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methamphetamine dosage?


Jan 16, 2000
what are the typical ranges for dosing meth? i am a young female, 115 lbs. how much would one need to snort? how much would one need when taken ORALLY? and how much should one smoke?
another question - is it best to smoke meth in a crack pipe, or will the foil method work just as well?

"I could not/Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither/Living nor dead, and I knew nothing" - T.S. Eliot, The Wasteland
I dont have an answer but I'd like to add to your questions.
How much is usually IVed. I usually smoke the stuff. The last time I IVed my body temp sunk so low I thought I was going to freeze to death. I'm guessing my bp was somewhere in the dangerously low range.
that's a question i have too, Freebase.
also...how would one prepare meth for injection? what solvent would one use?
"I could not/Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither/Living nor dead, and I knew nothing" - T.S. Eliot, The Wasteland
I just throwa dose on a spoon. Add about .5cc of water. Stir it up till it dissolves. Heat usually isn't needed and everything should dissolve. If somethineg wont dissolve, let it stay that way cause it's a cut of some sort. Filter tru some cotton and then slam. I hope to be doing this today actually.
Im curious as to how much less is need IV vs smoking? I have to smoke way to much now, cant afford it...
I've never measured out doses but this is what I guess: I never do insufflated doses but if I did it would be about 75mg. Smoked doses are about 50mg at a time. This might be a little excessive (maybe not though cuase I have no idea really). Also, I seem to chase the smoked doses even more than IV hits cause the high seems to last only minutes. The few IV hits that I've taken were about equal to smoked doses. I dont know if 50mg is accurate or not. That's what it looked like but eyeballing such a small dose is usually not a good thing. To me 50mg = 4 keybumps.
I hope to be doing this today actually.
My wish came true! I'll try to refrain from typing a 2000 word reply here.
Does anyone get ulcer-type things in their mouths when doin meth? That sounds a little gross but I know it's not completely unusual. Route of administration doesn't seem to influence this at all. It happens even if the stuff is IVed. Also, impurities dont seem to cause this cause more pure porduct seems to cause these things just as frequently as relatively impure stuff. Is there anything that can be done? I've heard vitamins work and mouth wash. I'm sitting here with a bottle of scope while I party.
Asking for Meth dosages is a very broad question. Whenever you're asking any sort of meth-related question, always be sure to include what quality you're talking about.
I'll give you MY preferred dosages, keep in mind I am a male, and my tolerance is a good bit higher than yours.
Crank (Low-Mid-grade meth):
Oral: .75Gram to 1gram
Nasal: .5gram to .75 gram
I don't ever IV or smoke Crank, as the quality is usually too poor. I don't really fuck with crank that often anyway.
HIGH Quality (Crystal). The crystal going around my area lately has been VERY high quality.
Nasal: 1/8 gram, wait an hour, one more 1/8.
Smoked: This is difficult for me to gauge. I usually just buy a quarter gram, and keep taking hits every half hour or so until it's gone. I'd say that 50mg is a good amount to start with (out of a pipe). That doesn't mean you have to smoke it all then, but it's a good starting dose to have in your pipe.
IV- First I always use 20 units of water. Here lately the crystal hass been very pure and everything has broken down perfectly. If
I add 20 units of water to 1/8gram of Crystal. I usually end up with 30-40 units after mixing.
As far as the ulcers in my mouth...It happened once, when I had been smoking Crystal all day. It was more of a chemical burn than ulcers though.
What prescriptions are fun?
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thankyou for all of the replies.
SL55 - you're right about the vagueness of my question. The stuff I have is high quality crystal, and I tried to give a general idea of my tolerance (normal) and weight/metabolism (low weight/high metabolism).
You mentioned snorting 125 mg??!? That seems like sooo much! I have normal sensitivity to stimulants so do you have any idea how much I would need? Also, with good quality crystal, how much should I take orally? And how many mg should I dissolve for injection?
A question for all of you who have tried various methods of administration - what route do you prefer? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each route, in your opinion?
"I could not/Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither/Living nor dead, and I knew nothing" - T.S. Eliot, The Wasteland
Smoking - kinda quick onset. High for about 15minutes.
Nasal - high drags on forever
Oral - takes a very high dose but you are high for a very very long time. It's not intense at all.
IV - kicks in in about 1 minute. High lasts for about 10minutes
I would prefer smoking and IV.
bump...come on guys, i know you have more to say!
"I could not/Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither/Living nor dead, and I knew nothing" - T.S. Eliot, The Wasteland