Using Ritalin recreationally?


Oct 21, 1999
hey guys. i trust you folk so i thought i would pose a question to you all.
i am trying to steer clear of beans for a while so i have started considering using ritalin to stay awake with my friends while they party the night away. i have massive difficulties staying awake if not on my favorite drug and i become pretty cranky

has anyone used ritalin for this purpose?
if so, what was it like?
and furthermore, what types of danger am i posing for myself?
It's probably not something I should be encouraging, but I actually really enjoy "Ritto's" (We have a national habit in Australia of shortening words and adding an 'O'
). Because it's prescibed, it's a lot cleaner than any speed you can buy on the street.
I actually find it works a lot better than regular speed, but make sure you have gum/pacifier/whatever, or take some magnesium cos the chewing/jawgrinding factor is phenomenal.
Start with 2 or 3 and take more if you need it during the night.
Good to hear from you Rachel, tell me, did you sort things out with 9Finger?
i use ritalin pretty regularly and i think it's great. it's a great pick-me-up and because it's free, or costs next to nothing, it's the best deal. have fun and dance the nite away

thanks for letting me know i'm not totally nuts for thinking of trying that

Pillcat-- yes, 9finger and i have worked things out and we are still engaged. thanks for caring. *hugs* icq me sweetie! i don't know yours.
Wow...I was just about to post that same question. I'm trying Ritalin this weekend too, for the same reasons. Any suggestions on dosage?
I agree with Pillcat about it being cleaner than any street speed. Stuff makes you zing like hell while peaking and going to sleep is fairly easy.
Know how many mgs you're taking, 20-40mgs for first time should be plenty. The 20s are yellow or pink, the reds and blues are 5,10. (I only do 20s so not sure as color of others)
Smoke some dank with it, you'll go off.
It's prescribed for ADD, so imagine what it can do for sex
Ritalin is tons'a fun. Alas, it's a no-no fer me coz I'm done bein' a wigged out tweakhead... stickin to rolls and trip these days. (coz drained serotonin and fried grey matter is sooo much safer.. *wrygrin*) But ah well.
If you can manage to keep control of it, ritalin is a clean and lovely high. Relatively safe as far as speed goes too... I mean come on, doctors feed this stuff to second graders, so it's nothing harsh.
It doesn't make you shaky, still totally kills yer appetite, makes you talkative... Hmm, what else. If you're taking it recreationally you're probably not going to be taking the recommended dosage, so there's risk of dependance. In my opinion it's better to swallow than to snort it... Sure, up the nose makes a little goes a long way as far as potency, but it'll burn out mad quick and you won't get to enjoy ritalin's nifty 6-7 hour time release deal. Hope the 411 helps... have fun.
~*~ Ashke ~*~
Why take Ritalin when you can take Dexedrine?
(dextroamphetamine) Its more like speed, and its also used to treat Attention Deficit Disorder, as well as narcolepsy (sudden attacks of sleep).
Brock-- "It's prescribed for ADD, so imagine what it can do for sex"
would you care to elaborate to this innocent girl?
i have no idea what you are referring to....
Methyl-Head--- i do not have access to dexedrine. plus this would be my first time, um, using prescriptions improperly... i am taking it niceeeee and sloooow..

thanks for the tips everyone!!
Ahhh yes, my other favorite "loser drug" (first favorite being cough syrup)... tis alot of fun, get a nice speedy buzz, and amazing ability to concentrate.. with friends, we've noted that people talk and talk and talk (almost as much as people talk when they're on E) once they get a buzz going. dosage.. 30-40mg if you're eating the pill, 20-30 if you're gunna rail (snort) it. I've railed well over 100mg in a night, but that's not exactly suggested (after 360mg of dxm, 100+ mg of ritalin, and half a pot of coffee, my heart was attempting to leap out of my chest and choke me to death for abusing it so.)....
--devnull, user of 'loser' drugs and all around inebriate
Critics have told me I've ruined the lives of 50 million young people.
I can't be certain of this, since only about 10 million have ever come back to thank me.
- Dr. Timothy Leary
Devnull summed it up pretty good: "tis alot of fun, get a nice speedy buzz, and amazing ability to concentrate.."
That's fun in and of itself, mix with sex, heehee
yeah, i use ritalin ( + dexedrine) sometimes. it's a nice speedy feeling, but it fucks with my stomach. when i come down i feel sick for a couple hours...other than that it's pretty good, and relatively clean/cheep compared to other kinds of speed.
i think ritalin is lots of fun! normally, we crush up rhe pills and sniff it. it gives you the coked up feeling.... but you don't jones for it like you do with coke... have fun!