(Victoria) Purple Ferraris in Melb?

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Sep 7, 2010
I dont know if these are legit mdma as my contact says or bzp (they look gritty he says). I am yet to see them and / or buy them.

If anyone could shed light on this it would be helpful. I would prefer to save my cash if these are indeed another dirty disgusting bzp concoction.
@ psychonaut013

I wouldn't believe anything that your contact says.
As far as I can tell MDMA is non existent in Melbourne & Australia for that matter. Just look at Pill Reports. The confusion as to what is in a lot of the pills that are getting reported is astonishing.

I've been chasing, for months, in the North/North West Melb & so far Green Dolphins (told the usual shit like they're the bomb etc etc etc) were duds.

I got given a sampler yesterday, I refuse to pay any more, of a double stamp Yellow Stars (stamped both sides) & again, surprise, surprise total duds.
Thick pill, no taste, no smell, no effect.

It seems that nowadays these idiots can't even get RC's to press into pills & are pressing inert powders into pills.
Just concede defeat and don't worry about pills anymore. Especially when there's so much good acid & weed getting around.
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@ol timer

They are duds. No reaction and they fizz like berocca! All New Pills = Utter Rubbish!

Everyone... Stay far away from these!
@ psychonaut013

So happy that you didn't consume mate.
Hope you told this arsewipe where he can stick 'em.
@ ol timer

Mate, I cannot believe the MDMA drought Melbourne is having (for two years pretty much LOL). This guy who was going to sell me a large (ish) amount of these fakes, used to have Red Russians (the import) in around 2004/5. These were absolutely amazing. Smooth, shiny, scored, and the buzz was incredible. I was a massive fan. But the last 2 years, quality has been dropping, and it has come to the point where I am sure they are crushing Panadol into coloured shapes and selling it off as PURE MDMA!

Such a sad state of affairs this country is in. I think I need to visit Europe sooner than I planned.
Hey psyconaut013,

we need more information! No one can tell you anything with just a pill name/brand. As there are often many copies rolling around, and changes in batches. But more imporantly, many different circles call the same actually pill by different street names.

For example. A white pill with a simply emoticon smile logo. Might be called white smiles, white happy's, white faces. Or many other names or grey faces if the color is different between batches.

That is why we need the following information.

Pill Info Request Guidelines

The purpose of Pill Info Requests on Bluelight is to supplement information on Pillreports.com. There are basic requirements that must be adhered to which will ensure the most accurate information is provided within the thread. It should be noted that information supplied may not be 100% accurate as there can be numerous pills with the same logo circulating at any one time. These pills are often only distinguishable by minor structural differences or test results. That is why it’s vitally important to provide as much information as possible to reduce the chances of incorrect guidance being provided.

Any threads that only contain a name, colour and logo of a pill will be closed unless further information can be provided. When creating a thread it should be created with a State suffix (drop down box), a pill name and a location within the State (eg. Sydney).

Detailed below is the standard formatting for Pill Info Requests which allows the information to be easily read and will lead to more accurate information being provided by other Bluelight members.

Height: mm
Diameter: mm
Weight: mg
Reagent Tested:
Marquis Reagent Result:
Mandelin Reagent Result:

NB: The information contained in Bluelight Pill Info Requests should only be used as a guide and not considered as factual and accurate information of what your pill may contain. It's advisable to use a variety of research methods to obtain the necessary information. The use of Reagent Testers should also be employed to provide another indication of contents.

Now, my advice is to buy one pill. Buy one test kit (Reagent Testers). And go from there. Send me a PM with anyquestions. I will close this tread tomorrow if you haven't provided the information.

Closed PM me if you have info to add and I'll reopen this thread.
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