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Cocaine Making crack using ethanol to lace tabbacco


Jul 23, 2022
I make a travel tabbacco where I lace a 50g tabbacco with 5g crack 5g meth 2 vapes 2g and 50g weed extract.
I make the mix using food grade ethical, the thc addition is added seperate using a 2 stage extraction of a premium extract and second pull.
When I make the stimulants addition I make the mix using 60% labgrade ethanol 30% pure methanol
10% distilled water
I use the bicarb because nor wanting ammonia foe this product. The ethanol or menthol I put in menthol strips that one can buy to put in cigarette and rolling tobacco packs
when I make it this way I am left with a white powder that doesn't melt, will give you plumes of smoke but no taste and no buzz. Comes back as no trace of cocaine even though looks like it. Any idea what it is?
The tabbacco works a treat for holidays, vacuum seal in holdall luggage. Looks and smells like normal tabbacco at other end I mix 50/50 and gives a good smoke to any place where you don't have a man to sort you. I also am currently loading 30g tabbacco with 100g worth of weed extracted, and making nicotine free one for my friend, where I have basically reversed the weed extracted tech with a longer soak time of 1 minute.
Unless tested it really does not smell of any weed, sometimes just take vapes and pour over tabbacco, can sit next to a policeman smoking and they have no idea.
Back to white powder, I have experimented on various combinations of crack, meth,opium, thc and 2 cb hits, using vinella extract for flavour adjustment, when I use the food grade ethanol, I sometimes get this powder it also makes a percolator bong water froath when pulling. Put a dolap on and one gets plumes of smoke when pulling and it takes a few draws to clear compared to crack or meth. I do lose product, I keep everything used have and add to dirty bong water and down to dry matter so to start an acetone and methanol cleaning process, during this process the white tasteless powder appears during one of cleaning stages. Sometimes almost a lemony taste but I don't use citrus solvents the only 3 solvents I use are; ethanol, water and methanol, it could derived from the ethanol raw ingredients source, I don't know what they are making it from but it is 99.99% pure according to label has slight floral smell, one of the more expensive solvents.
What seasoned crack user would ever mix their crack with meth?

Meth ruins the high of crack. Waste of cocaine.
Yea I'm a little puzzled here.

This doesn't sound like a good idea in any way. First off, we don't allow discussion with the sole purpose of circumventing the law. It's just not what we are about. It is our constant battle, to maintain a positive reputation in the eyes of the public while discussing such sensitive subject matter. No harm done OP, just had to make that initial point.

The next thing is, this just seems like a generally bad idea. If you have Methamphetamine and Cocaine, I don't see an obvious reason to mix them up into a single product. Most people like one or the other for whatever reason. Furthermore, even if a person enjoys both, I can't imagine that the best possible experience would be to use the two simultaneously, in the same product.

You are probably wasting a lot of drugs and I am feeling like the combination as you have described it basically is the worst of both worlds, so to speak. Someone might want to use Cannabis to sleep after a night of Crack smoking, though I think most people aren't going to enjoy using Cannabis simultaneously with the Crack.

If this were for the sole purpose of smuggling, I'm going to tell you right now that this is a terrible, highly suspicious means of going about it.
When I do my tabacco infusion for holiday, it is purely to have my products with me that can be consumed in an extremely discreet way in the form of a cigarette. I am fully aware of the wastage but better than nothing and cost is not an issue for me.
Everyone is different and just because some on here mixing crack and meth is a waste, I regularly cook 5:2:5 batch of crack using a 2 drops of vinella extract with the water ot a 5:2;1
5 coke
2 meth
5 2cb pills
5 coke
2 meth
1 Cali vape

Both cooks give me good buzz, my technique works a treat in binding, I smoke around 50g of weed a week now I am retired, seldom do I sniff coke. I like to sprimle crack in a joint sometimes too ad that works lovely for me, each to their own but mixing those for me works fine, the buzz when I do solo isn't anymore intense.
With reference to evading law enforcement, I am certainly not advocating anyone should copy me as the penalties are severe if caught. I break the law every day with possession, all I am doing is explaining how I transport my supplies on holiday which is certainty not my preferred way to consume due to wastage, no different than on another forum on here when a lady is describing how she takes her meth in a nasal spray on a plane,
I do waste a lot of drugs in different experiments., and it hurts when I fuck up and lose 5g cocaine because that last joint of premium shelf weed completely wastes me but I have fun and every now and then I come up with an absolute cracker and sometimes I am smoking something that has just knocked another 5 years off my life and given me minimal buzz in return!
I am always open to advice of drugs and their combinations positive and negative.
And if someone on here claims my consumption is wasteful, I will analyse their statement and experiment on their criticism of what I may be doing wrong & make notes then return to discuss on here.
90% of what you're putting in either does not vaporise in a cigarette or does not go into solution enough to infused tabacco, why not make proper tinctures? Seems very flawed, I don't believe you get the same 'buzz' from smoking one as you would just from eating the same quantity of meth.