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Diet Fasting is a cheat code for life


Apr 19, 2019
Seriously, for those that are struggling with depression, anxiety or just feel during the day that 'something feels off' meaning:

  • You don't have the energy that you feel you should have as a healthy human
  • You find yourself thinking too much about things you rationally think are 'nonsense' yet you can't stop keep thinking about them for a weird reason
  • You have an overall activity feeling in your body yet you feel tired a lot of times, unmotivated
  • Focusing in mental tasks seems like an impossible thing to do unless you chug expressos every 2 hours. Society rationalise this by telling you 'it's social media fault, its impossible to concentrate nowadays'.
If you identify with anything of this, give my personal method fasting a try.

It's actually not 100% fasting, because I supplement through the day with Honey+Water. If you find legit fasting (0 calories) works better for you by all means do that, but I found that with strict fasting I would get tired until I get to ketosis (+36 hours fast) and so much hours fasting wasn't an option for me since I already pretty lean.

Basically my 'diet' consists on only eating at night, when the 'productive day' its over, and just through all the day drink Water + Honey, whenever I feel hungry or tired. This mostly happens on the morning until 4PM. At 4-5PM until 10PM I get an even more pronounced surge of energy, clear perception and just overall calmness and clarity of mind, when I don't even want to drink the water+honey. This hours are the best of the day.

When its 9PM I usually will eat whether im hungry or not, since its a big meal its not recommended to do it very late if you have to wake up early for work.

Thats it, it's that simple. Of course I also eat very clean, nothing processed, all vegan (with exception of some cheese and yogurt maybe a couple of times a week), all organic if I can (but not always). And I supplement the following in the morning:

-Panax Ginseng
-Flaxseed Oil


(this last two, goes at the same time and are drank with honey + water on an empty stomach. ).

Then at the big meal at night I usually take vitamin c and vitamin b12.

Just copy my whole diet, and try it out. I would find very very hard to believe that you don't find relief on depression or anxiety or etc mind disorders with it. Much of today's people problems would be solved with people just eating way less, and putting way more hours between meals. Today's modern advice of eating 5 meals a day its absolutely atrocious for your mental clarity and perception, not to say that doesn't let the colon to be empty so its a bacterial disaster. Anyways, I hope this helps a lot of people. Cheers!
i only eat two meals a day, if i eat more than that i find myself feeling tired. i eat both of my meals within 4 hours or so of each other and then the other twenty or so i take off of eating and use it for digestion. this leaves me to shitting only a couple hours a day as opposed to all the time. snacking is no good for me.

i used to do fasting for over 24 hours, but now days i have an injured back and i wonder if lack of food will make it less strong, so i don't mess around. i don't know.

i've never heard of "5 meals a day" as well. that's insane.
glad it's working for you. diet and maintenance on this level is a VERY personal issue as all our bodies are different - i for example have IBS-C so i need a diet w less than 10% fiber a day to function correctly, others relish and do well with fiber - so it really is person to person, but im glad fasting is giving you clarity and working for you OP.
I have done some light fasting, but it was 12 hours, or at other times close to 24, but never 36 or 48 hours. Oddly enough it was helpful.

I drank plenty of water and I also would drink yerba mate, drink fruit juice, or eat citrus fruit. So while it was not actual zero calorie fasting except for 12-18 hours I did a different type. I do not follow any of the keto diet/lifestyle choices.
Seriously, for those that are struggling with depression, anxiety or just feel during the day that 'something feels off' meaning:

  • You don't have the energy that you feel you should have as a healthy human
  • You find yourself thinking too much about things you rationally think are 'nonsense' yet you can't stop keep thinking about them for a weird reason
  • You have an overall activity feeling in your body yet you feel tired a lot of times, unmotivated
  • Focusing in mental tasks seems like an impossible thing to do unless you chug expressos every 2 hours. Society rationalise this by telling you 'it's social media fault, its impossible to concentrate nowadays'.
If you identify with anything of this, give my personal method fasting a try.

It's actually not 100% fasting, because I supplement through the day with Honey+Water. If you find legit fasting (0 calories) works better for you by all means do that, but I found that with strict fasting I would get tired until I get to ketosis (+36 hours fast) and so much hours fasting wasn't an option for me since I already pretty lean.

Basically my 'diet' consists on only eating at night, when the 'productive day' its over, and just through all the day drink Water + Honey, whenever I feel hungry or tired. This mostly happens on the morning until 4PM. At 4-5PM until 10PM I get an even more pronounced surge of energy, clear perception and just overall calmness and clarity of mind, when I don't even want to drink the water+honey. This hours are the best of the day.

When its 9PM I usually will eat whether im hungry or not, since its a big meal its not recommended to do it very late if you have to wake up early for work.

Thats it, it's that simple. Of course I also eat very clean, nothing processed, all vegan (with exception of some cheese and yogurt maybe a couple of times a week), all organic if I can (but not always). And I supplement the following in the morning:

-Panax Ginseng
-Flaxseed Oil


(this last two, goes at the same time and are drank with honey + water on an empty stomach. ).

Then at the big meal at night I usually take vitamin c and vitamin b12.

Just copy my whole diet, and try it out. I would find very very hard to believe that you don't find relief on depression or anxiety or etc mind disorders with it. Much of today's people problems would be solved with people just eating way less, and putting way more hours between meals. Today's modern advice of eating 5 meals a day its absolutely atrocious for your mental clarity and perception, not to say that doesn't let the colon to be empty so its a bacterial disaster. Anyways, I hope this helps a lot of people. Cheers!
When I’m depressed, I fast involuntarily. I’ll sleep all day and have absolutely zero appetite and no interest in anything that I usually am interested in. Somewhat like right now. I had 1 meal today, but I’m not intentionally doing OMAD…it’s just depression 😁
Interesting. Everybody is different, of course.
I do best on two meals a day (morning/evening) and no snacking, ever.
Recently I've been drinking a bit too much and that definitely fucks everything up-- empty calories, zigzagging blood sugar levels, dehydration.
Gotta watch that for sure.
i only eat two meals a day, if i eat more than that i find myself feeling tired. i eat both of my meals within 4 hours or so of each other and then the other twenty or so i take off of eating and use it for digestion. this leaves me to shitting only a couple hours a day as opposed to all the time. snacking is no good for me.

i used to do fasting for over 24 hours, but now days i have an injured back and i wonder if lack of food will make it less strong, so i don't mess around. i don't know.

i've never heard of "5 meals a day" as well. that's insane.
In my country at least there was a big push for that 5 meals a day motto (and generally 'the more meals the better, instead of little and big meals'.

2 meals a day its probably the best that will work for most people. Glad its working for ya.

Does Fasting Promote Cell Regeneration?​

Yes, fasting for cell repair is absolutely a thing! But what exactly happens to your cells when you intermittent fast? And why is it important?

Fasting sets off a process in the body known as cell autophagy. During cell autophagy, your body eliminates old and dysfunctional cells, replacing them with newer, better-functioning ones. Efficient cell autophagy enables your body to maintain homeostasis and keep its many processes working together at optimal levels.
That's not supposed to be 5 full meals, but rather dividing your normal amount of food for the day up into smaller but more frequent portions. That's meant for people who get very hungry quickly and feel the constant need to snack in between meals.
I have used this and have eaten even more meals and was lean but strong. Kinda in that mode now. Small "meals" throughout the day.
I think it keeps the metabolism going or something and maybe regenerates... IDK.
Getting hungry changes a lot in our chemistry and not only can it be good for some for others would rather not be around a hungry me. lol
Great, no I already fasted for over a decade. Maybe I was doing it wrong but I was very sick all the time.

I remember starving myself during my recovery in 2016. My thoughts process was basically to punish myself for my addiction. Plus I figured well idc how much you want drugs , long enough without food you'll crave eating over drugs. Living on less than 400 calories a day. Those were dark times. I would just sleep for days.

I've always been pretty thin, never got above 125 lbs.
Muslims during Ramadan didn't have shit on me. I would wake up shit my brains out. Go to work for 9-13 hours, never eat until I got home. Eat a huge dinner, and several snacks all night until I passed out. Did that same routine from 2011 till 2022.

Last year I sold all my shit, dumped my loser bf and started a new life. Again. Part of that life is not stressing myself out. So if I am hungry, I eat. When I'm sleepy I sleep. And if I don't want to work , I don't.

And with proper money management, I'll never return to the workforce. I weigh 140 and feel fucking fantastic.

Im glad you're excited about fasting. But after doing it for medical reasons for so long, I'm glad it's over.
Seriously, for those that are struggling with depression, anxiety or just feel during the day that 'something feels off' meaning:

  • You don't have the energy that you feel you should have as a healthy human
  • You find yourself thinking too much about things you rationally think are 'nonsense' yet you can't stop keep thinking about them for a weird reason
  • You have an overall activity feeling in your body yet you feel tired a lot of times, unmotivated
  • Focusing in mental tasks seems like an impossible thing to do unless you chug expressos every 2 hours. Society rationalise this by telling you 'it's social media fault, its impossible to concentrate nowadays'.
If you identify with anything of this, give my personal method fasting a try.

It's actually not 100% fasting, because I supplement through the day with Honey+Water. If you find legit fasting (0 calories) works better for you by all means do that, but I found that with strict fasting I would get tired until I get to ketosis (+36 hours fast) and so much hours fasting wasn't an option for me since I already pretty lean.

Basically my 'diet' consists on only eating at night, when the 'productive day' its over, and just through all the day drink Water + Honey, whenever I feel hungry or tired. This mostly happens on the morning until 4PM. At 4-5PM until 10PM I get an even more pronounced surge of energy, clear perception and just overall calmness and clarity of mind, when I don't even want to drink the water+honey. This hours are the best of the day.

When its 9PM I usually will eat whether im hungry or not, since its a big meal its not recommended to do it very late if you have to wake up early for work.

Thats it, it's that simple. Of course I also eat very clean, nothing processed, all vegan (with exception of some cheese and yogurt maybe a couple of times a week), all organic if I can (but not always). And I supplement the following in the morning:

-Panax Ginseng
-Flaxseed Oil


(this last two, goes at the same time and are drank with honey + water on an empty stomach. ).

Then at the big meal at night I usually take vitamin c and vitamin b12.

Just copy my whole diet, and try it out. I would find very very hard to believe that you don't find relief on depression or anxiety or etc mind disorders with it. Much of today's people problems would be solved with people just eating way less, and putting way more hours between meals. Today's modern advice of eating 5 meals a day its absolutely atrocious for your mental clarity and perception, not to say that doesn't let the colon to be empty so its a bacterial disaster. Anyways, I hope this helps a lot of people. Cheers!
Any idea on chronic pain and fasting?
Any idea on chronic pain and fasting?
If you fast all day there's no doubt you get a keto high from it and any high tends to ease pain. The problem might come if you didn't get enough food overall. Being underweight makes pain worse ime.

My mum had anorexia and being raised with strict control over the food which we daren't question as kids because it was such a sensitive subject for her, meant that now I feel I have good control in general at times when I quit anything. I used to come home from school fricking starving to a house with maybe two bits of bread in it and I could only have one because to finish the bread was practically a crime. I fucked off at age sixteen, but the lesson of self control was learned.
Right now I'm off all illegal drugs (except weed, it shouldn't be illegal) and simply sticking to my buprenorphine, equivalent to 2mg per day sublingual, a small dose really.
I eat little nibbles throughout the day, then one meal about 6pm. If I ate a meal earlier in the day I'd have to sleep it off, it hurts inside when I eat, so it's only if I can have a good rest after it , like a snake :ROFLMAO: