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Misc Be careful with pregabalin (Lyrica)


Aug 19, 2013
I wanted to give some cautionary advice to anyone thinking of taking pregabalin recreationally. I hadn’t really messed with this substance before and you can buy it over the counter in Mexico, so I thought “why not?” I feel like I made a terrible mistake. The first day I took 600mg, followed by another 150mg when I was feeling the effects. What resulted was a very strange, almost opiate like psychedelic high that lasted several hours. What’s so bad about that? Aside from a strange feeling in my body, and some headaches/heart palpitations, it was enjoyable. I decided to repeat the experience the next day. So I did the same thing and dosed 600mg with 150mg shortly afterwards. I was then stupid enough to do it a third day in a row, this time being brash and taking 900mg. It was a different brand and I didn’t feel it as much. The day afterwards, in the afternoon, holy shit did I start feeling a comedown. Pregabalin also has anti anxiety effects and the rebound anxiety was something else. This was accompanied with a nasty feeling in my head, like I could literally feel the drug leaving my brain. I would forget things easily and over the next few days rebound anxiety and depression became worse. It is now Friday, five days since I ended the three day binge and I still don’t feel right.

I realize I was stupid for doing such high doses three days in a row, but the comedown still seemed especially intense. I have had an easier time recovering from binging on opiates. So please be careful if you intend to use this substance recreationally.
I truly believed this was going to involve a seizure at some point and was gonna say "yeah me too kind of, except it was a mix of its little bro gabapentin along with caffeine" and I'm happy it didn't actually end that way. But five days after your binge and you still feel messed up (especially THAT messed up) makes me think you might actually be going through withdrawal. Surprised it could happen after just three days.

FYI on that third day of use though, I can't speak for whether that brand would work well for you or not, but pregabalin and gabapentin tend to be useless or at least very near to it after the second day of recreational use. It's a tolerance thing.
You have to take regular t breaks on gabapentinoids. Even 3 days since u last dosed can do the trick if your not hammering stupid amounts