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The Curtains are Rising a.k.a. I took the Red Pill (you want some of this shit..?)

let me just humor you for a sec.

if the straw man theory as the people on this thread are putting forth is through...then what?

How are you under control? specific examples. i am sure that there a many ways in which the government is attempting to manipulate us, but with my last name in caps???? i just don't buy it. i have a hard time believing the things written here because many of the fasts are just wrong.

please identify where exactly in the world one can find "TRULY sovereign individuals".

have you ever thought that your name might be listed in all caps so that it stands out?

what does it mean if i have two stamped copies of my birth certificate?

Scrooge, Huey, Luey, Duey??? that's a joke, right?

the six trillion dollars that the US is debt for is from the selling of 6 trillion dollars worth of bonds that are owned by foreigners, citizens, governments, banks, mutual funds etc. saving bonds are also part of this debt.

if you study economics you would know that the gross domestic product of the us is over 10 trillion dollars. gdp only accounts for new things for a given year. ergo, the total worth of the US, if we were to auction it all off, is well over 10 trillion.

the gold in fort knox and other depositories is placed on deposit by foreign countries in part for security purposes and convience. before wwii, a lot of countries shipped gold to the US because they were scared the Germans would take it and had it placed in fort knox or below the federal reserve bank of new york in manhattan for safe keeping. most countries left it there because there's really no reason to have it in your hands. gold has very, very little, if anything, to do with the value of a currency these days. if you recall your history, the US was taken off the gold standard some time ago. i cannot exchange my dollars for gold with the government though at one time i believe you could.

the money on loan to me for my mortage is on loan from you and a thousand other people. i deposit money in the bank along with millions of other people. the banks pays me a rate for letting them borrow my money. the bank pools that money and loans it out to others at higher rates. see "it's a wonderful life".

if you are so tired of the system i suggest you stop using your water, don't ever ask the police for help, don't call the fire department when you house is on fire, don't use any public roads, don't use any public transportation, repay the goverment for your free public education, don't turn on your tv, don't use your car, etc., etc., etc.

so if you believe the strawman theory, what's your plan? what are you going to do?
That's not the point, the point is: we were all involuntarily entered into a contract at birth. And some of the statutes of said contract infringe, upon my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, violating my Constitutional Rights that I received being born in the state of Xxxxxxxx(instead of federal region XX)... technically I think it could be possible to sue the Federal US under common law, for violating rights that can be reserved under UCC 1-207(that is if I had reserved your rights in a timely fashion). But, since I wasn't registered as being born in a federal region, I should have never been entered into "the contract."

Compelled performance, sounds like a dictatorship to me... anyone else?
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And some of the statutes of said contract infringe, upon my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness

ok, so what are these infringements. i personally don't buy the arguement of strawman, but hey, if someone can be specific, i'm all for listening.
some of the statutes of said contract infringe, upon my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness,

I'll second the request for clarification. In my last post, I listed a series of questions about how this supposed straw man conspiracy "controls" you. I did not get an answer. Until I do, I can't see the value of continuing this discussion.

i heard the virginia company which predated the U.S. is owned by the Monarchy in England and claimed all rights to this land and its resources and that it really owns the U.S. corporation so in essence we work for the british royal family. THis would make alot of sense actually as most U.S. presidents(90 percent) have been related to each other through a british bloodline.

we are the only things keeping the system going and if everybody jsut stopped it would topple down...but ssadly most people do need the system....at least right now........however that wont stop me from handing out red pills every chance i get.
who has the most British Royal blood out of the Dems?
I think it would be Clark but I'm not sure...
Well, I looked up my state statutes and I found another code under the UCC section 3-308, regulating the use of unauthorized signatures. I filed, under protest(UCC 1-207), that I had, in competence, never entered into any type of international commercial agreement regarding the benefitted use of Federal Reserve Notes, and that if I was in breach of any such agreement, that my signature be called for so that I can challenge the valid authorization for such use. Hopefully, by the end of the week, I'll have my new registry.

Rules to live by as a Constitutional Citizen:

1)Don't damage anyone or anybody's property

2)Don't infringe on the right's of another Citizen

3)Always refer to yourself as a Citizen, and not a citizen

4)Don't file your information with a two-letter abbreviation for your state

5)Reserve your rights in a formal and timely fashion when trading with Federal Reserve Notes; "without prejudice" or "under protest" will suffice

6)Be patient with executive enforcement officials, even if they try to charge you for a statutory violation, be calm and explain to him that you are not a statutory citizen

...and most importantly:

7)Secure your original birth certificate, make several certified copies, and put them somewhere safe

With a little research anybody can go about declaring independence from the Federal Reserve Act, and renounce your second citizenship, of course some may not want to.
The "straw man" is the likeness of your name(your name, residence, and phenotypic visage,etc.) has been entered into an international commercial agreement under the Federal Reserve Act. When you commit a statutory violation, you are breeching this agreement, and under Admiralty/Maritime Jurisdiction you are tried as a criminal. I have the Constitutional Right to do drugs, drive without a license, possess firearms without a license, operate whatever business I so choose without a license, so long as I have clarified my non-participating 3rd-party position in this agreement, and am exercising a benefit under protest. I'm not trying to get out of charges or anything, I just don't want to be subject to the privatization of America that would occur if the national debt were to outweigh the GNP, and the 12 international bankers foreclosed the State and Federal governments.
I'm not trying to get out of charges or anything, I just don't want to be subject to the privatization of America that would occur if the national debt were to outweigh the GNP, and the 12 international bankers foreclosed the State and Federal governments.

Exactly...this is much bigger then getting away from the IRS...

I am curious to hear about how your filing under the UCC 1-207 is going and if possible describing or scanning your new registry when you do obtain it. I have yet to convince myselft to take those steps and I am happy you are b/c I can learn a lot ;)

I wrote out three formal letters. One of them (the letter to the DMV) is as follows:

To Whom It May Concern:

It appears that there is an error in your registry, and the purpose of this letter is to amend said error, and have myself properly re-registered.

According to my birth certificate (certified copy attached), I was naturalized in the state of Ohio, to two parents who resided in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. For years I have unwittingly misfiled my information, listing my filed residence as the State of KY (a federal region), and not the Commonwealth of Kentucky (a constitutional state region). I was never notified of said error and thusly proceeded to list my residency as: KY, unaware as to the file problems that such an improper registry created.

Under protest (KRS 355.1-207), I seek to procure a Kentucky State ID, as a Citizen of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Obtaining a Kentucky State ID would greatly expedite any matters in legal, commercial, and private affairs, both foreign and domestic. A marking on the ID indicating my Sovereign Citizenship could easily remedy any misdealings or misfilings with executive enforcement officials and the commercial courts.

As a Citizen of the Constitutional United States, I reserve my rights and can only be tried under Common, Equity, and Maritime jurisdictions. Nowhere, in competence, did I authorize the use of my signature for the use in an international commercial agreement, and I will challenge the authorized validity of my signature for such use (KRS 355.3-30eight8).

Thank you for amending these errors, and if you have any questions I can be reached at... (undisclosed information; sorry guys, but I don't think that such information is necessary for the effect of this post).

But anyway this letter covers the bases of reservation of rights and the challenge of authorized signature on the Federal Reserve Agreement. One of the other letters is to the county court clerks office, under the intent to expunge my statutory record. And the third letter is to the IRS and social security offices, under the intent to receive the refund of all federal withholdings. The Kentucky Revised Statutes(KRS) codes are there to defend myself under their filings, even though I need not necessarily proclaim them because I am under another jurisdiction.

I realize that this sort of proclamation, withdraws me from all federal programs, including Social Security and Medicare. This may not be a good move for everyone, as some people are dependent upon such benefits. This is in fact quite a weighty decision.

But I can't figure out how the government thought that they could ascribe your personal signature to a legally binding agreement without your competent authorization. To me it seems that none of what's happened was necessarily legal in the first place, extending as far back as the 14th amendment, when the second citizenship was created. It seems that by ratifying the 14th amendment, congress had passed a law over the individual state Citizens, which is unconstitutional. And even in the 14th amendment we are still granted the right of due process. How can I be charged for a statutory violation under due process, when it was never made known to me the true nature of a statutory violation?

It seems to me that I have been intentionally kept incompetent.

Homework assignment: Research the Federal Reserve Act and the powers vested in the Federal Reserve Board.
I have the Constitutional Right to do drugs, drive without a license, possess firearms without a license, operate whatever business I so choose without a license, so long as I have clarified my non-participating 3rd-party position in this agreement, and am exercising a benefit under protest.

Ummm...first: where does the Constitution say you have a right to do drugs, drive without a license, possess fire arms without a license, etc.?

Second: A constitution is a social contract made by people who belong to a common society and set out terms they all agree to for that society. Everyone didn't have to sign it, it is enough that your elected representatives signed it (or your ancestors' elected representatives). What is your freedom, as a person who did not sign it and did not elect the person who signed it (because it was before your time)? The power to get a majority together to change whatever parts you don't like. The Constitution is completely amendable, repealable, etc. on a proper vote.

Third: Do you honestly think it is a GOOD THING that people should not need driver's licenses to drive, that no federal law should be enforceable (forcing states to all create a bunch of duplicative laws 50 times over to accomplish the same thing), etc.? Why? The reason businesses get licenses is to be accountable for fees. There are fees that need to be collected to make sure businesses operate safely and honestly. From compliance with workplace safety regulations, to health inspections (such as for restaurants), and for the collection of sales tax... What? You don't like sales tax? Do you prefer income tax? What? You don't want any tax? Hmmm... Let's see how your state (er... commonwealth) survives for a year without police, firemen, prison guards, public schools, etc...

Seriously, you people are completely wacko conspiracy nuts. Been doing meth much?

I looked it over. It looks like gibberish to me.

Look, you keep avoiding the important questions. You want to insist on your right to refuse the benefits of the government and thereby refuse to pay income taxes (as one example, maybe not the only one). But what kind of society would that leave us? Everyone would refuse to pay taxes and we'd have no military, no border patrol, no interstate highways, no environmental protection agency, no food and drug administration, no social security, etc.

You keep refusing to see that your taxes pay for stuff that you USE and that, regardless, is generally USEFUL and GOOD for society.

Yeah, I don't agree with everything that the federal government (or state governments, for that matter) spends tax money on. But I sure don't think it is ALL useless.

Describe, for me, what this country would be like if everyone perceived the "conspiracy" that you see happening, if that conspiracy was destroyed, if anyone could refuse to pay income taxes, license fees, etc.? Paint me a portrait of the paradise that would result, and how it results.

See, that link you provided focuses, for example, on whether the Framers of the Constitution INTENDED the federal government to have jurisdiction to implement a mandatory federal income tax. But the larger question -- which you keep ignoring -- is whether it would be BAD if the federal government had jurisdiction to implement a mandatory federal income tax. And that larger question is NEVER EVEN ADDRESSED in the link you provided.

I mean, is it pure selfishness on your part (and the part of the author to whom you linked)?? Just that if you make $35,000, you feel you'd rather keep $35,000 rather than lose $10,000 to federal income tax and only have $25,000 to spend? Is your anger all greed-based?

The federal government is only supposed to collect taxes from the state governments and federal citizens. That is how our government WAS set up. That system could work out fine, as the states could levy taxes on THEIR Citizens according to the needs of the government. In fact that sounds like a better idea, which makes me wonder: If it were that easy, why was it not done so?

I fail to see how smoking a joint is not an inalienable right; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. How can I be arrested for pursuing my happiness? I DON'T have a right to get high?!

Psychoblast, I fail to see how the above link reads as gibberish, it makes perfect sense to me. Can you deny the use of 'colored money' by the federal reserve bank? Do you deny that the Federal Reserve Bank and the Federal Reserve Board are private entities, contracted by our congress?

The Federal Reserve Board has the power vested in it to create any sort of commercial law, your rights are right out the window. What assurance do you have that they wouldn't persecute you, given the chance? Why should we subjugate ourselves to a handful of international bankers?

What if a new commercial plan WAS proposed? Due to the powers possessed by the board, they can regulate ALL commercial activities. It wouldn't be hard to imagine a 'brown coat' scenario, involving any new plan.

This is more than simple conspiracy theory, this is fact, and you are making the choice to not recognize it.

Government is not evil and I'm not an anarchist, but our government has crossed the lines that it set forth. It's like the 'Trail of Tears' all over again, we slowly lose what we had, bit-by-bit, and all through underhanded pretenses.

You so willingly accept what you've been taught, and so these two students lock horns,phish and psychoblast. The core question in this debate is: Have my constitutional rights been trespassed upon? The short-simple answer, which is not 100% un-true, is no. You unawaredly consented to this agreemtent and so you waived your rights, you never were aware of waiving your rights, but you did it in a legally binding fashion. The long answer is yes. Your signature was ascribed to the agreement in a period in which you were incompetent of the legal language and its customs. Your signature was ascribed the second you made your first trade using a federal reserve note, actually probably illegally before then even.

Frankly, the whole state of affairs concerning money disgusts me.

Whatever happened to laissez-faire capitalism? Seems funny we outlaw monopolies, but 12 foreign banks have a monopoly on our currency. We should contract hundreds of banks; the economy needs more balances and checks than our government, and yet it has but one: The Federal Reserve Board. It's quite simply ridiculous.

I find it very disconcerting that a moderator would sling mud, especially when it seems that there are only three people posting in this thread. I sense fear of change, some people are VERY dependent on their system. I'm not saying our amenities are bad, but they could be better, if our system was more efficient. If this still reads like gibberish it might help to take your head out of your @ss.

P.S. If I could hunt for food and drink from the stream I would gladly live without THIS society, but it has all been taken away.

P.P.S. another code for public benefit: 3-306 CLAIMS TO AN INSTRUMENT, you do have the right to rescind the ALL CAPS name itself so that you could obtain a(n) license/ID with your proper information.
I'm a lawyer and so I'm telling you the link was gibberish in my professional opinion. Gibberish, as I use it, meaning a useless and pointless twisting of legal issues and words to try to create some sense of anger and resentment in the reader towards some alleged injustice that you STILL cannot exactly put your finger on, you just 'sense' it is there. Hmm.. Did it work? We'll your angry, so I guess the guy knew what he was doing. Doesn't mean it is right.

The issue is NOT whether your Constitutional rights have been violated. The Constitution -- like any written legal documents -- is inherently ambiguous. Its ambiguities are resolved by a system of judges. Do away with the judges and you will not clarify the ambiguities, you will just leave chaos and contradiction. Anyway, because of the inherent ambiguities in the Constitution, there is no 100% accurate opinion of what you rights ARE under the Constitution. They are what the judges say they are. Period.

If you want to make SURE you have the right to something (guns, for example), you better spell it out in the Constitution. Like with an Amendment. You want the Constitutional right to smoke weed? Get a majority of the people to demand it and an amendment can be passed making it legal.

You still miss the distinction between what rights you THINK you have and what rights you think you SHOULD have. I'm all for chasing the latter. Chasing the former is shadow boxing. It is missing the big picture. It is not seeing the forest through the trees.

This country has officials elected by majority rule. Those officials, in turn, can vote the make or change any law by majority vote (sometime a supermajority vote). So our nation as it stands now gives people the power, through their vote, to make drugs legal, to abolish driver's licenses, income tax, gun licenses, and whatever other hairs you've got up your butt.

The only conspiracy depriving you have having these alleged "freedoms" or "rights" is the conspiracy of the majority that does NOT agree with you that these things should happen, so they don't demand politicians who will make these changes, so these changes are not made. And that's called democracy in action.

Yeah, money can buy advertising, which can make people have certain opinions on issues, and so rich people traditionally have an inherent political superiority through their ability to spend more to make people think like they do. Which is why so many weak-minded people are Republicans. Because all those rich Republican contributions have gone into a system of advertising that makes Democrats seem like suicidal wimps.

Look at the common conservative insult thrown about: "bleeding heart liberal." It's always said like a bad thing. Like it is OBVIOUS that it is a bad thing. But look at the phrase again. "Bleeding heart liberal." What do the words mean? Some one who cares about other people too much for their own good, or for the good of whoever they represent in office! Get it? The conservatives are trying to turn it into an insult to say a person, or policital party, CARES ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE TOO MUCH!!! Talk about Orwellian linguistic abuse!!

Republican redneck: "Oh, the last thing we want is a selfless person to lead us. Please, oh, please, give me the diamond watch-wearing, mercedes driving, armani suit wearing, ruthless bastard as my leader! I'm talking half Donald Trump, half Terminator. Or maybe that karate teache rfrom the Karate Kid. No, not Mr. Miyagi--he's got 'bleeding heart liberal' all over him. I mean the evil karate teacher. The one who tells his students, 'Mercy is for the weak. We do not train to be merciful here.' Yeah, that's what we need. After all, the leader of our nation is a reflection of ourselves and the last thing I want to be seen as is a tree-hugging, lovey-dovey, sensitive Alan Alda type."

Do you realize how disgusting and selfish and cruel that sort of approach is? Yet that is the approach about half of our nation takes!!! A nation that is supposedly founded on all these high and mighty ideals of peace and freedom and happiness. "Give us your tired, your hungy, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free....but no more dirty Mexicans, please."

Bunch of shortsighted hypocritical jerks living here.

The other day, my Mom said the problem with the Arab terrorists is they killed women and children, not just other soldiers, and that was despicable. And yesterday I saw that Arnold Schwarzenegger movie "Collateral Damage" where Arnold gets revenge for a terrorist who killed his wife and kid while trying to blow up another target, and Arnold is all high and mighty about how it was evil of the guy to not care about the innocent people the terrorist was killing in his political crusade.

Oh, by the way, do you know how many Iraqi women and children our American military killed as "collateral damage" in pursuit of OUR political crusade over there? Whoops!! Better not think about that too hard!!

Why don't you go read some white supremacist propaganda? I have a hunch it'll really appeal to you. Probably right up your alley. Because they use a lot of half-truths, clever phrasing, and blatant misrepresentations designed to give you a sense of righteous indignation against the non-white people in America. And you seem like the type who would be blind to the flaws in their statements, and it would give you another stupid ultra-rightwing cause to feed your paranoia.


p.s. I bet that author on that link is making some $$ off people who support his garbage. Hmmm.... Maybe that answers the question of "Gee, why would he say it if it wasn't true?"
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Why don't you go read some white supremacist propaganda? I have a hunch it'll really appeal to you. Probably right up your alley. Because they use a lot of half-truths, clever phrasing, and blatant misrepresentations designed to give you a sense of righteous indignation against the non-white people in America. And you seem like the type who would be blind to the flaws in their statements, and it would give you another stupid ultra-rightwing cause to feed your paranoia.

this is uncalled for and off-topic and you as mod should know this. "White supremecy"? please. what an ignorant post.

anyways psycho you are right that taxes do provide the US citizens with much needed benefits and that if everyone at once stopped paying the IRS chaos would ensue. that's common sense.
you have to look beyond TAXES as that is all you have been foucusing on in this discussion..............

I am OK with taxes.

I am NOT OK with: blanket surveillance, blacklists, arrests on the word of anonymous informants, the absence of due process through extralegal administrative detention procedures, military tribunals, incarceration, and deportation. This is not all, just off the top of my head....
in fact I take back my claim about being OK with taxes. What if I get a notice of deficiency for $65,000 for example...you have to pay it or you face consequences right?

basically I want Sovereignty. and if you really believe that we are sovereign then you have another thing coming

oh and since you are so sure that all the information I have presented has been "half-truths" and "blatant misrepresentations" why do you even continue to discuss this? I mean you obviously don't rely on what's posted here, why don't you research yourself and LOOK at the FACTS.

Historical Timeline of FACTS (as well as other key information regarding the CREATION of the United States)
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Psychoblast, step off the soapbox and take off the lawyer hat. ;)

There are way too many issues for me to discuss at one time, so I'll get back to this when my attention span is not shot to hell.

I don't get the link with white supremacy either.

I think phishie is making some valid observations here. I have had a chat with him about these specific issues and he's definitely done his homework.

More later.
Screw you both. I was writing the response to some one else, who wrote to me:

If this still reads like gibberish it might help to take your head out of your @ss.

Seems you missed that comment which, in turn, explains the "harshness" of my reply.

And still, no concrete problems have been identified. You desire "sovereignty," Phishe? Do you even know what the hell that means? Who do you know who has gotten a completely undeserved tax bill for $65,000? Who do you know who has been blacklisted or deprived of due process in the prosecution of criminal laws?

I mean, I can think of a few past instances, but I doubt they are the same as you. I'm pissed at the government violating the due process of people labelled "enemy combatants," for example. I'm pissed at the blacklisting of communists in the 50's. But you seem to act like this is happening every day, all around us. So, who do you know who has had any of this happen to them?

Like I said, shadow-boxing. I ask for concrete problems, I get vague, hypothetical shadow-fears.

The link is that it is another nutty conspiracy theory. The white supremacists, like the nuts who think we never went to the moon, who claim the earth is flat, or who claim that the white race must defend itself from a conspiracy to eradicate it, all have intelligent-sounding reports to defend their positions. But it is all fluff, no substance, if you read it carefully, critically.

For fuck's sake, your main issue is that your name is spelled in all capitals on your birth certificate. Who the hell cares??? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China??? You SAY the government uses some sort of legal trickery to translate the process of surname capitalization into a contract by US citizens to be responsible for massive government debt? (That's what it seemed like to me, though, you weren't exactly the picture of clarity in your statements.) Well, guess what? You ARE America. So am I. So is everyone else in America. No legal trickery is necessary to make you or me or any other American citizen equally responsible for the national debt it is inherent in the concept that we are members of this nation.

And if Americans somehow had the power to say, "Hey, wait! The government that has this huge national debt is an OPTIONAL government, and we can say we don't agree to be part of it, and so every American can opt-out of bearing any responsibility for the debts the federal government has run up!" What would happen then? The people (many Americans), other nations, companies, mutual funds, banks that LOANED this money to the federal government, if not repaid, will bear the burden. Is THAT fair? When you use the roads, the bridges, the dams, the laws, the courts, the military that that money paid for?

Your argument seems to me to be saying that it USED to be the law that unless you agreed to a contract, you could not be bound by it. But under the UCC, if you accept benefits from a contract you did not know existed, then you can be bound by it. And you argue against that. But did you ever consider as between you, the benefited party, and some third party who is out the money loaned to pay for the benefit, who is it FAIRER to impose the debt on?

You don't care about real problems, real issues, real unfairness. You prefer to wallow in a world of nutty, ethereal conspiracies. So I invite you to join other nutty conspiracy-paranoid groups while your at it. Like, for example, the white supremacists.
