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How do you minimise/prevent your comedown?


Dec 28, 2003
As the topic suggests..

What do you do/what supplements do you take to reduce the effects of a comedown from any drug?
I always take a multivitamin at some point, and during the comedown, usually taking it easy, relaxing on a bed, reading a good book, and attempting to eat solid food helps me, no matter what drug I'm coming down on. Keeping hydrated helps wonders, too.
i think most people will post about ecstasy
take 5HTP as you comedown, before you goto bed, and maybe for the next few days.. of course theres also anti oxidants and magnesium for less jaw clench but i dont think either affects the comedown at all

While feeling whigged out and desperate for more I:
- Force myself to sit on my gym mat and stretch.
- focus on breathing with my stretches.
- turn the lights down and remove external stimuli (which just pisses me off at this stage anyways)
- drink alot of water during and after.
(REAL cocaine does not do this to me but the shite coke I've found up here for the last 5 years has been crap and geeks me out after a gram or so)

- SLEEP. If I do not get to sleep either naturally or with help I will be a mess the next day.
- Lots of water
- I try to have some berries, fruit and a banana before I try to sleep.
- Have a long shower (20 minutes) just enjoying the warmth.
- Supplement-wise the only one I've found to have direct impact is magnesium. I am sure there are benefits to 5-HTP and I use that on occasion, but I can't really feel the difference.


- food. food food. fruit/vegies
- 2 grams of GHB

A good sleep a few hours before
Multivitamin before dropping

On getting home:

Any electrolytic replacements (usually powder you mix with water - usually sold for diahorrea treatment)
2 5HTP
2 Melatonin
Food - usually fruit or oats - something with a bit of body
The next day I do NOTHING, lie on the couch watch movies, sleep whenever tired - doesnt matter what time it is.

The week after:
Daily fruit and vegetables - lots of salads
1 5HTP each night
Daily multivitamins, Omega Fatty Acids, rodium rosea (brain food type of vitamin)
I eat beef whenever taking Ecstacy. It gives me the love chills on my penis, which turns me on and brings back the roll so I can masturbate with my hard penis again.
For me, in the short term, by far the best way to fix a come down is making sure you get 6-8 hours sleep after you've finished partying, wake up have a shower, drink lots of water, have a good square meal, then in the evening have a few beers/bottle wine. In the longer term, i.e the following week, 5HTP works great.
Skyline_GTR said:
For me, in the short term, by far the best way to fix a come down is making sure you get 6-8 hours sleep after you've finished partying, wake up have a shower, drink lots of water, have a good square meal, then in the evening have a few beers/bottle wine. In the longer term, i.e the following week, 5HTP works great.

Definately a good regimen ... although I would argue against alcohol consumption personally, as MDxx tends to dehydrate as it is, so any fluids you intake would be better if they serve to replenish your body.

I find eating is quite important ... sometimes its difficult, but even for someone who doesn't normally eat healthy things, a banana/salad/SMOOTHIE the next day can at least give you a bit of energy and definately is healthy. 5HTP and vitamins are essential too ... The last few times I used MDxx were very unwise (as my brain was dangerously low of seritonin); sleep and 5HTP helped turn my brain from feeling like it was being pulled in 5 different directions with meathooks one day to feeling mostly normal, with only dull aches / minor spaced-outness in a day or two.

Good to have a day you can rest also ... just stay in bed, eat healthy stuff, and sleep. The worst I ever had was a nite I'd taken only one strong pill, but got almost no sleep afterwards, then had to work all day the next day ... and I was too young/inexperienced (pre-BL days even) to know anything about 5HTP or eating right. My brain was scrambled for at least 4 days after, and I hadn't even been low on seritonin beforehand.

But the best thing to do is avoid having a nasty comedown in the first place, by not being an idiot like I was and popping too many pills in too short a time, or drinking too much alcohol, etc.
SilverFeniks said:
Definately a good regimen ... although I would argue against alcohol consumption personally, as MDxx tends to dehydrate as it is, so any fluids you intake would be better if they serve to replenish your body.

That's true indeed, that's why I make sure that I drink loads of water during the day. The alcohol in the evening (for me) totally sorts out any jitteryness and lets me relax. Obviously going on a massive bender the following evening and drinking 10 pints is going to make you feel really shit the day after, but a few drinks to help me relax works very well for me.
obviously the best way to minimize the effects of coming down is not to. Just take more of whatever it is you are on and then you won't have to deal with coming down ;)
seroquil(sp?), this stuff will knock you out flat. It doesn't matter if you just blew a point of meth, seroquil will do the trick
Either don't do drugs ;), or just do a little. Much of the above information is good, but try to exercise, eat reasonably healthy (you don't have to be super strict) and moderate usage.

o and good music helps allot too,

a couple which help me allot are

Foo Fighters - times like these (BEST)
daft punk - voyager
Me & my housemates will always come home, and watch movies whilst eating party pies or pizza and just relaxing. People go to sleep if they feel like it, but we usually try and stay up until early evening the get an early night so our sleeping patterns dont get too whacked out. We have wonderful mellow come-down days that are sometimes as good as the night before even. At least they are when I still have afterglow, as I have the last few times.

I do take magnesium and antioxidants pre and post. The magnesium definitely helps, and the antioxidants seem to help prevent me from getting sick. I want to get 5-HTP but havent got around to it yet (no credit card :( )