[AUS] Attitudes to media reporting on drugs

Hey how do you post something on this website? Its confusing, but it could be because I am trying to operate it with my mobile phone. Although if someone could send me a message and tell me how to post something I would greatly appreciate it.
If the studies indicate too heavily in what their goal is then BLers will only partake in studies that they support. This will skew research for both sides. "Positive" drug studies will only be done by drug users (blers) and negitive ones will be ignored and only a few anti-drug people will respond.

That's the reason why im not comfortable doing the PDI anymore. Can't say iv any solutions however.
Yes, such information will skew who participates. For me it's a question of balancing the desire not to bias the sample with the need to engage with what participants actually want. It's a pretty bad feeling when you discover that something you contributed to is being used in ways that defy your own values. I think it's an ethical dilemma and one that many researchers in this field have to grapple with.

(No I don't have a decent solution either, but we'll get closer to that the more we discuss the issues.)
the media talks about the abuse of prescripton drugs at least in Ny almost every week sometimes even on the front cover of the news paper thats how rediculous these painkillers are actually getting unbelievable