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Technology how to enter/use the dark or clear web?

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Oct 7, 2022
First of all - I don't want to buy drugs, I have a prescription for the stuff I use.

Now what I want is two things:
- get some kind of information on how someone could/would enter the dark web to get stuff. Whatever it is.
- specifically for me - can you search for example for some music that was banned and therefore not realley available on youbtube etc., or for a specific kind of weapon, or for some extra-deep information about how to raise a legion out of neighborhood kids or something.
So my thing is to understand how this works, for whatever reasons

Any answers, links to tutorials or such are elcome. THX :)
Hey lecroute

This post is against our policy. We don't tell people how to get on the dark web. Especially not for firearms. So I have to close this.

Google is your friend.
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