If I can give you one piece of advice

Raas: Have you tried Salvia yet? It has the power to scare me more than anything I ever tried before, yet I wonder if that's simply because it is more powerful than anythng else I tried. And I do not mean that in an addictive sense, simply a "blow your mind away" sense.
I absolutely know what you are on about. Tripping has made me completely and I mean COMPLETELY aware of what seems to be everything. I just KNOW stuff. Very very aware of the games people play which does make it difficult to like people. I got over this by having a very small but VERY like minded circle of friends. Poeple who can SEE just like I can.

Personality wise I have become much more serious and unable to be foolish or silly or find anything funny about people who are these things.

However, I like it this way. I would rather be aware than not. I remember when I was not aware and I cringe at some of the things that person did and said.

Ignorance is bliss but now I know, I know that I would rather know than live in ignorance.
With all due respect, most of what you posters are describing is not an enlightened plane of existence unique to users of psychedelic drugs. Let me try to explain before I'm flamed.

I've never tripped, so I'm not even going to try to say I know what it's like. However, after quite a bit of research into psychoactive drugs and what they do and have the potential to do, I am not surprised at many of your reactions. For many of you, psychedelic drugs have opened up new pathways of perception and reasoning. You'll have to trust me on this one, but there are many people in this world who through being intellectually gifted or high intelligence possess similar pathways of reasoning and thought structure. They could post just what many of you have posted, sans the drug usage parts.

There are untold people around you who can understand you and feel what you take as so unique to your condition. As long as you limit these types of feelings and thought processes as unique to psychedelic drug users, you'll never really get anywhere. Drugs don't have to be taken hook, like and sinker. They are not the be all and end all of life. I'm not anti-drug, but get out there and look for like minds whether they be drug users or not! The fact that many of you are posting these types of things here seems pretty suggestive that you have yet to do this.

If you feel your potential for understanding and reasoning has grown, then get out and expand your horizons to challenge your mind. Leave the existence that now seems mundane to you. Seek out new friends, take up challenging hobbies, travel every chance you get, delve into philosophy, major in some advanced logic field of study where your 'newfound' talents can be exercised or revealed for what they are (or are not), change your routine.

I need to close, but always remember that although your thought structure may be set, your thought patterns can be changed. The outcomes of many ventures in life are heavily influenced by thought patterns, and as much as you might argue the point -- you as an individual do have control over how you allow your thought patterns to run.
I think you should all relax a bit and laugh all the crap stuff and crap people off.

Instead of analyzing everything and looking for faults in people praise the good in them.

Life is better when you're positive

(The last Statement resists analysis)
"I have to say now that i've done drugs i feel pretty lifeless, i know what my brains capable of... i know what my imagination can do, i know what the maximum happiness of E can induce... the ultimate rush crack brings, and the bliss of H...

it's like there's nothing left now. Life itself and it's petty problems seem somewhat surreal and unimportant.."

thats one of the scariest things i've heard
"it's like there's nothing left now."
Not true! 2C-I, GHB, the list goes on and on!
This whole thing seems like the typical "Holden Caufield" syndrome of youth. I think every single intelligent person will think this way at some point in their life, and i think most grow out of it. I am refereing to the alienation, inability to connect, etc. I really doubt that this is completely due to psychedelics, but i agree that psychedelics were probably a catalyst.

I noticed that after doing psychedelics I lost almost ALL my desire, or ability, to preform small talk. It all just seemed SO irrelevant to me. If you wanted to talk about something that I am passionate about (music, drugs, philosophy, movies, books, etc) then I would talk you ear off. But i simply lost all desire to talk about things like "How's the weather" and "How was your date?" Unfortunately, these are the things that connect ALL people and often the only way to meet new people.

Slowly as I grow older and a little less nihilistic/narcissistic I am starting to come around and enjoy the company of others more. I used to think that I too could understand everything that makes a person do what they do and I still often do, but I'm constantly realizing that I only THINK I understand the person. You may THINK you can psychoanalyze them completely, but I think thats mostly in your head. People, even ones that don't trip, just aren't that simple.

basically, give it some time. Find someone that challenges you. Ease up on your psychedelic use (don't stop completely though) and you will start to come around.
I really think pot has harmed me much more in this aspect then psychedelics, though. Simply because its much more habituating.
"I have to say now that i've done drugs i feel pretty lifeless, i know what my brains capable of... i know what my imagination can do, i know what the maximum happiness of E can induce... the ultimate rush crack brings, and the bliss of H...

it's like there's nothing left now. Life itself and it's petty problems seem somewhat surreal and unimportant.."

Wow, this sounds SO jaded. There are MANY feelings that you cannot experience with drugs alone, love being the primary one that comes to mind. I would take love any day over any amounts of drug induced euphoria.
Also, if you give it a chance, you'd be surprised how much more rewarding the natural versions of these drug induced feelings are, even if they aren't quite as strong or easy to achieve.
I remember when I was twenty or so, there wasn't much that I didn't know. If I didn't know it it wasn't worth knowing. Now here I am at 52 and I realize that I don't know a fucking thing. I wish I could go back to when I was younger and knew it "all".
