*Review* Friday 10-24-03 Louisville, KY Hushabye HELLHOUSE 1yr anniversary

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holler. what a night.

i <3 the 'ville.

i gotta say the highlight of the evening was gavin taking a picture w/ my stockings.... holy shit.

great to hang w/ the ville crew again. nice to meet the nightbreed fellas, glad you guys had such a good time.

see you all again weekend after next.


ps-- gary.... where the hell were ya?
Thanks Louisville...

Hey hushabye house,
Thank you guys so much much for inviting me and my boy Mike D. down for the party. We had an awesome time in Louisville. You guys really showed us some southern hospitality and we wanted to thank you again. It had been to long since I'd been to KY. All i have to say is that Hushabye House deffinately has the right idea.
Kelvin Hertz
Nightbreed Productions
nightbreed fellas-

just fyi, mike gave me a hawstyle demo and it was fine until track 8 and then it was all goofed up. i don't think it burned properly. might wanna check any others if you've got more to pass around.

i had fun, damon fucked it all up for me cause he wouldnt wait in the car with all that cop drama... (im just playin... you know you my boy damon... holla dude!) any ways while i was there i had fun and i hace to say that louisville is almost as good of a drunken electronic music scene as indy... who needs drugs in the scene when you can have ungodly amounts of beer and liquor!

well ill be seein ya

PS. Marea thanks again for they help... holla

PPS. Damn hushabye gets some extremely good lookin females out to party, do you keep them tied up and just bring them out for events or what?... let me have the secret for my parties up in indy.... and to those hot females... if you dress up well at a certain event in indy you will deffinantly be in line to win the sexiest costume contest, especially if i have a say. the ville fuckin rocks! and yaay beer!
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Marea and everyone I met - I had a great time on Friday. The music was top notch and the vibe (despite the cameo appearance from the Ville's finest) was really good. I'll definitely want to be there for your future events. My apologies if I came across to anyone as being a little 'out of it' that night. I'll be the first to tell you that I lived a sheltered childhood and have no social skills:\...add to that serious relationship-termination drama, and you know how it can be... Hope nobody thought I was being rude. I hope everyone else had a great time, I certainly did. To everyone at Hushabye - add me to whatever e/mailing list you have so I can keep up on what you've got going. thanks again for the good time...
love, M-
Pre-purge bump for reference.

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