Site Feedback Two suicide threads

abracadabra girl

Jan 9, 2011
Why are there two different suicide support threads? I'm guessing it's so that visitors to both forums can quickly find it. But it seems odd to divide and thus delay the necessary support. Would it be possible to combine them and sticky the thread in both forums?
Can you post links to each of them here please? It's hard for me to find stuff using the mobile version and seeing both threads should help me answer.
Thanks for bringing this up cadabra. I will see what everyones thoughts are on this.
We discussed this in depth when we split TDS into the Recovery Forums. I was all for leaving it in TDS because that is where people expected to find it and also because it potentially carries less stigma (I'm so down I am suicidal as opposed to thinking I am suicidal therefore I am mentally ill). I was overruled at the time but if we want to revisit it we could.
I think they serve two different functions, according to their placements. TDS is sort of the entry point to the Recovery Forums, where people are facing intense problems but don't necessarily have a recovery pathway yet. MH is more for people already on some kind of treatment plan, medication, etc. I know it's not always that cut and dry but mostly that is how I would delineate them based on their forum guidelines.

Which would mean that TDS suicide thread might contain more triggering content for people who are already in mental health recovery because the people in TDS, although just as wise, may not have any structured plan in their lives yet for getting better. It's sort of like "I'm suicidal because I'm addicted and out of control" vs. "I'm trying to get better but it's really damn hard and that's why I'm suicidal". MH is sort of the intermediate forum where people are trying to get better, and SL is where they hope they stay better. They are all safe spaces for different things.

Make sense?

FWIW, I would be open to merging the two, the problem is that placing it in TDS means people in MH and SL would have to go there into the trigger zone to post to it.
If there aren't clear links from one to the other then I am in favor of creating some to create visitation between them. But I agree that similar threads in both forums will likely produce the results that end up reaching and helping the most people in the long run.