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Physics LHCb discovers 3 new exotic particles


May 6, 2019
New era of particle phyiscs. May we discover many more things

Cool! 😁 Although I admit to hoping that they were new fundamental particles, bosons, magnetic monopoles or something... exotic hadrons will do though. 😏

I always wonder when reading about such exotic particles what the real world applications could be of their existence... like is it possible that some kind of as-yet-undiscovered pentaquark could exhibit some kind of anomalous stability or other properties that would permit some kind of "exotic chemistry", new materials or enable new technologies not possible with the bog standard periodic table elements currently at our disposal. Of course, I realise it could.be another few millenia at least before we have any answers to those questions, if the human race or it's descendants are still around by then.
While the LHC is doing amazing things, the 2 LIGO gravitation-wave detectors in the US are now working with the Virgo gravitation-wave detector in Italy and they are discovering amazing things every day. The difference is that they don't seem to have a PR department AND what they are detecting is more in the way of important statistical data rather than single events.

It turns out that their are many more black hole & neutron star collisions occurring than we thought. We also discovered that neutron stars will collide to form a black hole.
I always wonder when reading about such exotic particles what the real world applications could be of their existence... like is it possible that some kind of as-yet-undiscovered pentaquark could exhibit some kind of anomalous stability or other properties that would permit some kind of "exotic chemistry", new materials or enable new technologies not possible with the bog standard periodic table elements currently at our disposal. Of course, I realise it could.be another few millenia at least before we have any answers to those questions, if the human race or it's descendants are still around by then.
that woul be super cool. would need to figure out how to replace them outside the LHC. but it would be nice to have some applications.

While the LHC is doing amazing things, the 2 LIGO gravitation-wave detectors in the US are now working with the Virgo gravitation-wave detector in Italy and they are discovering amazing things every day. The difference is that they don't seem to have a PR department AND what they are detecting is more in the way of important statistical data rather than single events.
LIGO is fucking awesome also.

i love big physics experiments in general even if its too much for my little brain to actually understand what they are doing. this is where globalisation shines, true international collaboration to achieve something we could not do as individual nations. plus the tech developed to build these instruments is immediately used elsewhere. the techniques created to make the optics used in LIGO were immediately put to use in optical quantum computers. the capabilities for dealing with the data produced at the LHC were immediately used elsewhere. these projects, as well as fuelling discoveries in fundamental physics, lead to new technology that we can more tangibly benefit from.