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Harm Reduction Cooking MSContins Without a Filter... Holy Crap!

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Jun 18, 2005

This guy apparently gives the dangerous instructions on how to (unsafely) prep MSContin 100mgs for injection without a filter... he's basically sucking up all that talc and putting it into his veins unfiltered!

I am shocked that he not only does this but promotes it as a 'safe' technique. What the hell?

What do you all think about this crap?
This is blog material....but it is necessary to cook MS Contin to remove the wax matrix. As far as shooting it unfiltered...well, you basically answered your own question. Dangerous, reckless, and just plain stupid.
This is blog material....but it is necessary to cook MS Contin to remove the wax matrix. As far as shooting it unfiltered...well, you basically answered your own question. Dangerous, reckless, and just plain stupid.

How is this blog material? I did a search and could not find this guys website/method posted here before... it should be warned against and at least discussed.

What gives this guy such confidence that his technique is 'safe'?
I'm just saying that this is more of a "musing" than an OD topic. But I guess that is just my opinion. Whatever gave this guy confidence to deem this method "safe" was probably some type of drug. Chemical confidence....that, and he probably hasn't lost a limb or become a case study statistic, you know what I mean? To him, that means his technique is safe.
People are generally dumb. At least you are smart enough to question his presentation of bullshit.
Harm Reduction he says? LMFAO!

That was some of the most ridiculous shit I ever read!
Retarded. Period. There is NO safe way not to filter a shot. At the very least your allowing particulate to enter the syringe and needle and possibly clog or interfere with proper registration of the issue. some people man....think they're trying to help and really are gonna put someone in the fucking hospital.
the poor fool doesn't even have a comments section. that's a terribly unsafe method i would never, ever recommend to anyone. sure the method, unfiltered could be used for rectal administration but not intravenous injection - no fucking way! there's quite a lot of bad steps in that technique compounding the troubles of those pills :|

the damn fool doesn't even have a contact email or anything either!

anyway i have to close this now as it is a blog entry. i'll change the title of the thread to reflect his site. pm me if you think of a better one, i'n not too imaginative at the moment.
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