Mental Health Hair Loss and the slipping away of beauty. How to deal with the depression and self-esteem issues?

As with baldness, I think the ability to grow facial hair can also at least partially be attributed to genetics. Certain Native American and Asian people, as well as other groups I'm sure, lack facial hair as say a person from Scandinavia might have lots.
Huh? Guys generally start growing facial hair during puberty and when they go bald they keep the facial hair.
I mean I can grow some facial hair, but far from a full beard or mustache. Not sure why but I've always struggled with growing facial hair, and the facial hair that I do have started coming in later than my peers. My testosterone levels are on the very low end of whats considered "normal", so maybe that has something to do with it? Either way, I'm fine with it. I prefer to be clean shaven as I like to keep an androgynous appearance.
Dude go to the pharmacy and get some rogaine asap! I'm also 28, was going through the exact same thing as you. Been using rogaine foam for just under a year and my hair freakin looks like I'm 19 again. Maybe even better because I go to a better barber now 😂.

I was also on finasteride pills for a few months but stopped because I didn't like the sound of the potential side effects. I'm not sure I was on it long enough to have any effect.

Recently I've heard oral minoxidil (rogaine is topical minoxidil) can be really beneficial as well. Might ask my doctor about that soon... also incorporate biotin into your viatmin routine if you haven't already and stop taking stimulants (if you do).

If your hair is just "thinning" and you're not yet noticeably "going bald" then there is still plenty of hope. You could have many, many more pretty boy years on the horizon.

But even if you do end up losing it all I'm sure you'll still be hot as fuck. It's honestly just all about acceptance. Being sad and insecure over losing your hair is going to come across as pretty damn unattractive. But leaning into and adopting a new look with confidence is going to scream smoking hot maturity.

Just rock the new look with confidence and accept that you'll never be that kid with the "good hair" again. You'll always have the ability to be a strong, confident, attractive man no matter how many hairs you have on your head.

also having a really big dick helps.

Thank you so much for the great response! That's what I needed to hear. I'll get started on the Rogaine ASAP! I did use Finasteride for about a month or 2 when my hair loss first started but I also stopped because it killed my already low sex drive. My sex drive has finally been coming back a bit so I dread the thought of starting Finasteride and having it destroy my libido. I really do dread losing my hair, I feel my hair loss is inevitable at this point. I'm still gonna try to save it but if I lose it then yeah, I'm just going to have to lean into a new look, which will be tough as a feminine male. But yeah, luckily I am an attractive guy, and I do do well for myself in terms of penis size lol. I'll make it work but I had planned on going into old age with long hair. Its also been tough because I only came out as gay about 2 or 3 years ago, and my hair almost immediately started falling out afterwards. The moment that I accepted myself, my beauty started to slip away. That has been the hardest part to be honest. I haven't had a chance to slut around with my pretty long hair 😭

Seriously though! I greatly appreciate your responses!
My hair was zapped off from being naturally thick to extremely thin recently. So bad I had to cut it off like a man (am a woman) because I couldn't stand the feel of it against my face and neck.
It's sad but not as sad as everything else is.
I suppose my thick hair was all I had left after being facially disfigured a few years ago (hit to the nose).
It all started when a class mate told me to shave off my eyebrows in high school and they never grew back.

Seems like I was always half ugly but pretty with effort.
So everyone is pretty satisfied now I can't make an effort.

Nothing compared to the general horror of life though.

I suppose I feel a bit dying of a disease. No I don't look how I used to.
Thank you so much for the great response! That's what I needed to hear. I'll get started on the Rogaine ASAP! I did use Finasteride for about a month or 2 when my hair loss first started but I also stopped because it killed my already low sex drive. My sex drive has finally been coming back a bit so I dread the thought of starting Finasteride and having it destroy my libido. I really do dread losing my hair, I feel my hair loss is inevitable at this point. I'm still gonna try to save it but if I lose it then yeah, I'm just going to have to lean into a new look, which will be tough as a feminine male. But yeah, luckily I am an attractive guy, and I do do well for myself in terms of penis size lol. I'll make it work but I had planned on going into old age with long hair. Its also been tough because I only came out as gay about 2 or 3 years ago, and my hair almost immediately started falling out afterwards. The moment that I accepted myself, my beauty started to slip away. That has been the hardest part to be honest. I haven't had a chance to slut around with my pretty long hair 😭

Seriously though! I greatly appreciate your responses!

Hi man, a less libido crushing alternative to finasteride is Saw Palmetto, my dermatologist recommended the thing to me as f. was messing with my sex drive as well.
