• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Is rice better for you then wheat?

paranoid android

Moderator: TDS
Staff member
Apr 4, 2006
As i am trying to lose some belly fat i have cut out eating bread and drinking regular beer. However i still eat rice as i ,love it and i still drink Sapporo beer. So my question is rice and rice beer better for you then eating wheat and drinking regular beer?
IME it's easier to overindulge on bread than rice so yeah, in that sense, switching to rice will help. Cutting out the beer will have the biggest impact, though. Switch to wine?
When I was losing weight, moderation was key. It wasn't about cutting a single item out, it was about cutting the excesses out. A small bowl of rice or oatmeal, maybe potatoes was fine, 3 or 4 was not. When I tried to cut out specific things, I found it harder to stick with it.

It's also 50/50 exercise and diet for me. I found dieting to be almost ineffective when I wasn't exercising with it. I might have looked a little better, but I was just as unhealthy. 30 minutes a day is plenty, just get the blood flowing and stretch out well, you might find it to be extremely helpful if you aren't doing it already. It definitely was for me.
I have always been taught that anything dark (raw) is better for one than anything processed (white) - talking grains and oats and other carbs.
I think they say purple potatoes have more nutrients than white.
I understand that colors have an impact on health when it comes to food but wonder what else this applies to...?
Just thoughts.
IME it's easier to overindulge on bread than rice so yeah, in that sense, switching to rice will help. Cutting out the beer will have the biggest impact, though. Switch to wine?

I can't do wine i got turned from it when i was 16 and downed a big bottle of really strong bum wine. Omg the puking lol
I can't do wine i got turned from it when i was 16 and downed a big bottle of really strong bum wine. Omg the puking lol

agh! i vaguely recall trying some bum wine out east and it was vile stuff.

wine alone does have a pretty strong taste, but if you add tonic water it mitigates the bitter tannin taste and brings out the floral flavour. i'm not sure why "spritzers" are so unpopular here, but it's a good way to make wine more palatable.

another option is to have just a small glass of Sapporo for enjoyment then switch to a clear liquor for the buzz
agh! i vaguely recall trying some bum wine out east and it was vile stuff.

wine alone does have a pretty strong taste, but if you add tonic water it mitigates the bitter tannin taste and brings out the floral flavour. i'm not sure why "spritzers" are so unpopular here, but it's a good way to make wine more palatable.

another option is to have just a small glass of Sapporo for enjoyment then switch to a clear liquor for the buzz

Lol i remember when i was young some people here would mix 7up with bum wine here lol. It was so awful. I think if im gonna ad tonic to a frink it's probably going to be in a gin and tonic. I just can't do wine the thought of it makes me want to hurl.

Im trying to kinda avoid drinking to much liquor these days as i really can't handle hangovers anymore. I can drink a beer like sapporo all day and not get a hangover though. I am also trying to cut down or elimate drinking liquor on klonopin and zopiclone as i took quite a nasty tumble down the stairs the other year on that combo. Was lucky i didnt break my neck. A few beers isnt bad but liquor with benzos or z drugs just fucks me up.
yeah, i understand. beer is pretty balanced, maybe try switching up the sapporo for a low cal lager
yeah, i understand. beer is pretty balanced, maybe try switching up the sapporo for a low cal lager

Lite beer just tastes horrible to me. I would rather give up drinking entirely then drink that really. I havent had a lite beer yet that was any good. Though Guinness has less carbs and calories then lager does so maybe that counts
Lite beer just tastes horrible to me. I would rather give up drinking entirely then drink that really. I havent had a lite beer yet that was any good. Though Guinness has less carbs and calories then lager does so maybe that counts

The only decent alcohol-free drink I've found is pear cider (perry). Which is basically just fizzy pear juice lol, but it does indeed taste essentially identical to the stuff with alcohol. Most other alcohol-free efforts seem to either taste of vinegar or vomit lol.
To lose weight its always calories in < calories out.

Go to tdeecalculator.net leave your settings as sedentary and you'll get your BMR, which is just what your body burns to exist. Take away 500 cals from that and monitor your diet. That means you can eat what you want within your calorie limit. Do it as a weekly average, so say you should be taking 1.5k a day, over a week that is 10.5k calories. That means that you can enjoy a nice weekend of food and drink but ensure you save those calories during the week. You won't feel starved and you won't want to pig out on something you've completely cut out of your diet.

No food is inherently bad, its all about moderation.
The only decent alcohol-free drink I've found is pear cider (perry). Which is basically just fizzy pear juice lol, but it does indeed taste essentially identical to the stuff with alcohol. Most other alcohol-free efforts seem to either taste of vinegar or vomit lol.
Made the switch to water myself, not even the gear with bubbles in it.
I could make analogy like that, but I do not think it is applicable to everyone
if wheat is neutral for your body, it is just about calories density and fibers (how full it makes you feel in relation to calories), but if you are one of the people it causes elevation in IgG and IgB, immunoresponses, it could make you more fatiqued and less active and possibly some metabolic alterations I have no proper insight to
I have also noticed and many people have told that some rice qualities make you feel full pretty easily
And it is also very hypoallergic
I wouldn't be too worried about wheat but if you are interested about it, you could do elimination diet trial, which is unfortunately difficult to placebo-control
Being a vegan I eat both, but I can't really say if one is better than the other. From my understanding, white rice is a harder starch to digest, whereas wheat has more fiber and for lack of a better term, passes through you more easily. That being said, there are things like wild rice and brown rice that are much more easily tolerated. I guess that it depends on your individual bodily chemistry.

Happy eating,
Rice is a pretty decent carb, imo. Carbs aren't something to be scared of, they're a vital part of our diet (in moderation of course). If you're health conscious go for brown rice, that way you're getting more fibre, magnesium, antioxidants etc
wine alone does have a pretty strong taste, but if you add tonic water it mitigates the bitter tannin taste and brings out the floral flavour. i'm not sure why "spritzers" are so unpopular here, but it's a good way to make wine more palatable.
When I was drinking I sometimes mixed Cabernet Sauvignon (14.5% alcohol) with apple juice (3 parts Cab to 1 part juice).
It was quite good.
I talked about this on another thread and someone suggested I name the drink. I came up with The Cabapple.
When I was drinking I sometimes mixed Cabernet Sauvignon (14.5% alcohol) with apple juice (3 parts Cab to 1 part juice).
It was quite good.
I talked about this on another thread and someone suggested I name the drink. I came up with The Cabapple.
That sounds kind of strange, but then again I used to mix wine with Gatorade so who am I to judge? :ROFLMAO:

Love the drink name. You should have it patented!
integral rice and pasta ain’t always better choice than white

People having Chrons is one example when white is hugely preferred
That sounds kind of strange, but then again I used to mix wine with Gatorade so who am I to judge?
Who indeed? That sounds kinda weird.
I've mixed vodka with Gatorade-- hell, I've mixed vodka or PGA with just about everything. I love whiskey but neutral spirits are amazingly versatile!