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physical addiction to THC...?

Well..imo that is definately abusing the drug...I don't think you can abuse anything and not have consequences, ya know? *shrugs*
Stop trying to prove frizz wrong, it's obvious that what he has stated is true for HIM. I also happen to agree with him wholeheartedly, and I think that his advice makes sense. If someone is stating an experiance, then don't argue with it - what are you gonna do? Convince them that they felt differently?
Okay, we all know it is going to be different for everyone. I do get withdrawls personally. I get loss of appetite, extreme BOREDOM (because I rely on cannabis to make boring seem interesting), edgey and lots of energy, and sometimes confusion. The only physical type of pain I get on withdrawls would be minor chest pains, associated with anxiety. Friends also say I can be a bit of an annoying, edgey freak when I'm off pot ;)

Yes, Weed can definately have physical effects on withdrawl. People get headaches, sickness, nausea, and a whole bunch of things. I don't know if this constitutes it being "physically addictive" though, say like nicotine or heroin. But there is probably a fine line between physical and mental addiction. I think alot of pot withdrawls ARE mental though, such as anxiety which can lead to pain and nausea. And you do kinda put yourself in a position saying "this sucks.. let's get on" or "fuck we need weed" etc.. over and over, making yourself believe you need it more than you do. Which can lead to annoying depression and so on..
seems i'm quite on par with splatt.
loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, nervous annoying anxious energy that comes along with getting bored easily, and yes, the occasional bout of confusion where my mind gets all messed up for but a moment and then settles down again.

but it keeps going back to, are physical withdrawal symptoms necessarily a sign of physical dependance?
Splatt said:
extreme BOREDOM (because I rely on cannabis to make boring seem interesting)

This is the WORST part of it for me. I don't think there would be any cravings if I could find something else to fill up my time. I haven't smoked anything in a day (after 4-5 times a day for around 2months now...) and the only thing I'm feeling is bored, already! I don't know how I'm going to fill up these 8 more hours before I go to bed. (I can't sleep now, i already tried).
Ya gotta find soemthing to keep yaself busy with.. Try and remember "what you did" before you started smoking..