Mental Health Coming off Invega (Paliperidone, Xeplion) injections v. 7.0

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We should have a separate thread where wr compile all the recovery stories. What does the mods think about this?
Most of you spend a lot of time on here. When it is slow in this thread maybe you could just read the other 6 or 7 versions and get an idea how many have recovered and moved on. Not sure who it is but someone has posted everyone that has recovered in THIS thread just recently. Think I saw like 10 or 12 names of members that had posted their full recovery and made a better life for themselves. In order to make a separate thread about the members that beat this horrible drug a mod would have to read through thousands of posts from the last 10 years and then copy and paste it into another thread. Sorry....we are volunteers here and I'm not sure anyone has the time for that. Everyone here can just go back and read the older threads.

If you go back to page 1 of this thread and start reading through somebody compiled a list of recovered members and posted it. Whoever it was took the time to read through all the versions and copy and paste it into this thread which was very nice of them and I'm sure it was very time consuming for them. When you come across the post you could quote it or reply so the other members could see it. That's about all we can do as this invega thread is all the mods can keep up with as you have seen the last 3 weeks has been full of alts and trolls and inappropriate posts and much bickering and there are only 2 mods at the moment that even read this thread.

Hope that doesn't sound too harsh but it's just the reality of modding a social forum on the internet where groups of people congregate that are going through horrible things in their life. Supporting each other is all you can do here and giving good advice to you so nice to see. You are one of the members that really cares about others and it is noticed and appreciated.
I'm already off the antipsychotic for a couple of months now but i'm atill exlerencing it. I was just asking if you guys are experiencing it too.
Yeah I did it's one of the most common side effects, but it does eventually gets better. What are you taking to counteract the effects of Akathisia?
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Most of you spend a lot of time on here. When it is slow in this thread maybe you could just read the other 6 or 7 versions and get an idea how many have recovered and moved on. Not sure who it is but someone has posted everyone that has recovered in THIS thread just recently. Think I saw like 10 or 12 names of members that had posted their full recovery and made a better life for themselves. In order to make a separate thread about the members that beat this horrible drug a mod would have to read through thousands of posts from the last 10 years and then copy and paste it into another thread. Sorry....we are volunteers here and I'm not sure anyone has the time for that. Everyone here can just go back and read the older threads.

If you go back to page 1 of this thread and start reading through somebody compiled a list of recovered members and posted it. Whoever it was took the time to read through all the versions and copy and paste it into this thread which was very nice of them and I'm sure it was very time consuming for them. When you come across the post you could quote it or reply so the other members could see it. That's about all we can do as this invega thread is all the mods can keep up with as you have seen the last 3 weeks has been full of alts and trolls and inappropriate posts and much bickering and there are only 2 mods at the moment that even read this thread.

Hope that doesn't sound too harsh but it's just the reality of modding a social forum on the internet where groups of people congregate that are going through horrible things in their life. Supporting each other is all you can do here and giving good advice to you so nice to see. You are one of the members that really cares about others and it is noticed and appreciated.
Nurse Ratched, I get that moderating a forum is a time-consuming endeavor, especially when you're doing it voluntarily. The points you raise about the difficulties of creating a separate thread for recovery stories are very valid.

However, I also see the value in what Baddream is proposing. While it's true that past recovery stories are embedded in older threads, having a separate, easy-to-access thread could be a powerful resource for new members or those who are feeling down and need a quick boost of encouragement. It would also serve as a reminder that people do recover and move on, which is crucial for maintaining hope and commitment to recovery.

I understand that combing through years of posts is impractical for the mods. Perhaps this could be a community-led initiative? Members who come across recovery stories could repost or link them in the new thread. This way, it would be less of a burden on the mod team, and it could be a way for the community to collaborate in a meaningful way.
Nurse Ratched, I get that moderating a forum is a time-consuming endeavor, especially when you're doing it voluntarily. The points you raise about the difficulties of creating a separate thread for recovery stories are very valid.

However, I also see the value in what Baddream is proposing. While it's true that past recovery stories are embedded in older threads, having a separate, easy-to-access thread could be a powerful resource for new members or those who are feeling down and need a quick boost of encouragement. It would also serve as a reminder that people do recover and move on, which is crucial for maintaining hope and commitment to recovery.

I understand that combing through years of posts is impractical for the mods. Perhaps this could be a community-led initiative? Members who come across recovery stories could repost or link them in the new thread. This way, it would be less of a burden on the mod team, and it could be a way for the community to collaborate in a meaningful way.
I'll talk it over with the other mod that reads this thread and see what we can do. You are also a member that cares very much and offers great support and are noticed and appreciated for your contributions. I'll get back with you on this.

Have a great week-end....or as good as you can anyway.
I'd love to see more recovery stories. The people who are most active here are struggling the most and it drowns everything else out.

I think taking Prozac was a misadventure. I'm going to get a genesight test and if it comes back saying Viibryd is safe for me, I'll be taking that. I think it set back my sexual recovery, but it's too early to say it did anything permanent. I'm going to give myself another month. I don't have anorgasmia anymore, just less sensation and loss of sex drive/automatic arousal.
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What do you guys do during the early phases of recovery. I find it very difficult , any recommendations?
What do you guys do during the early phases of recovery. I find it very difficult , any recommendations?
Treat yourself once in a while to something special. I’m at a spa this weekend with lots of jacuzzi, steam, saunas, pools. I’m not paying though so… If you can afford it, go for it.

Other than that try to enjoy some outdoors. Sunshine, coffee in the park, strolls, exercise if you can, learn some new recepies cook some good food. Only solution is to be productive during this time to get your mind elsewhere. Worst thing you can do is to just sit at home with grinding boredom.
I took Olanzapine for 3 months and after a month of stopping I was totally back to normal my pre self, interesting... I mean everyone's break does work in a different way however, pills shouldnt effect you as much compared to injections. Is there any other medication you are taking?
Currently no meds. Took lithium 1 month, Wellbutrin 10 days and Trazodone+Depakote 5 days.
I'll try heal natural way, I think SSRIs would slow down the process idk.

Its highly variable

My brother took one year to heal from one month of abilify which is supposedly the least worst of all antipsychotics.

Heal from anhedonia and everything?
Anhedonia took 1 year off?

As far I've search in reddit and forums it take 4 months to 2 years.
Currently no meds. Took lithium 1 month, Wellbutrin 10 days and Trazodone+Depakote 5 days.
I'll try heal natural way, I think SSRIs would slow down the process idk.

Heal from anhedonia and everything?
Anhedonia took 1 year off?

As far I've search in reddit and forums it take 4 months to 2 years.
SSRI's have a whole lot of new side effects I don't think it's the best way to go for.
SSRI's have a whole lot of new side effects I don't think it's the best way to go for.
Although I am depressed I know it's 100% due my anhedonia.
It's impossible to not feel depressed when you don't enjoy anything.
Although I am depressed I know it's 100% due my anhedonia.
It's impossible to not feel depressed when you don't enjoy anything.
You need to note that this is medication induced anhedonia & It will most likely go away on it's own there no need to use antidepressants. The best you can do is weather the storm until it goes away, yeah it sucks to be in your position however I've been through your shoes and even though it's not as worse as before I still have abit of anhedonia.
You need to note that this is medication induced anhedonia & It will most likely go away on it's own there no need to use antidepressants. The best you can do is weather the storm until it goes away, yeah it sucks to be in your position however I've been through your shoes and even though it's not as worse as before I still have abit of anhedonia.
How long until yours started to improve? How do you noticed?
I feel trapped in my mind 24/7. I thought I was going to get some improvements in 1-2 months but nothing. Everything seems awful, so much effort to do anything lol.
Has anyone here has severe alogia and healed from it? The blank mind/nothing to say thing is really frustrating, feels like something is fundamentally wrong with me 😭
Does anyone know if going on an SSRI after this shit will give you pssd even if it's one you were on before and didn't get pssd from? Escitilopram was good to me. I have OCD.

I'm going to try Viibryd, but it might not be right for me.

I'm recovering from Prozac and I don't think I have pssd from it, I'm making progress.
Does anyone know if going on an SSRI after this shit will give you pssd even if it's one you were on before and didn't get pssd from? Escitilopram was good to me. I have OCD.

I'm going to try Viibryd, but it might not be right for me.

I'm recovering from Prozac and I don't think I have pssd from it, I'm making progress
Are you hoping an ssri will help your anhedonia from invega? Because I’ve got an snri I want to try but I’m not sure about if it will help post invega because invega seems to block everything
Maybe I do have PSSD, I don't know, it's literally too early to tell. I can feel the prick of a needle. Anxiety is definitely doing something to me.

I think busiprone may have crashed my sex drive. Don't take it. I'm also afraid it took cannabis's aphrodisiac qualities away from me.

I do believe that with time my serotonin levels will go up and it will go away. I'm not permanently numb, my neurotransmitters are just fucked.
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