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Kratom Whats your daily kratom dosage?


Mar 22, 2006
5g is my standard dose, more is too stimulating.
22 grams per day in 5 doses. The 3 is with my coffee. The 7 is to sleep. Sometimes I eliminate one of the 4 gram doses to bring it down to 18.


That's the only drug I do except once in a while I will smoke half a doobie.
My doses are generally 6-15g, about 20-60g per day total

it goes up and down, sometimes my use spikes when I'm stressed or trying to quit drinking, then I try to work back down to about 15-20g/day

It also depends a lot on which strain I'm using. Some I can eat ounces at a time without getting bad side effects, other strains if I eat more than 10g I start to feel dizzy and have tremors. The strains are so varied.

Currently I'm at about 30g/day red meang da