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Cocaine methedrone -when illegal


Apr 9, 2010
hi guys im new to the forum . the reason i signed up is because ive been wondering what peoples views are about the way methedrone & methylone will be after made a class B in just a few days

i would like to hear your views such as - what price is going to be paid , the purity that will be going about the street. i know that in different areas this will obv be different but and overall view i would like to hear

my personal fears for the drug is not so much about the price but the quality. i believe that it will go the same way that coke has went . yet again coke is different all the time but lets be honest its nothing to wat it used to be the same with pills . depends who you get it off i supose but i think in a wee while methedrone is going to be thought of wat it used to be like ( its not even that great tbh , does the job but)

let me hear your thoughts