• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Recovery I just want to thank everyone on this site


Dec 10, 2022
As some of you know I was in a really very dark place back in December and it was partly so to the support of people like you on this site that I got out of that headspace and if you read my posts from then and read them now it’s like night and day. I’m back to my normal high functioning self and haven’t touched stims since.

Thank you all so very much. This site has become a part of my heart and social health.

Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe:)
As some of you know I was in a really very dark place back in December and it was partly so to the support of people like you on this site that I got out of that headspace and if you read my posts from then and read them now it’s like night and day. I’m back to my normal high functioning self and haven’t touched stims since.

Thank you all so very much. This site has become a part of my heart and social health.

Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe:)
Good to know, man! Such a huge acomplishment. I send u a big hug and keep going that way, have a lovely weekend!
Nico xx
As some of you know I was in a really very dark place back in December and it was partly so to the support of people like you on this site that I got out of that headspace and if you read my posts from then and read them now it’s like night and day. I’m back to my normal high functioning self and haven’t touched stims since.

Thank you all so very much. This site has become a part of my heart and social health.

Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe:)
so happy we could assist you to coming to a more functional and stable place. Peer support played a huge part in my own recovery, and I think i can comfortably speak for most of us on staff that this type of outcome is why we do what we do. Keep on strong my friend, I wish you many blessings and much success in your new life. <3
Thanks for sticking around.
I dont get as much reading done these days but feel ya and da vibe seems on tune, fwiw.
Best to you and yours and thanks for the sentiments (same as mine about this place).