helpful. I like to conclude it, or start it, with a very simple statement.

Sometimes the details are just too much to digest. Sometimes they're better explained in chunks over time when specific situations come up
I interpreted @saucygirl to mean that he is in his head too much at times when socializing with others. I myself live in my head quite a bit and tend to over analyze everything. I didn't take it as narcissistic or him trying to say he was more intelligent than everyone else.

I've learned that authenticity is very important with most people. If I'm feeling extremely anxious, which I often do, I do what I can to avoid face to face conversation until it has passed. But if it's forced upon me and I know that whoever I'm talking to will notice, I will tell them that I mean no offense and that I've had a stressful morning, or something like that.

If it's someone I interact with often and am more comfortable with, I will probably just straight up tell them I am socially awkward at times and please don't take it personally if I seem distant or rude sometimes.

I also have to run what people say to me through a filter and constantly remind myself that most people don't analyze what they say to the extent I do. So I try to take them at face value and not let my mind wonder to find ulterior meanings to what they say.
I also have to run what people say to me through a filter and constantly remind myself that most people don't analyze what they say to the extent I do. So I try to take them at face value and not let my mind wonder to find ulterior meanings to what they say.

Very important to remember for me too.

I can be pretty disinhibited, so can easily get carried away and say something off putting, which sometimes I don't understand the effect of

I know social games can be played - I have been subject to them, been playing them - this is why as I get older I think I become better at being aware that this happens, while also giving people the benefit of the doubt, until I see patterns in their language (body, tone and words as ions nicey put). Even then, I can often be wrong.

At the end of the day.. we've all had so many different experiences. Nonetheless, at our core, we all are going through similar issues, regardless of the so many unmeasurable types of intelligence

And Mal, re: authenticicy, I like how u recognized that just straight up admitting vulnerability can actually help both people a lot. Sure it may be uncomfortable at first, but I find it most always pays off
And Mal, re: authenticicy, I like how u recognized that just straight up admitting vulnerability can actually help both people a lot. Sure it may be uncomfortable at first, but I find it most always pays off

i feel like I learned that lesson the hard way, back in my early days of running around with "the wrong crowd" like in high school and a little afterwards. At first I felt like I needed to conform with that overly masculine wannabe gangster mentality, but thats not me and people saw through it. So I just allowed people to see me as the weird guy who liked drugs who was awkward but friendly. Better that than appearing fraudulent. No one takes you seriously then.
. Better that than appearing fraudulent. No one takes you seriously then.

I often struggle with this, on top of over analyzing. Sometimes I feel like I don't act in accord with how I feel. Sometimes I don't even know how I feel. It's uncomfortable because I crave understanding and when I feel like I'm being misinterpreted, whether my doing or not, I get sad

Sometimes I feel like a fraud, but I think a little self doubt is normal. And I try very hard to explain myself when needed, to people that I want understanding from/people that I sense are open-minded, but sometimes less is more
For as flippant, confusing, and sometimes rude I can be, I find myself to be pretty consistent, for better or for worse lol
I usually circle back in time. Sometimes it takes a while, but I do tend to come full circle to people who take the time to focus on the big picture and less on details that may be misleading
I try to not get bogged down with details and see a dynamic picture of others, as that's what I want from others too, but it's okay if it's not seen.

People important to me see it
For as flippant, confusing, and sometimes rude I can be, I find myself to be pretty consistent, for better or for worse lol

i feel like you are always coming from a respectful, honest place. And you are very reflective. I wonder if some have a hard time following the name changes though and might think you are some rando new guy.