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How can I tell the difference between MDE/MDA/MDMA?


R Fire

The marquis reagent which is used to detect "Ecstasy like" substances is
nice to have to screen for adulterants like 2CB and DXM, but is there some
kind of test short of full scale gas chromotography that will allow me to
determine weather a pill is MDE, MDA or MDMA? Does anyone know if such a
chemical distinction is feasable or even possible? Thanks in advance.
Under IDEAL circumstances (if you had totally pure, un-adulatrated samples of the three) there would be a SLIGHT difference in the REACTION TIME .. but the entire myth that there is a color change is just that - a myth ..
I understand they are working on a new reagent that would distinguish ... aj could better answer this question ..
phreex -- see thread with title approx. " is there any real mdma around anymore"
i am convinced the recent pills i have testing purple are mdea.
posted by dizzy.
for phreex : "religion is the opiate of the masses." karl marx
[This message has been edited by xtcxtc (edited 17 April 2000).]
Yep, we're working on it but it takes time.
Sorry I don't have better news but it will come.