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Misc ANTIDEPRESSANTS -MAOIs Emsam/Selegiline


Feb 19, 2024
Emsam; selegiline. Hello all; I'll keep this short. I'm diagnosed with treatment resistant depression. I'm 64. Female.
I'd been on Auvelity and Rexulti. After 2-3 weeks of coming off Auvelity, (wellbutrin + Dextromethorphan) and Rexulti -which have been full-fledged hell. I've only been on a Tricyclic , Desipramine 25mg 1x/night. My psych would like to put me on an older MAOI, Emsam. a/k/a Selegiline. it would be transdermal.
I'm writing to inquire as to others experiences with it. i've been on so so many SSRI, SNRIs - i really need to have something work.
Note that I'm also treating with IV ket 1x/wk. 85mg. and Lorazepam for anxiety, .50 mg. 2x/day.
Thank you in advance for responding.
Happy One
Whatever the reason for this "combo" is the regimen; one may consult the prescriber(s) as from experience and observations some of these cocktails can end up lethal not only to oneself but to others. Not trying to be spooky just sometimes it happens and rarely reportrd (most of these would be combat verans and those who have lived with sustained trauma(s).
Not a doctor so take this as just an opinion, I spose.
But if something is causing issues I would see my doc{s) as I am unsure if there is a question here or just to introduce and give us a little insight to the situation you currently find yourself in.
Please be safe and looking for brighter days for us all.
Emsam; selegiline. Hello all; I'll keep this short. I'm diagnosed with treatment resistant depression. I'm 64. Female.
I'd been on Auvelity and Rexulti. After 2-3 weeks of coming off Auvelity, (wellbutrin + Dextromethorphan) and Rexulti -which have been full-fledged hell. I've only been on a Tricyclic , Desipramine 25mg 1x/night. My psych would like to put me on an older MAOI, Emsam. a/k/a Selegiline. it would be transdermal.
I'm writing to inquire as to others experiences with it. i've been on so so many SSRI, SNRIs - i really need to have something work.
Note that I'm also treating with IV ket 1x/wk. 85mg. and Lorazepam for anxiety, .50 mg. 2x/day.
Thank you in advance for responding.
Happy One
After failing with the other med's Ketamine treatment looks like an very succesful treatment, do you and/ or you dr. feel the addition would even be better?

Ketamine treatment is kinda of a new an oddity but seems effective. Selegiline, however I never heard that prescribed to someone. Maybe for smoking cessation long ago. Never as AD. The K doesn't work as hoped for you?
When I got treated for depression and anxiety I couldn't take ssri's.
Mirtazapine was a god send for me but everyone is different.

Hopefully someone with knowledge of what you're taking chimes in
After failing with the other med's Ketamine treatment looks like an very succesful treatment, do you and/ or you dr. feel the addition would even be better?

Ketamine treatment is kinda of a new an oddity but seems effective. Selegiline, however I never heard that prescribed to someone. Maybe for smoking cessation long ago. Never as AD. The K doesn't work as hoped for you?
Ket IV is helping . the Emsam would be my base antidepressant and the ivket treatments 1x wk as i hv been doing. Emsam is Selegilene. Selegilene is the name of the chemical compound itself. Hope that clarifies. yes, dr. feels the good old maoi called Emsam, +the ivket treatments will be beneficial. I'd been on Auvelity, Trintellix and Rexulti, all together. and still no motivation. at age 64, with TRD, ive been on so many ADs. ty for writing me.
Whatever the reason for this "combo" is the regimen; one may consult the prescriber(s) as from experience and observations some of these cocktails can end up lethal not only to oneself but to others. Not trying to be spooky just sometimes it happens and rarely reportrd (most of these would be combat verans and those who have lived with sustained trauma(s).
Not a doctor so take this as just an opinion, I spose.
But if something is causing issues I would see my doc{s) as I am unsure if there is a question here or just to introduce and give us a little insight to the situation you currently find yourself in.
Please be safe and looking for brighter days for us all.
This is all being done per psychiatrist. i'm not winging it, don't worry. I was just looking for anyone who had taken the Emsam and what their experience with it is/was. Yes, and writing to start a dialogue as to my situation and in need of information and support. Thank you for writing and your comments.
Ket IV is helping . the Emsam would be my base antidepressant and the ivket treatments 1x wk as i hv been doing. Emsam is Selegilene. Selegilene is the name of the chemical compound itself. Hope that clarifies. yes, dr. feels the good old maoi called Emsam, +the ivket treatments will be beneficial. I'd been on Auvelity, Trintellix and Rexulti, all together. and still no motivation. at age 64, with TRD, ive been on so many ADs. ty for writing me.
Glad the Ketamine therapie is helping, heard/ read very promising result's. Its just not very common, and its also abuseable probably (referring to the take home nasal spray).

Seligiline alway's intrigued me, it's a reverseable MAO-a inhibitor, as I was not depressed it was the nootropic effect's that picked my interest.
It could be a usefull AD. As its prescribed by your dr. I have see no problem's. Just take as intended, if you are gonna. But do please report back if you do, Very curious how it works out.
which snri's have you tried?

i was kinda impressed with selegiline, in terms of antidepressant and cognitive enhancing effects.

then i had a psychotic break (i'm bipolar), which i think it might have been a contributing factor.

so i might try it again a day at a time in the future if my current AD regimine fails
Glad the Ketamine therapie is helping, heard/ read very promising result's. Its just not very common, and its also abuseable probably (referring to the take home nasal spray).

Seligiline alway's intrigued me, it's a reverseable MAO-a inhibitor, as I was not depressed it was the nootropic effect's that picked my interest.
It could be a usefull AD. As its prescribed by your dr. I have see no problem's. Just take as intended, if you are gonna. But do please report back if you do, Very curious how it works out.
I will keep in touch definitely as i find very much insightful and useful info here. Yes, all under drs. supervision. The Selegilene, which in usa is branded under Emsam name. I hv had several aha!! moments of pure awe on the ketamine dosage i'm on which is 85mg?/ over one hr. iv. under dr. supervision. i also did the Spravato, which is esketamine,- in USA pharmaceutical company named Janssen started marketing after FDA approval several yrs ago. it is done in office with frequent blood pressure chks. There are several 'at home' ketamine troches, low dose, available online to purchase also. not too sure i'd try that. as with all , each person gets different results. and yes, the nootropic effects i've read of selegilene have me curious as well. we'll see. my anxiety is rising as the changeover date approaches. one concern i hv is that i'm on a tricyclic AD . Desipramine 25mg. lowest dose. although i am very depressed prepping for this changeover, my CNS and body in general must be pretty much 'washed' of the ADs which are snri's and ssri's and even the tri's. or risk serotonin syndrome. so yes all must be closely monitored. thanks for chkng back as i sure appreciate the support as i go through this. here in usa, most psychs are just prescribing ssri's mostly because it's so much easier for patient and dr. Little dietary monitoring involved. just 'take one a day and feel better soon, lol". Take care and thank you for providing a platform for open, honest discussion of these matters.
happy one
my anxiety is rising as the changeover date approaches.
Oh, I feel ya on that.
Changes can throw us off if we let it.
Changes is the only absolute I think I know... other than that they stay the same. :)
Thanks for sharing this... it is thought provoking imo