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Coffee Grinders

I find that three "whizzes" on a zoomer (coffee grinder) gives it just the right consistency for bong or pipe, but I would never personally roll joints with zoomed pot - it's just far too fine to roll and smoke nicely.

As for "gold dust," most people I know just refer to it as pure crystal and love it intensely. I find the best way to smoke it without having it burn itself to ash while you're enjoying holding the hit in your lungs is to smoke it in a pipe and completely cover any air entry/exit points of the pipe to starve the burn of oxygen. This immediately puts out any embers in the crystal, leaving you to smoke as much of it as can possibly be smoked. For instance: using this method, I made a half-bowl of "gold dust" last for three nights smoking it by myself.

Oh, and just as a final note: if you can find finely ground salvia leaf, I suggest a 1:3 mix of salvia and crystal in a water bong. That shit'll wreck you somethin' fierce, let me tell you. I was couch-locked for damn near forty mintues smoking one bowl of that combo.