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Student Cuts Off Penis and Tongue on Datura

The plant is a powerful and dangerous hallucinogen

::sigh:: dumbasses like these will continue to eat dangerous substances like datura as long as the media continues to call it a 'hallucinogen' instead of a 'deleriant' like theyre should. :\
i just go mildly insane and run around and vioulently hallucenate, i have read up on datura and it still cant be worse than my best cocktail of 20 hits of liquid silver crystal, 2 pills (didnt know the mg) of Amt, 8 ball of coke that i some how continued to bump out of all night, and right at as most of this shit was peaking smoke alot of dmt ...

[edit - im german, fucker!] brains with delusions and hallucenations, its just not a good base.

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oh jesus this poor bastard.

All good and well to laugh about it but that is a fucking heavy price to pay for stupidity.

/me shudders
i just go mildly insane and run around and vioulently hallucenate, i have read up on datura and it still cant be worse than my best cocktail of 20 hits of liquid silver crystal, 2 pills (didnt know the mg) of Amt, 8 ball of coke that i some how continued to bump out of all night, and right at as most of this shit was peaking smoke alot of dmt ...

And this makes you what? Um... cool? Hard core? Rich? Maybe...not so bright?

Shit like this is just what happens when your german... they are already fucked in the head, look at it this way musically they export rammstein (fuckin awsome) and they embrace and import david hasselhoff...not exactly some people who need to infesting there brains with delusions and hallucenations, its just not a good base.

No, silly, this happened because he consumed a near toxic dose of a plant that contains an anticholinergic drug in it. This drug caused a deleriant 'psychotic break.' This did not happen because he was white, black, orange, purple, or, God Forbid...German. ;)

On a lighter note, DvineJS, I LOVE your Avatar. It's awesome, and I want it, badly. I'm not even being sarcastic.
^^^I had that avatar over at overgrow.... or is it here? well, i guess ill find out when i post.. its pretty sweet tho

as for datura, im going to do it, it sounds like way to much fun for me too miss out on. dont even try to tell me not to, cause ill just want to do it even worse. some people cant handle there shit, ive never lost mine, (EXCEPT on alcohol, i'll admit that the devil's juice can and will fuck me up if i consume too much) but ive seen firsthand waay too many fucked up trips by people who cant handle it. i no longer give my homegrown shrooms to just anyone.....

if datura can make me loose my grip for a good for hours (or even a day or two) thats the exact effect im looking for. acid and shrooms are fun, but they just dont always offer the insanity i'm looking for.

and no, i wont cut off my penis.... i hope. 8(
Now that everyone's had a good laugh... I was just wondering... has anyone attempted to investigate the validity of this report?

I know that Datura is some nasty shit, but this news story has "Urban Legand" written all over it. Thats where I would place my bets.

(Now ya know where my 2-cents went. Hehehehehe.)

Happy Trails,

as for datura, im going to do it, it sounds like way to much fun for me too miss out on. -Dr. Mario

If you're serious about this...

Well, I'm not going to tell you not to do it, but I'll be glad when you're out of the gene pool. ;) Good luck with that.

BTW-great way to advertise your massive brain power. "Ooh, it makes you crazy, you don't remember it, and you might cut off your cock. Where do I sign up?"

Are you 15?

kidderf said:
here's what i say bout things being natural or un-natural....

everything is natural!!! lsd is a bunch of natural chemicals mixed together, everything comes from the earth

Not everything is natural, look at ICE, it's the man made substitute for shaboo. Come to think about it, nothing about this whole situation is natural, we don't exactly see animals running around trying to "score" now do we? Not that we are so basic as animals, oh no, we're much better running around doing self inflicted damage upon both our physical and mental bits.
Re: Natural

ButrosButros_Grantos said:
Not everything is natural, look at ICE, it's the man made substitute for shaboo. Come to think about it, nothing about this whole situation is natural, we don't exactly see animals running around trying to "score" now do we? Not that we are so basic as animals, oh no, we're much better running around doing self inflicted damage upon both our physical and mental bits.

we are what nature made us.
kidderf said:
everything is natural!!! lsd is a bunch of natural chemicals mixed together, everything comes from the earth

No, it's the other way around, the earth came from everything.

Vipe said:
I believe by "natural" they mean naturally occuring chemicals, as in they are made by Mother Nature (or insert deity of choice here.) I have yet to find a plant or animal that creates LSD... I've been looking, but to no avail ;)

Just because it's not on earth doesn't mean it doesn't exist somewhere out there. If the universe truly is infinite then everything you can imagine exists somewhere. It could be that somewhere right now there is a planet made of LSD surrounded by moons of MDMA. And that's just as natural as could be.

And to make this post more on-topic:

DAMN! Datura is fucked up!
Cut his penis AND tongue off??? DOUBLE DAMN!!

What a "poor dood".....
To the person who said ... " we don't see animals running around trying to score..."
It is quite well known that all mammals in the world take drugs of some kind. Not just humans. Whether it is eucalyptus oil to any other mind altering substance that occurs naturally. ALL mammals do drugs!
(watched a documentary on Discovery Channel)
Datura is not a recreational drug. I have used it several times in ritual settings with sober sitters. Under these conditions it is a carefully directed experience that the user remembers profoundly. It can be a very worthwhile experience within this context. As I (and most others) have said though...It has no recreational use.
En_warp said:
I haven't done dutura before but what interstests me is that it is natural.

deadly night shade is also natural, and deadly. in fact it is closely related to datura.

this certainly a sad story of what can happen when you do not take precations for your safety while consuming psychoactives
I once knew somone who claimed to have taken Datura and 'come to' in New Jersey having driven there from Ohio while in a delerious state. Does anyone know if this is something that could be done while on a Datura experience? I'd imagine that getting to NJ from OH is quite a complex thing to do while in a delerious state.
The key to a mind expanding experence is to have no worries, and a drug strong enough to get you there.

And just how is it mind expanding if you can't REMEMBER ANY OF IT ? It seems that's what Datura does to most people. Somehoe I fail to see this plant as a mind-expanding substance.
i had several friends who did this back in hawaii... it was kinda a big thing for a little while... but anyway, everyone i talked to said angel trumpet was awful, and one of my friends was actually in acoma for 3 weeks because of that stuff... hes still homeless and still trying to pay off the hospital bills to this day....not important to you people probably, but im not even sure if hes 18 yet...