Mental Health O.C.D. and Gabapentin


Apr 29, 2018
Does anyone else find Gabapentin makes their O.C.D. significantly worse (especially at higher doses)?
Not all symptoms for me but part of mine is repeating sequences of words or phrases over and over and over in my head (it's super exhausting and time-consuming) and it gets VERY bad with Gaba.
Yes I have noticed this!

I'll literally be saying the same chain of words, very rapidly on a constant loop until I wanna scream. Like I sometimes kinda have to mouth the words, too, but with my mouth shut...just making the jaw movements kinda (I literally strained my left digastric muscle once...TFFN [Thank For For Naproxen]) and it can even interfere with swallowing, smoking, speaking etc :/
it s a late reply, but for what it s worth: gababentin and pregabalin both enhance my OCDs, however, for me personally, simply putting on music almost always turn my spirit up, and i then i kinda cruise thru the house and take care of cleaning and putting everything in order. for thoughts that are on a loop or that i cant change or such, it often, not as often tho, helps aswell when i turn on or switch music. gaba makes me actually dance around a bit more often than not, pushing really all the anxiety and stress aside, makes me almost enjoy those to-do list tasks.. i m prescribed on 1200, go up to 1800 sometimes when social events are happening, but i skip every 4th day. more euphoria comes back when i manage to no take any for a week or so, but WD sucks even when substituting.
I've randomly had bouts of this from certain temporary neurological conditions.

I do not have OCD, but after heavy alcohol + kratom abuse (mostly the kratom during the morning after alcohol) I will often experience the same phrase in my head repeated over and over and over to a dizzying and anxiety producing amount.

For example I'll watch a movie then start thinking "I love this movie, but I don't think I'd recommend it to the average person..."

then for the next 3 hours...

"I love this movie, but I don't think I'd recommend it to the average person..."
"I love this movie, but I don't think I'd recommend it..."
"I love this movie, but I don't think I'd recommend it to the average..."
"I love this movie, but I don't think I'd...
"I love this movie, but I don't think I'd recommend it.."
"I love this movie"
"I love this movie but I don't think..."
"I love this movie, but I don't think I'd recommend it to the average person..."

over and over and over in my head.... I always thought it was more on the psychosis side than OCD. Never talked to a shrink about it, though.
I have had an ocd type problem for decades, 40 years about. It involves repeating or saying mantras( that I was given by yogis or learned about) when I didn't want them. With me, I would get the bodily effect caused by the vibration of the sound, and I didn't like it. So I was thrown all over the place. No, I didn't want to settle on just one. Then, I realized I could do this with any sound, phrase, syllables, and I started doing it with people's names, especially if I got excited about some woman I wanted to get more close to...I'd " do" her name and it would intefere...anyhow, sounds like I'm fuckedup, but it has gotten better, now I'm becoming an old man, lol, I live with it, don't do peoples names anymore( knock on wood) and occasionally use a mantra willingly whose sound has a good effect. But the fear of doing a particular mantra can still happen. But I think I have confidence it will pass. To some degree, you can choose what you think.
I also have had other ocd things. I took high doses of ssris in the early 90's but nothing since mid 90's. I think psychedelics have helped
I don't know, maybe chemically Enhanced would benefit from doing a mantra! Or microdose mushrooms or a psychedelic daily.