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Motorolas - orange based


Apr 9, 2000
I don't know what I did wrong, but I took one of these at Audio last night and felt NOTHING. All my friends and I took them, starting with one half and then the other half about an hour later. We hadn't dropped for about two weeks. We all pre-loaded the same and didn't eat for about 6 hours before. They were all rolling balls about 20 minutes after the second half. And I still felt nothing. Luckily I had a really good time dancing and the lack of a roll didn't bother me all that much. After about 3 hours I finally got fed up and went searching. I didn't ask anyone straight out if they were selling cause that really bugs me when it's done to me, so I just talked about how I wasn't feeling anything around people loud enough for the right person to hear. Finally bought a white buddha (OH MY GOD!)...within about 15 minutes I was right there with all my friends. Did this happen to anyone else? Based on watching my friends I would recommend them, but just in case, know where some back up supply of stuff you know is.
not sure why you had a problem, but maybe because the 1/2 was just too weak an amount for you ?? You definately did yourself right with the Buddha !! HOW WAS AUDIOTISTIC ??