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RCs Highest Mephedrone dose ever done

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Apr 8, 2010
iv tryed reading through the mephedrone megathreads but i cant find anyone who seems to take drone the way i do.

most in one day (full 24hrs 3pm-3pm): 4.5grams (pure, as i ordered it myself)

normal size of line on a normal night: 150-200mg (average night i almost always do over a gram)

biggest line ever snorted in one go: 400mg

recently i stayed up for 3days. didnt eat much or sleep. took about 4grams over the weekend.

does anyone else take this much? or what the highest level of consumption youve seen/heard of.

I once at a half g Then another half g about a half hour later... Of pure crystal meph (Hehe Crystal meph)

It just gets shitty in high doses...

I wouldn't recommend more then .3 .4
not about penis size as i dont plan to do that much again. it was stupid nd the last line was.... an interesting ordeal. just curious is all
not about penis size as i dont plan to do that much again. it was stupid nd the last line was.... an interesting ordeal. just curious is all

If you really want to know the upper-echelons of what is physically possible to dose off of and survive take a queue from this study of catechloamine flood-toxicity.

"In 2009, one case of sympathomimetic toxicity was reported in the UK after a person took 0.2 g of mephedrone orally and 3.8 g subcutaneously. They were treated with 1 mg of lorazepam and the sympathomimetic features decreased within 6 hours of treatment.[36]"

This is well beyond anything but a suicide dose in my opinion, and I have never gone over 0.5g in a "waking session" and even then I was starting to get really uncomfortable with the stimulant side-effects.
I believe this thread will be closed unless theres a harm reduction aspect to it, but Ive taken 350mg give or take in one bomb and started getting jittery so Ive stuck around 250mg since then and don't get fiendish and shit anymore
I suppose establishing an upper bound could constitute harm reduction, but its gonna be so varible from person to person it could cause more harm than good

Besides, it just seems to be a dicksizing competition

As to largest dose, not by me but a friend, "just 4g in a weekend". He was fine essentially
My e-drug-penis is bigger than your e-drug-penis!
Yup. Such threads serve no point. Now, if you want to talk about the consequences of such doses, there are plenty of mephedrone threads floating around.
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