Info all i want to do is die

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I just stole a load of drugs from my brothers house and i need to do this quick before he finds out and gets me into a mental home. i have 2 1g packets of gocaine, 2 rush packs, lorazepam(22mg) and a zone out bag, whatever the hell that is. I have a needle right now, all i need to know is if this will knock me out straight away. please reply asap.
my brother wont be here for a while so ill leave this up, anyone going to reply?
Knock you out or kill you? Bluelight does not allow "will this kill me?" threads. If you need support for whatever possessed you to want to do this (from the stealing to the injecting) please visit The Dark Side here on Bluelight and ask for help, in the form of support, there. Many people have felt like you may be feeling now and have come through the other side of those very temporary and changeable feelings. Don't rob yourself of life because of despair.
closing. Herbavore said all that needs to be said

Taking a bunch of stimulants and a benzo won't knock you out either, it will probably make you reckless and disinhibited in a bad way...
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