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Cocaine Cocaine and Sex

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Apr 3, 2010
Since i'm spilling my beans today, I also have an issue with cocaine and sex:

With coke use I tend to be very horny but also always get a limp dick, if I snort more than 0.5g (around 5 lines)! This is very frustrating for the obvious reasons (i get really really horny!).

Only real good sex I have with coke is with 2 or 3 normal lines at most! In this case I get all the energy and hornyness from the coke and still be able to function. Although, I'll last much longer due to the decreased sensitivity...

Does anyone else suffer from this issue ? I've heard that coke should be making me some kind of a super-men in bed and not a limped dick freak!
It makes me want sex more than anything in the world (other than more coke) but unable to keep an erection for more than 3 seconds. Sucks.
I don't have a problem with a limp dick but I do find myself not being able to hold my load like I normally would on lets say LSD or when i did meth or H.
I only ever get limp dick from coke if it's cut with shit, which is often amphetamines or crazy RCs. Never had a problem with relatively pure and uncut coke...

Eh, I never touch coke anyway these days. Even if you get 'good' quality coke, it's still likely cut and rather impure. Just leaves me with a dirty feeling...
Coke would make me super fucking horny and quite frankly a little weird. I did a lot of stupid shit coked out of my face trying to get some pussy, and holy shit am I glad most of the times it didn't turn out. I swear I would fuck almost anything on Coke, and when I was really high I've done some stupid shit trying to get some.

Like one time I tried to wake up my fat crazy neighbor who would of loved to but god wtf was I thinking eww.

Once you get the nut off its like the whole night was just a waste. Like im spending my whole night trying to get a piece or marathon jerking for this fucking moment i spent $500 on. And then I nut and feel disguisted with myself.
I personally never liked having sex on coke or any amphetamines. The sex part felt good but the orgasm just is just not as good to me
I used to have the same problem with d-amphetamine if I took to much, and the problem is the same basically; vasoconstriction. One of the ways I guess I solved it was to magically develop dangerous stage 4 hypertension when I turned 19 after leading a sporting life and being 5'11-165lb. It happened for all the people in my family that once they became and adult some event triggered dangerou blood pressure changes.

Oh well, the point Im making; I got prescribed calcium channel blocking anti-hypertensives and I can finally fuck on stimulants again and last for hours if I need to. Not recommending you just take any hypertension pill around you, because there is no saving someone who is overdosing on beta-blockers, but might be something to help you think about the root cause of the problem and what could help.

I personally never liked having sex on coke or any amphetamines. The sex part felt good but the orgasm just is just not as good to me

I have found this to be the case too, only the orgasm wasn't less prolific than normal, just not comparable to all the build up. Dopamine plays a role primarily in developing human interest, and while it often is quoted as being the "happy molecule", it is more correctly the molecule of anticipatory excitement. And I would explain sex on stimulants as extreme anticipatory excitement followed by a mediocre orgasm, but it still is worth it to me!
I'm in my 50's and ED set in with prescription blood pressure tablets.

I have always suffered with peanut knob on stims though.
MDMA (when I can get quality stuff)
Speed & amph based pils n stuff
Ephedrine I find really bad
Madcat (mephedrone)
Methylone & Pee Vee
And of course, chokey

Even if I've got an able and willing partner (she has got some right naughty gear) I struggle to get a lob on, so don't think you suffer alone.

TBH the posts above highlight a good point - even if your feeling horny it's not always the 'best sex'
With a previous g\f we used to go clubbing Sat. nite E'd up but leave the bedroom till about Tues. when our heads were a bit clearer.

I have taken to buying generic blue pills or Cialis off the web to combat peanut knob but if I have some top notch coke they don't work - IMO better to wait

Anyone step up with Harm Reduction advice on the wrongs of BP tablets, illegals (some still legal) & viagra?

Hope thing helps -
Stay safe ;-)
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