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Any Dangers I should be aware of regarding combining Pregabalin and Trannex?


Nov 23, 2010
I'm currently using Pregabalin 400mgs and 30-40mgs Trannex to mitigate opioid withdrawals following a mild to moderate Heroin habit and was wondering if the combination is dangerous?
Thus far it hasn't proved such (evidently), however it sits at the back of my mind as a worry I cant shake.
Just to clarify, do you mean Tranax aka Alprazolam? If so, I assume you mean 3-4mg?

Yes, that's exactly what I meant. My head is a little muddled here from the withdrawals, apologies. I buy them from a connect so they're not directly from a pharmacy however the strength is always consistent and I do test them out first.

So having said that combining a Benzo is nowhere near as dangerous as combining it with an opioid, is it dangerous to combine this amount (4mg) with the pregabalin? If I cant sleep that coming night I'll sometimes take another 2mg however I was thinking the initial morning 4mg dose would be largely worn off...albeit, still in my system so whether the effects have worn off or not its still in my system regardless. Thanks for your response by the way Snafu.
Glad to know, very much appreciated. No opiates in the system, on day 7 of a Heroin kick so I'd imagine I'd be pissing clean by this stage. I'm going for a blood test next week that I made an appointment for and I can take a UA there if I want so I will just to mark a milestone (and show family, not that they're asking but I know my mother worries),

Cheers again.
on day 7 of a Heroin kick
Congrats man!

Fight Lol GIF by DAZN
Aw buddy it's still hell but when I get that next 7 in I'm golden. I'm weary of stating definites, but I've certainly no plans on turning back. If it wasn't for the pregabalin I just wouldn't have got this far, despite having succeeded in several cold turkeys before and stayed sober for long periods after that - however at that point in my life I was still hanging around users and dealers so relapse was always around the corner at some stage.

Gonna make a separate thread about my journey once I reach that fortnight mark because that'll be the seal on this whole ordeal and I'll likely be clearer-headed when I'm off the Lyrica and the Tranax.

All the best,
I tried using preg to get off benzos Summer 2022. I was on a low dose of clonazepam at the time. It really increased impulsiveness, especially for cocaine. Two days later, I was in a strip club ordering cocaine. It was crazy. I never go to strip clubs haha.
I tried using preg to get off benzos Summer 2022. I was on a low dose of clonazepam at the time. It really increased impulsiveness, especially for cocaine. Two days later, I was in a strip club ordering cocaine. It was crazy. I never go to strip clubs haha.

Too fuckin true man. Once the initial drowsiness wears off you feel pretty damn good on them so I can certainly understand why you'd feel the urge to start making calls. Personally my cravings are through the roof but I'm trying to just blast music here and take my mind off it.
Pardon the double post but frankly, anything beats lying in bed like I was for the first 4 days. Forced myself up then in a bid to etch a new routine into my mind - the thinking being that if I can mold my behaviour now and fight through the psychological part then my efforts should hopefully act like a cast that will set my demeanor into a more productive manner of conduct.

Getting out of bed is paramount. I dont care if I cycle that day or not, if groceries need to be got I can do that but once I'm out of that bed and staying on top of hygiene and ensuring I eat at least 2-3 big meals I consider that a firm foundation for when my motivation returns for further, more socially/employment/educationally based endeavors, as without those initial efforts the rest can't follow. I never, ever want to end up in that bed for days, sometimes up to a week or more again in a world of hurt like some you wouldnt believe.

I'll save my ramblings for my recovery thread which I'll likely start tomorrow as I need something to keep me occupied. The boredom is real.
After quitting benzos, it took me MONTHS to be able to get out of bed. I agree it is paramount, but it is fucking hard if you are going through withdrawal.