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Internet What mobile browser(s) do you use and maybe why...?


Moderator: H&R, TL
Staff member
Mar 18, 2018
I use Firefox on business shit, mostly Firefox beta on BL -emojies) but am gravitating to brave browser... it's light, quick (IMO) mostly ad free (on YouTube anyway).
What are you working with at the moment?
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I use the default crappy Samsung thing, as it seems a lot simpler and less buggy than the Chrome one my mobile automatically tries to default to.

FWIW I don't log in to anything of importance on the browser and don't do anything critical on my mobile with other apps either.
Opera - it has the smallest RAM footprint and since a lot of it is written in optimized assembly language, it's also very fast. It also adopts a few tricks adopted by Apple (in it's rules for iPhone apps) which basically means that any element not actually visible will be unallocated,

People may have noticed that Opera appeared on things like the Gameboy Advance & Nintendo DS - platforms with far fewer resources than a desktop or even a modern smartphone.

I don't know what, if any extra benefits other browsers bring to the table but I'm acutely aware that they seem to allocate a lot of resources and retain them. I don't KNOW but I presume that they take all of the resources that they potentially might need and hold onto them. This IS how MOST PC apps are written and it's simply bloatware. If the price or RAM suddenly went up by a factor of 10, a desirable feature of ANY application would be that it shares resources instead of just grabbing everything.

Lastly, since only 3% of users use Opera, it's unlikely that malware would ever target it*

*Of course, ARM patented 'Chameleon Code' which uses some algorithm (possibly based on the CPU ID) to produce unique code for every single copy of software using it. Logically it does the same things BUT since the 80x64 CPUs are orthogonal and RISC-like, it means ANY of the 16 x 64-bit registers can be used in every instruction. I have to admit that the trick would struggle to be implemented on the older, 32-bit CPUs since they have half as many registers and certain instructions can only be used with certain registers.
Opera - it has the smallest RAM footprint and since a lot of it is written in optimized assembly language, it's also very fast. It also adopts a few tricks adopted by Apple (in it's rules for iPhone apps) which basically means that any element not actually visible will be unallocated,

People may have noticed that Opera appeared on things like the Gameboy Advance & Nintendo DS - platforms with far fewer resources than a desktop or even a modern smartphone.

I don't know what, if any extra benefits other browsers bring to the table but I'm acutely aware that they seem to allocate a lot of resources and retain them. I don't KNOW but I presume that they take all of the resources that they potentially might need and hold onto them. This IS how MOST PC apps are written and it's simply bloatware. If the price or RAM suddenly went up by a factor of 10, a desirable feature of ANY application would be that it shares resources instead of just grabbing everything.

Lastly, since only 3% of users use Opera, it's unlikely that malware would ever target it*

*Of course, ARM patented 'Chameleon Code' which uses some algorithm (possibly based on the CPU ID) to produce unique code for every single copy of software using it. Logically it does the same things BUT since the 80x64 CPUs are orthogonal and RISC-like, it means ANY of the 16 x 64-bit registers can be used in every instruction. I have to admit that the trick would struggle to be implemented on the older, 32-bit CPUs since they have half as many registers and certain instructions can only be used with certain registers.
Very well said! I use Opera (strictly on the advice of a buddy) but it's clear to me now through you're assessment why I was recommended to use Opera. Which version of Opera do you use? Would you recommend any certain version for a mobile platform? Thanks for the info btw much appreciated!
Their is a specific Opera for mobile devices. I have only played with it for 5 minutes but it did all I asked of it, didn't cause the device to slow down and was very fast - I think the version for mobile devices is100% assembly language.
yeah brave browser crashes fairly often but getting better i think.
maybe i try opera if it has privacy settings.
i'm pretty sure opera mobile is written in c++ or java depending on platform - ios or android.

Well it fitted into the Gameboy Advance - a handheld console with a 16.72MHz CPU. No OS here, boss. Oh, and just 32K of RAM (although 96K of video-RAM most of which COULD be used in an emergency but would require 'hitting-the-metal' very hard, which java can't do and C++ does most inefficiently via allocation. How FAST would so little RAM fragment if you are allocating and deallocating?
Safari as it’s more convenient for me being on iPhone
Chrome beta because I got into the TestFlight beta group
Edge as it syncs to my Windows 11 laptop
How FAST would so little RAM fragment if you are allocating and deallocating?
RAM does not "fragment" as we think of hard drives and such. It is either used, stored for future endeavors or trashed.
Impressive that you got a browser to work on such low level hardware. What browser was it?
RAM does not "fragment" as we think of hard drives and such. It is either used, stored for future endeavors or trashed.
Impressive that you got a browser to work on such low level hardware. What browser was it?

NO but C++ works by allocating and deallocating blocks of memory. Since the GBA has no MMU the 'free RAM' will rapidly become tiny fragments that are practically useless.
HENCE my specifying that Opera Mobile was written largely in assembly language. BECAUSE one doesn't allocate RAM for a specific task. The same piece of RAM may serve dozens of different uses within a single refresh of said browser.
I use Mull, because Firefox send a fuckload of metadata on websites you visit to google, and it's a debloated open source firefox.

I don't use chrome, because I've got to fuck about with the settings to disable TLS & DNS stuff to make it compatible with my VPN, because I don't want to support googles monopoly, and because I degoogled my phone for a very good reason.