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Kratom Various binding affinities of mu antagonists in kratom


May 30, 2021
I have read on this site that kratom contains antagonists, what are the binding affinities to the mu receptor of these antagonists.
I don't think there's a lot of info out there on all the psychoactive components of kratom. While it has been used for a very long time in Asia, popular western use has only just caught on in recent decades.

I'd love to see this info though if someone has it
There is an article that goes pretty indepth in respect to the SAR of mitragynine and its analogs, and does include dissociation constant data i believe. I think i shared it in the NPD subforum at some point.

Not sure if its correct but I get the sense that many of the alkaloids, at least the opioidergic ones, are mostly on the gradient of lowish efficacy partial agonists. They don't seem to precipitate withdrawal and those so called antagonists are most likely very low efficacy agonist, meaning that they probably activate the opioid receptors somewhat. Aside from MOR partial agonism they probably slightly activate the DOR and KOR as well, depending on the alkaloid.

You have to think of receptor activation and occupation without activation (ie, antagonism) as a sort of spectrum rather than just agonist versus antagonism.