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Need Help I'm looking for an alternative to alcohol for my anxiety.

Benzos best mimic the effects of alcohol on your nervous system. Benzos and barbiturates. Valium will likely make you a bit drowsy and Xanax may not be great for creativity but something like Ativan at the onset of an anxiety attack or taking klonapin daily to prevent high anxiety all together would more than likely provide you with enough stress relief, with just enough instant gratification, to substitute the alcohol abuse. I’m alcoholic and personally methamphetamine keeps me off the booze.
I had my first seizure from a tramadol overdose. Now I've had a lot of them. Luckily not for a few years but I cannot take certain medications. No wellbutrin, no doxepin, and certainly no tramadol.

I always warn people about seizures when they're talking about starting a tramadol habit.

Kratom is safer and IMO stronger.

Gabapentin or pregabalin might be effective for you. I used Gabapentin for years for pain and it was a welcome side effect that it helped tremendously with my PTSD and anxiety that I was dealing with some years ago.
Soo as a long term Opiate addict, who has tried everything beyond home made Krokodil, Firstly I will say this. Opiate consumption/addiction is a Big time Life investment.

If you chose to go the opiate route, YOU WILL eventually become beholden to your addiction.
Soo depending on where you currently are in life, the access you have to a constant supply, and your personal willpower/addictive mindset. Turning to Opiates is equivalent to going into a committed relationship with a significant other…

If you have the availability and consistency for that type of lifestyle, then I can offer genuine & sincere advice.

But You must understand what you will be getting into, if you decide to go that route.

Tramadol is good at first, but its not that strong, and the main issue with opiate addiction is TOLERANCE!!!
The euphoria is great, but it doesn’t last.

You will have to increase the dosages, or graduate onto better, more potent, alternatives.

Methadone Should be your last option, along with an exit strategy. Ive been on Methadone for 10+ years now. I have my own reasons for not weening off. But if you want to be stuck on this ball and chain, Like I am. Then you will eventually have to get comfortable with getting to the point where it barely has any euphoric effect, and it just becomes a permanent supplement to your day.

Physical addiction is no joke. Alcoholic alternatives I see are usually Benzo’s.

Starting with low dose Lorazapam, all the way up to Xannys and Valiums. But they come with the same physical withdrawl symptoms as alcohol, soo its just trading one demon for another.

I hope you figure out a healthier way to cope: But if not, that is your reality.
Obviously benzos are the closest alternative, but they can be just as addictive, and from my own personal experience, more dangerous. I've had more mishaps (car crashes, food left burning on the stove, etc.) from them than I ever did from alcohol... and I used to drink a lot!

There are safer alternatives like Clonidine (NOT Klonopin) and Gabapentin. You could also try the natural approach like valerian and kava. Some people even use techniques like exercising and meditating.

I've suffered from anxiety and the resulting drug/alcohol addiction my entire life, and I'm still trying to figure out the best way of dealing with it.

Hang in there my friend,
I find benzos more addictive than booze for simple reason I like feeling they give more.

As for getting in troubles benzos + booze combo is on the top. I’m doing my best to never get that desperate to risk doing that stupid things/combos.
As for getting in troubles benzos + booze combo is on the top. I’m doing my best to never get that desperate to risk doing that stupid things/combos.
Yep. The amount of times that combo has landed me in SERIOUS legal trouble or near death.... utter destruction of inhibition.